Read with BonusRead with Bonus

Chapter 3

Cyn’s POV

Today is Friday. I don’t know who’s idea it was to start the school year on a Wednesday but I wasn’t complaining.

First thing this morning I finally see Alex.

“Where have you been?” I asked him.

“Oh just around, don’t worry about it. You up to hang out after school today?” He asked.

“Sure, what you wanna do?” I asked him.

“Let’s go out to eat, it’s been awhile since it’s been just the two of us.” He said.

I perked right up, “okay!” I answered. We walked the rest of the way to school without incident.

When I arrived I saw Josh leaning against the front entrance of the school.

“Hey!” He called out as soon as I saw him.

“Hey!” I called back.

Alex scoffed next to me.

“What?” I asked him, confused why he’s popping an attitude.

“I just don’t like the dude, just be careful with him,” he spat out. This is a side of Alex I’m not used to seeing.

“He’s been nothing but nice to me, just give him a chance.” I told him.

He shook his head and continued on to his class, leaving me behind.

“What was that about?” Josh asked.

I shook my head, “I’m not really sure, honestly.”

“So do you want to come over again after school today?” He asked.

“Oh shoot, Alex already invited me out, rain check?” I asked him.

He seemed to grimace a bit, “sure.” We walked to class and sat down, listening to the teacher droning on with the lesson. After class Alex didn’t show up to walk me like normal so I just walked with Josh instead.

“I’ll see you at lunch?” I asked him.

“Yeah, see you then.” He answered as he entered his class. I walked off and towards my classroom when I heard some strange noises coming from the janitor’s closet. I tiptoed closer and opened the closet door to peek inside. I was shocked, inside was Alex getting a blow job from Mary!

I must’ve gasped a little too loud because he opened his eyes and looked directly at me. I quickly slammed the door and took off running until I reached out the library. My chest rose and fell rapidly from running so fast.

“Are you okay?” I heard a masculine voice ask. I looked up and saw Tucker. Great another man whore.

“I’m perfectly fine,” I panted out.

“I see that.” He said before he sat down next to where I ended up, on the floor in the stacks.

“I don’t want to talk about it.” I told him.

“That’s fine. We can do other things besides talk.” He winked at me. I sighed, ugh men are pigs.

“Cyn?! Are you in here?” I hear Alex calling out for me.

“Oh shit!” I said a little too loudly.

I see Alex start to turn the corner, I freaked out and grabbed Tucker’s shirt, pulling him into a kiss. I felt him stiffen before he relaxed and grabbed the back of my head. He prodded my mouth with his tongue until I opened up and his tongue entered. We tasted each other for so long that I didn’t even notice Alex was gone. When we pulled away from each other, I was panting hard.

“Where did that come from?” He asked.

I shrugged and stood up, taking off as fast as I could. I heard him calling my name but I ran, not listening to his pleas to stop.

I rounded the corner into an empty hall and felt my back slam against the locker.

“What the hell was that?” Alex growled at me.

“None of your business.” I spat at him.

“You are my business.” He hissed. I slapped him and strode off. I reached the front doors of the school and walked out, not feeling like returning to class. I walked to a local park and sat down on an empty bench. I put my head in my hands and huffed out a breath. I can’t believe I gave my first kiss to the resident bad boy. What was I thinking?

I felt my phone buzz in my pocket. I fished it out and saw Alex calling me. I turned my phone to silent and tucked it away. I sat there on the bench for I don’t know how long. I lost sensation in my ass and had to stand up to get feeling back. I finally checked my phone and saw 20 missed calls from Alex, 32 texts, then 4 missed calls from Helena and 192 missed texts. Damn girl. Then I had 1 missed call and 1 missed text from Josh. I decided to text Josh first, to see if he was available to hang out.

“Sure.” He texted back almost immediately. I sent him my location so he could pick me up. I then texted Helena back to let her know I was okay, and I completely ignored Alex.

Josh rolled up shortly and I hopped in, buckling my seatbelt.

“So what happened?” He asked. I couldn’t help the word vomit. I ended up telling him everything from the blow job to the kiss with Tucker. He listened silently and let me vent until I had no more to say.

“Thank you,” I told him as he drove.

“For what?” He asked.

“For listening and being there. I know we don’t really know each other but I feel so comfortable with you. You’re pretty cool, even being a vamp.” I winked at him, messing around. He smiled down at me before looking serious.

He pulled to the side of the road and asked me. “Do you want to forget the kiss with Tucker?”

“Yes,” I answered.

He cupped my face and looked into my eyes before looking at my lips. He leaned forward and tilted his head until he finally brushed his lips with mine. I closed my eyes and enjoyed the feeling of his soft lips. Our mouths opened in unison and our tongues rubbed each other. I heard him groan while I felt myself tingling in my stomach. After a few minutes I pulled away, breathless.

“What was that for?” I whispered.

“Do you remember?” He asked me.

“Remember what?” I said.

He smiled at me, “exactly.”

He gave me one more peck on my lips before looking into my eyes. “I love your eyes,” he said. He then turned head and pulled the car back onto the road.

“Where are we going?” I asked him when I realized this wasn’t the direction to his house.

“You’ll see. I figured we’d grab a bite to eat and the rest is a surprise.” He said.

He pulled into a small diner in town. We entered and picked a booth, chatting the whole while. After a minute I felt the hairs on the back of my head raise. I looked behind me and saw Alex sitting with Mary and glaring in my direction. The look was so full of hatred that I was shocked. I quickly turned around and focused my attention back on Josh.

“Don’t pay attention to him, he’s not worth your time.” He told me.

I smiled at him, he’s truly so sweet.

“Thank you for being a good friend.” I placed my hand on his that was resting on the table.

He looked down at our hands and smiled. “You’re not so bad yourself, Cyn.”

We both chatted while waiting for our food. By the time it arrived, I didn’t sense Alex behind me anymore. I didn’t dare look though. When we finished eating I excused myself to use the restroom. When I exited I ran right into Alex.

“Move over please, Alex.” I told him.

“Not until you talk to me, Cyn.” He said.

I sighed, “what is there to talk about?”

“I’m sorry you saw that earlier. You weren’t supposed to see it.” He said.

“That doesn’t change anything,” I tell him, “I mean you were getting a blowjob from the biggest slut in school! How do you expect me to react? You want me to congratulate you? Well congratulations. Now let me leave.” I tried to push my way past but he blocked me.

“No Cyn, I need to know we’re okay.” He said.

“Will you let me go then?” I asked.

He nodded his head.

“We’re fine, Alex. Now let me go.” He rubbed his face and then finally let me past him.

“What was that?” Josh asked when he saw Alex walking right behind me.

“Nothing, let’s go.” I told him.

I was relieved when we entered the car and drove off. We drove for about 30 minutes until we reached a small wooded area. Josh parked on the side of the road and we exited the car. He grabbed my hand and we walked for approximately 20 minutes before he came across a beautiful blue lake.

“I found this spot the other day. I found it relaxing and thought maybe you’d enjoy it, too.” He told me.

I grinned. “It’s wonderful, thank you for sharing your spot with me.” I told him.

“It can be our spot.” He said, looking in to my eyes.

“Ok, it’s our spot.” I replied.

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