New godfather
The day had dawned beautiful, but this time I was awakened by the beautiful sound of birdsong. I opened the window and saw them flying carefree around the garden while singing.
I laughed when I saw this, I loved these little details and they always changed my day. My state of mind was excellent. The first reason was that my friend was happily married to a man worthy of that privilege.
The second reason is that maybe the various cocktails and cachaça I had yesterday are still helping to keep my mood light. The third reason is that I had made out with Fernando's hot cousin and it had been good.
Especially the part where I walked away, refusing to get involved with a man of your ilk. I dressed in something cooler and more casual, I intended to go for a walk. He liked to take a walk in the morning, it was the only exercise he wasn't too lazy to do.
I went downstairs excitedly, trying to whistle in time with the birds, and of course it wasn't good. Vidia passed me in the hallway on her way to the dining room where we always had our breakfast.
"Are you excited?" Vidia asked looking at me with a sly smile.
"Of course, why shouldn't I be?" I ask without understanding her reaction.
"Was it anyone in particular that put you in such a good mood?" Vidia asks again maliciously.
"I don't get you, did you get so drunk last night that you're still drunk now?" I ask wryly and Vidia smacks me on the arm.
"You're going to stay there pretending until what time?" Serious question, and I stare at her confused. "I saw you and Mr. Savaio sneaking out of the party". Vidia clarifies. "Why are you with that strange face?"
"Why do you ask me and Mr. Savaio strange questions, really? Is that what you call your fiancé's cousin?" I laugh, making fun of your manners.
"I want to know if you will continue in that good mood when you enter the room". Vidia says seriously, looking at the door of the room.
"Why do you say this?" I ask, getting serious too.
"Because Filipe ..." she emphasizes the name. "He asked to participate in the entire wedding agenda". She speaks making me open my mouth. "And asked to be the main best man."
Vidia speaks and my body freezes. I was the main sponsor, so Filipe couldn't be the main sponsor. Why would that mean...
"You denied it, right?" I ask, taking her by the arms and shaking her a little. "You said you didn't need more godparents and that one more would just get in the way".
Vidia was holding a box and almost dropped it after I shook her. She looked at me in astonishment, not noticing my impatience.
"Of course not, he's Fernando's cousin and he gave us his blessing, the least we could do was let him be the main godfather. In fact, everyone loved the idea. I mean, everyone but you". Vidia looks at me and laughs at my despair. "What happened yesterday? Was it so horrible for you to be so desperate?"
I kept looking at Vidia and then at that door, which now looked like a door to hell. Like Vidia, I didn't understand the feeling that made me want to stay as far away from Filipe as possible.
But I was rarely fooled, and I didn't want to take the risk of ignoring my subconscious. Filipe was certainly a danger. He was related to my best friend's husband, he was a scoundrel and a very good kisser.
It wasn't so much about beauty, but the aura that exuded, it was pure sensuality. A complete bad boy, all he needed was a warning sign.
"Nothing, nothing happened". I answer Vídia, let go of her and fix my hair, while I try to disguise myself.
"Your appearance won't change because you're pulling your hair up." Vidia says pointing at me. "Actually, her face is even more exposed like that." Vidia says wryly, winking and walking into the dining room.
I took a deep breath and controlled myself. There was no reason to be in such agony. This was just another man I'd kissed a few times and it wasn't going to go anywhere. Filipe was an adult and with faith he would be polite enough to pretend that nothing had happened.
After having calmed and consoled myself with these words, I entered the room. Everyone turned their attention to me as soon as I walked in, which was their custom, but this time a pair of eyes made me uncomfortable.
I tried not to let myself down and I went as far away from Filipe as possible. I got it and sat down, causing everyone to return to their previous tasks.
I started to eat a roll and when I looked up I saw that Filipe was looking at me. I arched an eyebrow, not understanding why Filipe wasn't bothered to even pretend to be a discreet person.
Filipe gave me a small, sideways smile that almost made me dizzy and I looked away. I ate three rolls, a slice of papaya and a cup of coffee. Everyone was talking excitedly about the first dance class we were going to have.
I was excited too, I loved dancing but I always made it clear that I only had love and no talent. I got up as soon as I finished eating and walked towards Vidia. I greeted Fernando with just a nod and kissed Vidia on the cheek.
"Where are you going?" Vidia asked confused.
"I'm going for a walk, I'll be right back." I head for the door, ignoring Philip's gaze on me.
"Does that mean in an hour?" Vidia asks, already desperate about the calendar.
"It means I won't be late for class." I answer without turning around, just answering so Vidia doesn't keep calling like crazy.
I leave the house and start running. I run just a little and I stop short of breath. My lungs don't work very well with running so I just walk fast as usual. The place was beautiful, it was really calm.
I entered a trail that was surrounded by beautiful trees and plants. The light entered softly through the leaves of the trees, further embellishing the environment. I was feeling immense peace, until I heard a scream. The scream was loud, indicating it was a man.
I shrunk my body, automatically protecting myself. I started to look around, but there was no sign of anyone around. It was then that I heard the scream again, this time louder and I could tell which way it had come from.
I took out my cell phone to call Vidia for help, but there was no area. I had to make a decision, walk away and ignore the plea for help or risk getting screwed with this man. And it's pretty obvious which one I would choose.