Chapter 1

The high-pitched scream that was so loud that the windows rattled was a sound that none of them would ever be able to forget.

The woman groaned in pain, sweating profusely, this being her sixth hour in labour now. As each hour had passed, she had significantly weakened and the wolves that were stood around her were starting to grow increasingly worried.

They didn’t care about her but rather, the baby she was trying to push out. If the baby didn’t make it, then they were all as good as royally fucked.

“Can’t we just go in there and yank it out of her?” One of them murmured quietly, disgusted by the sight of the deranged woman and equally horrified by the pain-stricken screams that escaped her with each attempted push.

“I think that’s contamination.” A second wolf murmured quietly, no longer able to lift his head and watch the labour through the window, all of them having been sitting around waiting for hours now.

“It’s been six hours.” The first man pointed out. “Surely wolf births don’t last this long.”

The other three men all shared knowing looks, their lips pursed and their eyebrows knitted together. The human was right. The longer the labour went on for, the more chance there was of neither mother nor pup making it out alive.

Another wolf growled from beside them. Unable to control his rage, he fisted his hand and slammed it against the window, the glass shivering under his touch.

Both the women in the room glanced up at the force of his heavy hand, momentarily stilling despite the pain that the first woman was now drowning in.

That same wolf reached over to the button so his voice would travel into the room and growled again.

“If that baby isn’t out of her in the next five minutes, I’m going to come in there myself and yank it out!”

The doctor frowned and rolled her eyes before turning back to the patient, not bothering to dignify his temper tantrum with a response.

“What is Heena playing at? She’s done this plenty of times before.” The wolf growled, making sure to keep his finger on the button so the sound of his voice would continue to travel into the sterilised room.

Since she was a wolf, she could hear everything he said from such close proximity regardless if the button was pressed or not – more so for the sake of the human mother-to-be – but the she-wolf didn’t even flinch.

The second wolf frowned profusely before turning his head to resume watching his mate, the doctor, work on bringing this pup into the world alive and healthy, as those were the strict, unnegotiable terms of the deal.

“She has.” He confirmed with a nod. “But this is a human giving birth to a werewolf.”

“So?” The human murmured quietly; his eyebrows knitted together in confusion.

“There’s a reason why werewolves are rarely mated with humans. Humans aren’t as strong as us and their bodies are far too weak and fragile to be able to carry our offspring to full-term however, humans that are mated to wolves usually have altered DNA so it isn’t impossible.”

“And this human?” The man asked despite being human himself. “Is she the mate of a werewolf?”

“Not as far as we know.” The first wolf shook his head. “When I met her, she’d just broken up with her human boyfriend and was very vulnerable which made her perfect for us to test this out on.”

Before the incessant questioning could continue, another sharp scream sounded from the room except this time, instead of the grunts of pain that followed it, there was nothing.

When the flatline of the heart rate monitor travelled to their ears, they all turned their heads to feast on the sight of the lifeless human on the hospital bed, no longer moving. Merely floating in the pool of blood that she was now drenched in.

“What the fuck happened?” The first wolf asked in a quiet voice, but the end of his question was cut off as the human from among them stood up and ran down the hallway, the palm of his hand pressed tightly against his mouth, hoping it would be able to hold out until he made it to the bathroom.

The third wolf chuckled at the sight, the sound melodious and humorous, as if a woman hadn’t just died in front of his very eyes.

“Fucking human and their weak stomachs.” He murmured quietly.

The wolf didn’t need to repeat himself as the doctor had been able to hear perfectly with her enhanced werewolf senses.

“Literally.” The doctor, Heena whispered the words from under her breath, her fingers coated in a thick layer of blood as she had a first-class seat to the horror story that had just taken place.

“Heena?” Her mate called out to her, his voice laced with worry, barely holding himself back from rushing into the room to find out what was wrong with his mate.

“The pup killed her.”

“How?” The third wolf asked in a low, quiet voice.

“It tore her out from the inside, and then they both died.” She continued to whisper. “There was too much blood loss. There was no way I could save them.”

A momentary silence filled the room and the passageway. Just the sound of the heart rate monitor flatlining could be heard and if they strained their ears, they could make out the sound of the human spilling his guts into the toilet on the other side of the building.

“What are we going to do?” The second wolf gulped as he stared at the horrific sight in front of him with wide, bulging eyes, unable to look away despite how it made him sick to the stomach.

“I have no idea.” The second wolf ran a fearsome hand down the side of his face, rubbing away the perspiration that now beaded on his skin. “But we need to think of something before we end up just like her.”

The third wolf, the strong and most hot-tempered of them all, braced his hand against the glass as he leaned in to get a bigger visual of the bloody sight in front of hm. Blood coated her legs and the thin white gown that she had been dressed in. The doctor was also coated in the blood but she didn’t bother moving as the blood continued to drip onto the floor, creating a small pool, so glossy that she could see her reflection in it.

“We’re going to have to up our game.” He chuckled darkly, the sound sinister, sending a shiver down their spines.

“Boss?” One of them dared to question.

The Alpha wolf tore his eyes away from the gruesome sight in front of him to appraise his men, his unconventional pack, a dark look in his eyes as his lips curled up at the corners.

“Humans that are mated to wolves.” He stated; as if it was as simple as that.

“That’s not going to work.” The first wolf denied, afraid of going up against his Alpha.

The Alpha wolf glanced up at him with a dark glint in his eyes.

“It is if we find them before their mates do.”

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