Chapter 3 *The Truth of the Matter.*

Laura's POV

I woke up still feeling tired, I looked at my watch surprised when I discovered that I had slept well into the afternoon. It was 2pm. I got up and went into the bathroom; I decided it was best to take a shower and get myself in order.

The hot water took a long time to sink into my sore muscles and cut through my depressive fatigue. Once I was done getting back to my old self a little anyway, I went to the kitchen area and found coffee to make, and some small sample size cereals; thanking god for the small carton of milk in the little mini fridge.

I turned on the television to catch up on some news and weather, I mostly just drank my coffee and ate the cereal not paying too much attention to the screen. I guess I just needed some noise so I didn’t have to think too much while eating breakfast.

I knew that time was running out and I will have to make a few phone calls, especially to my mother. I am uncertain if anyone knew other than myself, Devin, and my brother. At that thought tears formed in my eyes again and something knew was in my heart, Anger.

I decided to walk out to my car and get my appointment book and coat. I looked at my cell phone in the corner of the room and decided to leave it there for now. Maybe later I will check it for messages or calls.

I opened my car looking at the passenger seat where my book is and next to it was the red rose that was waiting for me yesterday when I got out of work. It was wilted now kind of like me, I grabbed it and tossed it out of the car and into the parking lot.

On my way back from my car, I noticed that further down on the balcony there was a man leaning on the railing watching me, Oh, great just what I need a creeper. I wanted to get a better look at him but decided against it, didn’t want to encourage his crazy.

I quickly got to my room and locked the door behind me, I didn’t see him move or anything but I certainly felt his eyes on me all the way back to my room. I felt tingles throughout my body and I was disgusted with myself.

I will never give my heart, body, or trust to another, never ever again.

Aiden Jenson’s POV

I watched her as she went to her car, I have been watching her ever since I met her at that hospital. She caught my attention as soon as she walked in the room, it was confirmed when my wolf let out a howl and said the one word I never thought I would hear, Mate!

I also noticed the engagement ring on her finger, just before I was about to pull her to me and declare her as mine. At first I was enraged, how could she knowing that her true mate was out there waiting for her.

I was about to confront her when her scent hit me, it was a combination of cinnamon and citrus, it was also very human. My mate was a human, it didn’t matter to me but it sure made things complicated.

I backed off and decided to investigate her situation. See what her life was like and who the lucky bastard was that gave her that ring, perhaps lucky wasn’t the right word. I am not giving up so easily as to let another male infringe on what is mind.

She took something out of her car and then began to return to her room, that was when she noticed me watching her, crap I got lost in thought and wasn’t paying attention. Shit! She noticed me right away, and I could tell by the look on her face that I didn’t make a good first impression.

***“Well done idiot, I thought we were going to remain in the shadows and watch. Now our mate thinks we are some sort of creeper.”

“Oh, shut it Ares, don’t remember asking you for your opinion.”

“I live inside you moron, you get my opinion regardless of your wishes. We should have just claimed her when we met her.”

“You know damn well Ares, that that way would have been a disaster.”

“Fine, I guess we go back to our room and I will be more careful from now on, she is hurting really bad right now, she is vulnerable but approaching her right now would not be a good idea, she will reject us faster than an old lady calling out bingo.”

“I agree Aiden, besides there is another bacon cheese burger still in the bag, with my name on it. It was a really rotten thing that her fiancé and brother have done to her. That kind of betrayal is going to leave scars. I would love to have a few moments to run them down, and bite them both squarely in the ass.”

“Yes, I know Ares and I would love to let you do it too, but right now we keep watching and we keep her safe, till she can get though the rough spots and heal.”***

Laura’s POV

I sat on my bed staring at my phone, I know it was time to talk at least to my mother, I have no idea what she is going to say. I need someone on my side, I just don’t know if there will be anyone in my corner.

I reached out to my phone picking it up as if it was a snake about to strike at me, once I had my mom’s number up and ready to call; I just stared at it some more thinking perhaps I should send a text. I did notice that there had to be at least a hundred messages and missed calls on my phone. I wasn’t interested in listening to any of them.

Finally, I took a deep breath and hit send. It wasn’t even done with the first ring and my Mother had picked it up.


“I am here mom.”

“Where are you, why didn’t you come home?”

“I think that by now mother you know what has happened, and that there will never be a wedding, ever.”

She went silent for a little bit and what she said next hurt me to the core.

“You need to come home honey and forgive your brother. Devin says that he is sorry, he still wants to marry you.”*

I hung up the phone unable to even speak. Was she on crack? What the hell? I had hoped that at least my own mother would take my side and offer me some comfort. My phone kept going off, I let it ring till the my mail box picked it up.

Suddenly a rage filled my soul, I picked up my phone and called her back. She answered the phone, with almost a whisper.

*“Hello Honey, I know what you must be feeling right now but if you just come over here and give things a chance, it will make it better.”

“Seriously Mother, are you on some new medication that has messed up your brain? How could you ask that of me after knowing what they did to me? There is no way that you have even the smallest clue as to how I feel, otherwise you would not have asked that of me.”

“Honey, please listen to me.”

“Umm, I think I have listened to enough to be honest. Be careful of the next words you wish to say to me, I will have no trouble smashing my phone to pieces and leaving forever.”

“What is the problem Laura, is it because your brother is gay?”

“You chose your words poorly mother, I already suspected that Adam was gay. My problem is not that he is gay, I am perfectly fine with that, my problem is that he is sleeping with my fiancé on the night before our wedding. How long has this been going on?”*

There was nothing but silence on the other side of the line, it dawned on me then. She knew that this was going on, she was going to let me marry Devin anyway.

“You knew about this, didn’t you? How long has it been going on? I thought that you love me Mother but I guess I was wrong about a lot of things, wasn’t I.”

Before my mother could answer Adam had taken her phone…

*“Laura, please you have to understand, we didn’t mean to hurt you.”

“Really, what did you think would happen, sooner or later I would have known. Why didn’t you two just tell me? Instead you came up with an elaborate plan to deceive me? Why Adam? I thought I could always trust you.”

“It isn’t that simple Laura, Devin and I have been in love since the first time we met. However, Devin’s father would not allow such a union. His father put a stipulation into his will; that Devin would only inherit everything if he were to marry his father’s choice in a wife. His father chose you.”

“Who came up with the plan Adam?”

There was silence and I knew the answer, but I hoped that I was wrong.

“It was me Laura.”

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