Chapter 2
Cadella’s POV
“Isn’t he so handsome?”
“I wonder what he’s teaching this year.”
“I heard history.”
“How old do you think he is? He looks so young.”
Questions and desired filled wishes circled around me as I forced myself between bodies. My curiosity had made me miss that this crowd was only girls. That fact alone should have told me what was going on.
School was my priority. It always has been. A handsome new professor was the least of my worries. I’d leave the fawning to the others that were gathered around the new history professor.
I dragged my heavy suitcase up over the stone steps when I felt the hair on the back of my neck stood on end. A heavy feeling of someone watching me settled over me like a slimy second skin that I couldn’t shed.
My head jerked up and I quickly searched the crowded courtyard. People were huddled together talking in small groups. The large group of females was starting to dissipate as the new professor had wandered off. No one was even looking in my direction. Shaking my head I focused back on dragging my bag up the stairs.
The cool indoor air washed over me, making me sigh in relief as I wandered down the hallway. I had worried that I would have to climb a million stairs to my dorm, but I lucked out and was on the bottom floor.
I got to my door and pulled out my key. I had just inserted it when the door flung open revealing a girl with curly blonde hair that fanned out around her face. Her eyes widened as she turned to enter the hall, almost bumping into me.
“Oh, I’m sorry! I wasn’t even paying attention.” She said as she pulled out an ear bud from her ear. ”I’m Regina.” She smiled as she stepped back out of the doorway to let me pass. “I was just getting ready to explore the town outside of the campus. Do you want to join me?” She rambled before I could introduce myself.
“Hi, I’m Cadella and I would but I need to unpack.” I gestured to the bags on my bed and the suitcase at my feet.
“Oh, well I can help you with that. I’d love the company and the chance to get to know you before school starts on Monday.” She grinned and shut the door.
I nodded, knowing she would be too pushy to accept no as an answer.
“What are you studying?” She asked as she unzipped a bag and started pulled out this semester's books.
“Ohh, a history student! How exciting, I’m studying history too!” She giggled as she started putting my books and school supplies on the empty bookshelf above my desk.
“Really?” I asked, an eyebrow raised.
“Yes. What are the chances, right? But hey, that just means we’ll have some classes together and be able to study together. Kind of perfect, dontcha think?” She grinned at me over her shoulder as she stacked the last of the books.
“Yea, I suppose it is.” I couldn’t help but smile at her as I grabbed my next bag and kept putting away my clothes.
Her excitement and happiness were contagious and energizing me. We worked quickly, putting away the last few things before she turned to me with a huge grin.
“Well, that’s everything! Let’s get going so we can be back before dark. I don’t know about you, but I’m going to be looking forward to sleeping after all this excitement.” She said as she literally bounced to the door.
I could only watch her go, her pink pleated skirt and curls bouncing with each step. There was no way I could keep up with her without some coffee-that would have to be our first stop.
“I’ve been looking forward to exploring the town all day. The historic district still features some of the original stone buildings and roads.” Regina rambled.
We were just now starting to enter the historic district, where the streets started to narrow and turned from pavement to brick. The sounds of cars faded as the chatter of voices grew. Buildings started to crowd each other each with different colored awnings creating a unique rainbow as we passed under them.
The smell of yeasty bread and coffee hit my face and made me turn towards the bakery we were about to pass. I grabbed Regina’s arm as I walked by her, pulling her into the cafe with me.
“I’m sorry. I need caffeine.” I muttered as I pulled her into line with me.
“Oh, look, they have brownies.” Regina stood on her toes trying to get a better look.
“I’ll buy you one.” I said as we stepped forward.
“Hi, what can I get you?” The pretty brunette behind the counter asked.
“Uh, two brownies and a large iced coffee with cream and sugar.” I smiled at her.
“Of course, and the name?”
“Cadella.” I smiled and handed her a twenty-dollar bill.
She smiled and handed me my change. I left a tip in the jar on the counter as the brunette bent and gathered our brownies from the case below the register. She wrapped them in brown paper and handed them over with my coffee that someone had set beside her.
I smiled and moved to the side and took a deep pull of coffee in through the straw. I couldn’t stop the groan that rushed up my throat as the sweet of the cream and sugar mixed with the bitter coffee. The sound made Regina turn and face me with a grin as she unwrapped her brownie.
“Good, huh?” I nodded at her as I took another big drink.
We left the cool bakery and continued down the street. The scents of burgers and fries mixed with flowers from the flower shop we passed. The chatter wasn’t as bad as the campus was, but it was enough to fill the background.
