Chapter 3
Unknown POV
I did my best not to wince as girls screamed and crowded the door that I just walked through. The loud high-pitched sounds gave me a headache. Even weakened by the curse still, it seemed my senses were overly sensitive. I gave them a stiff smile and a small wave as I searched the crowded area for the soul that pulled me here.
I could hear their pulses pound in their bodies, making a familiar burning in my gums appear. I shouldn’t have come here. I should have gone home and fed to get my strength back. To take the edge off this painful hunger that had grown the last hundred years.
But I was here, and it was too late to turn back. I would just get a quick look at the soul that had called to me, that had brought me here. Then once that need was satisfied, I’d go home and feed.
My eyes moved over the crowd, a heaviness in my gut growing with each second that passed that I didn’t find what I searched for. But then the crowd started to shift and the pull in my chest grew painfully.
The soul was approaching me.
I followed the disturbance in the crowd. My gaze narrowed in on a silver haired woman dressed in plain clothes. Her style made her stand out amongst the sea of primped and well-dressed women. The pull snapped in my chest as something fell into place.
Anger started to bubble in my veins, followed by hatred and hurt. A hurt that I would never have to feel again. I learned my lesson a century ago. A lesson of betrayal that had left me simmering in darkness and pain that only grew as I waited for the curse to release me.
As the curse weakened, the feelings continued to grow until they were consuming me. Now it was time for revenge. I just had to wait to be fully free.
The name whispered through my mind making my lips turn upward in a smile. I stared at her retreating back. Cadella. The name meant beautiful princess. She certainly was beautiful. It was almost a shame that I would have to destroy her.
“We meet again, my…old lover.” I scowled as the words filtered through my mind.
Lover. Something I would never have again, not like last time anyway. I felt the darkness start to swirl around me. Turning I stepped back into the empty hallway of the building behind me as the shadows swirled around me.
I looked down as the growing shadows, a snarl escaping me as I once again saw the blood-stained clothes I wore. Blood from my best friend and sister. The need for revenge renewed in my chest.
I needed to get back home.
The smoke covered me, and I thought of Marius, and the place he had described to me. Just as the smoke became overwhelming, the familiar feeling of transportation took over.
I stumbled on my weakened legs as I landed in the clan building. A pair of strong arms caught me before I fell. My gaze lifted to the man who caught me, finding Marius’ smiling face.
“Welcome back, brother. We’ve been expecting you. Are you strong enough to walk?” He asked in a soft whisper as he glanced around the busy corridor.
I was grateful for his thoughtfulness. Some weakness was expected, but I couldn’t appear it in front of the clan. I straightened myself, ignoring the trembling in my body.
Nodding at him, we made our way through the crowd. The clan members parted the way and bowed their heads with murmured greetings. I smiled and acknowledged them as we made our way down the hall.
Marius opened the door at the end of the hall, holding it as I entered. I immediately made my way to the sitting area. Exhaustion and hunger made my legs shake as I lowered myself into the chair. Marius grabbed a pitcher and two glasses, filling one before handing it to me.
I smiled as I lifted the viscous fluid to my nose and inhaled. The metallic scent hit me, making me smile wider as I brought the cup to my mouth. I drank it down with deep pulls. It wasn’t as fresh as I wanted, but it would do.
Setting the now empty cup on the table, Marius smiled as he refilled it and sat across from me and poured himself a glass.
“Noroc!” He raised his cup as he cheered in the old tongue.
I repeated the toast before taking a long pull from the cup.
This time I was able to savor the cup. Marius stayed silent as we finished the drinks. He raised the pitcher and an eyebrow raised in question. I nodded and pushed my cup forward so he could refill it.
“Tell me what has been happening.” I asked, needing to know how my clan had fared through my absence.
“Things have been good. The clan is still prospering. The mutts and demons still hate us.” He summarized to catch me up.
I watched as he leaned back in his chair, fixing his jacket so he could relax. His hair was slicked to one side, his clothes pressed and perfect. Marius was still the perfectionist and sharp dresser he had been a century ago. At least that hadn’t changed.
“Good, I knew they would be in good hands. Tell me what I need to know before I face them.” I mutter over my cup.
“You are the named president of our clan business. We’ve stayed up with the times, and most of our workers are clan members, but to keep our appearances we have some humans working. It’s mostly hands off for us. Now that you’re back from your humanitarian aid mission, as we told the humans, you’ll need to make an appearance every so often.” He shrugged. “Of course, the temporary fill in is ready to step down, or take whatever role you want them to take as you decide how much you want to be involved.”
He continued to catch me up on the day-to-day details of everything. Marius was a good leader, and I didn't doubt he would be fine filling in for me. Yet, I still found it reassuring to hear everything had gone as smooth as it could. I knew some of the clan would be upset over my return and reclaiming my seat, but overall, it sounded like it would be limited to the usual members who stirred trouble within the clan.
He studied me for a moment, his tongue pushing out his cheek as his eyes moved over me. He was debating telling me something.
“Just spit it out.” I growled as I emptied the glass and set it down harder than needed, the clang echoing through the room.
“The elders want to push back on the shifters and exorcists. They want more power; guess they are tired of waiting and letting them think they are better than us. They are planning a meeting to discuss it in a few hours.” Marius held my gaze.
I shook my head and clenched my hands into fists. The damn mutts and demons were always pushing on us, trying to get us to give more power to them. A battle as old as time and something that would never happen.
Now my clan wanted to turn the tables.
“Clothes are in the closet for you. We’ll set a date for a tailor to come by and gather a new set of measurements, but we provided the essentials for you to wear based on your previous ones. The drawers hold more comfortable clothing. Bathroom is fully stocked. I’ll let you be so you can clean up, then we’ll meet with the clan for dinner.” Marius stood and re-buttoned his sport jacket.
“Marius, the clan’s power struggle will have to wait.” I asked with a raised eyebrow.
“What do you have planned?” His eyebrow raised in question.
“Revenge. I assume I’ll have your support?”
“Of course, you do.” A knowing smile spread over his lips. “There will never be a question of my support, Vasile. I will follow you to the ends of the earth.” He said with a more serious expression as smoke quickly rose around him and then with a puff of smoke he was gone.
Show off, I thought as I started to put a plan together and get cleaned up. It wouldn’t be long before I’d be able to put it into motion. The deaths of my family would not go unpunished, nor would Sophia’s betrayal. It needed to be handled with care but done soon.
There was no question in my mind. I would have my revenge.