The event
I started walking toward that scream, knowing I would regret it if I didn't help someone else. If I knew I was at risk of dying trying to help a stranger?
Of course I knew. But I always liked to imagine that someone would do the same as me if someone I loved went through the same situation.
I continued, careful not to make any noise, and the screams got closer. Until I found a very small type of house and in an open area. Right in front of that house there was a man breaking the fingers of another man, who was trapped in a chair. I had to put my hand over my mouth to not scream when witnessing that scene.
The man looked like a machine without feelings, performing some kind of job. The freak was twice my size and if the man thrown to the ground hadn't managed to get away, then imagine me.
I was trying to come up with a plan, but the man's screams and that scene was messing with my head. So I decided to follow a stupid plan, I would jump on the man's back and the rest would be in the service of God.
I kept going over that plan and the more I heard the screams, the more I was sure that plan would work. So when I was about to step out from behind those bushes and jump on that crazy guy's back, a hand stopped me from going on.
I looked back and jumped in fright. Filipe looked at me with a reproachful look, as if I were invading a forbidden place.
"What are you doing here?" Filipe asks in a loud voice.
Automatically I walk towards him and put my hand on his mouth, preventing him from talking further. But it was too late, both the madman and the man who was being tortured were looking at the two of us.
Everyone is paralyzed, just an exchange of looks that seemed endless. Then I feel Filipe take my hand and remove it from his mouth, but he holds my hand tightly.
"Let's go". Filipe says sounding stressed and pulling me along.
"But…" I try to pull my hand away, but I can't. So I stop walking and Filipe looks at me again.
I point to situation that didn't seem to have affected or surprised him. I look at everything strange the attitude of the three. The torturer looked at us confused, but he hadn't taken a step towards us. The one being tortured was looking fearfully at both men present.
"Let's go". Filipe speaks rudely again and this time I let him guide me.
Filipe walks quickly, making it difficult for me who was almost running to not fall. Filipe was much taller and walked much faster, while I was short and a bit sedentary.
I didn't dare ask questions about what I had just seen, as Philip was taking me as if I had committed a grave sin.
Finally we get home again and Filipe takes me to the exact same place as yesterday. Only different this time Filipe puts me inside the office and leaves. I was out of breath and my lungs felt like they were giving up on life.
I didn't know if the shortness of breath was from the fast walk or if I was feeling sick from the scene I had seen. I saw a bottle of water there, I grabbed a glass that was supposed to hold whiskey and filled it with water.
I took all the contents quickly and dropped some, I also choked. I put the glass in place and sat down on the couch. Lowering my head and having no idea what to do.
Soon I hear the door opening and I see Fernando entering the room. I was already on my feet and breathing with less difficulty. Soon I see Vidia enter and then Filipe. They all stare at me, Fernando and Filipe seriously and Vídia with concern.
"We're here to explain to you what you saw." Fernando clarifies.
Filipe had already sat down in the chair that was behind the office desk, the place that should have been Fernando's.
"That's not what you think, just forget it." That's just what Fernando said.
I kept waiting for the rest of the explanation that Fernando said he would explain, but he doesn't say anything. That was the explanation and it made no sense.
"But I saw a man and the other was..." I start to speak trying to explain, but not being able to control the adrenaline that was on heights.
"Just forget what you saw." Filipe speaks, with the same semblance of seriousness.
"Giulia". Vidia sits beside me, expressing concern. "Do you remember when we found out that the neighbor's son was stealing and we decided to keep quiet?" she asks and I nod, confused. "It's the same situation."
I look at her blankly, but what explanations were those?
"We didn't tell the woman because we were afraid she would die." I speak a little louder. "Unless there's a lady in poor health in that situation, I don't know what the fuck that looks like."
I spoke loudly, now stressed by seeing them act like that.
"Lia, this is not the time to be doing this." Vidia speaks with a voice full of concern, looking at Filipe.
"What do you mean this isn't the time for this? That man was... The hands and fingers... The other one was..." I spoke already feeling the air leaving my lungs.
"Calm down Giulia". Vidia speaks worriedly running towards me. "Fernando ask them to bring tranquilizers, otherwise she'll end up in the emergency room".
"Why are you so fine?" I ask, staring at Vidia, not knowing her.
"Why..." Vidia looks towards Fernando and he shakes his head, as if he knew what Vidia was thinking. "They are mobsters". Vidia speaks a little louder and quickly, as if she's saying a cursed word.
I stare at her with wide eyes, looking at Fernando who was shaking his head and Filipe who was wearing the same expression.
"This has to be a joke." I talk to myself, sitting on the arm of the chair.
I look at Vidia as if she has lost her mind and look out the window. I remembered last night's event and I turn to face Filipe, he seemed to have guessed my thoughts and had a smile on one side.
"Impossible". I speak while watching him.