“Look, Cadella, an antique shop!” Regina said as she stuffed the brown paper into her bag and pulled me to the other side of the street.
I barely had enough time to make sure we wouldn’t be run over before she was dragging me into the road and towards a shop with a vintage styled welcome sign. She didn’t even stop to look in the window, just opened the door and went inside.
Not that I minded, I loved antique shops.
We walked through the narrow aisles lined with tables filled with different knick knacks that the owner had gathered. The ticking of a grandfather clock made a soothing atmosphere that mixed with the creaking of hinges and floorboards as other shoppers moved around and investigated items. Sunlight glittered off silver and crystal dishware as we walked by. I took a deep breath, smiling as the scents of musty cloth, potpourri, books, and leather mixed together. There was no part of an antique shop that I found unappealing.
We wandered deeper into the store, past oil paintings with carved frames and an intricate handmade rug that hung from clips on the wall. I found myself wandering toward a wall of wooden cabinets and dressers that held dainty figurines, plates, fine china and different collections. Regina and the owner were chatting behind me about a carved mask that was from Africa, when a small box caught my eye.
An intricate vine-like design was painted on it in silver which shimmered, even in the dim light of the shop, in a pattern that created an almost vine-like design. There were places where the paint had started to rub off due to handling and age, but it was still beautiful and was obviously well crafted.
“Ahh, that box speaks to many people.” A man says from behind me.
“It’s easy to see why. It’s beautiful.” I smiled as I continued to study it.
“It is, but no one wants a locked box they can’t open. Yet, I can’t make myself throw it away. It’s too pretty to be trashed.” He smiled as he stepped up beside me.
“I agree. Is there no key?” I asked, searching the box for a keyhole.
“I don’t have one. But I’m not sure if it’s truly locked, or if the hinges are just frozen from age.” The owner shrugged.
“Hmm.” I hummed as I tried to open it. “Would you be willing to let me try to pick the lock?” I asked.
“You can pick a lock?” The storekeeper's eyebrows shot up, almost meeting his hairline.
My cheeks heated as I looked away from him.
“I have three older brothers. They, uh, taught me many things I probably shouldn’t know.” I admitted.
“I see. You’re welcome to try.” He chuckled as he pushed the box towards me.
I pulled out a pin from my bag and looked for something I could use. I found a metal hook that was like the tools my brothers taught me to use. Picking it up I raised it in question to the storekeeper who nodded his permission at my silent question.
Being as careful as I could I inserted my makeshift tools and slowly moved them around waiting to feel the clicks. It didn’t take long before I felt the locking mechanism release. I grinned as I stood and removed the tools, setting them down beside the box. Picking up the box, I opened it and was shocked to find a beautiful silver brooch with exquisite sea blue gems inlaid in it.
“That is one beautiful piece. I assume you’ll be buying it from the look of awe on your face?” He asked.
“How much?” I wanted to say yes, but like most college students I was on a budget.
“So many people have come into this shop and tried to do what you just did, but none succeeded. I believe that box was meant to find you for some reason. Let’s call it twenty.” He smiled.
My jaw dropped at the price. These items were worth much more than that.
“Are you-”
“Twenty is the most I’ll accept.” He interrupted me as he moved to the register and rang up the box.
I paid and waited for Regina to pay for her items before we headed back to campus. Regina rambled on about the things she found the whole way back, but my attention was still focused on the box that sat in my bag. Luckily, she didn’t seem to notice my inattentiveness.
“Do you want to go get dinner with me? I’m starving.” She groaned as she set her bag on her desk.
“No, I’m good, thanks. I ate a late lunch.” I smiled as I sat at my desk and pulled out the box and brooch.
“Ok. I’ll see you later then.” She smiled as she left.
As soon as the door shut, I opened the box and carefully set the brooch aside. The box had a felt lining and appeared more shallow on the inside. Frowning I felt around the edge to see if the bottom lifted out, smiling when my fingers found a flap.
Lifting the false bottom out I found a folded piece of paper. Setting the box down, I carefully unfolded the paper. I looked at the map and was surprised to see a map. After studying it for a moment, I started to recognize the layout of the historical district on one side. The other side showed a castle.
Excitement coursed through me as I looked it over again. A feeling of urgency pulsed in my chest as my gaze settled on the brooch and box. I needed to see where this map led to and what it would tell me about these items. My gut told me they were important and that I needed to know why.