Chapter 6
Cyn’s POV
Tucker was driving and tapping his fingers on the steering wheel to the song playing on the Bluetooth. I was pleased that he was playing anime openings music for me. I sang my heart out the best I could to the Japanese, fumbling the words, but I didn’t care, I was having a great time.
Soon, we arrived to the mystery destination.
“Paintball? I don’t think I’m dressed for that. Plus isn’t it too dark?” I asked him, unsure.
“I have everything taken care of,” he winked.
He dug around his backseat and produced what looked like thick coveralls.
“I brought one for you, too. As far as the light, I came by earlier and set up fairy lights everywhere so there’s plenty of light. Now, are you scared to lose?” He asked.
“Hell no, I’m going to kick your ass!” I exclaimed. I’ve never played paintball but it sounded fun. He handed me the coveralls to go get changed. I found the changing room and dressed into them.
When I came out, Tucker was dressed similarly.
“You look adorable.” He said. I huffed, “whatever.” He just laughed at my reaction.
He grabbed my hand and led me to the field before handing me a paintball gun. He was right, the place was well lit.
“Where is everyone?” I asked.
“Oh, well I set it up to where we’re the only ones here after hours. So feel free to let loose.” He winked. I slapped his arm which just made him laugh more.
He showed me how to work the gun and explained the rules to me. When he was done, we split up to hide. I hid behind a large metal barrel and waited a few minutes before sneaking out. I saw him out in the middle of the field so I took aim and fired. I completely missed my first shot and alerted him to where I was. I took off running while giggling. I heard him yell, “I’m gonna catch you, Cyn!”
I ran and hid behind a metal wall, breathing heavy. I tried to quiet my breathing but failed immensely. I was hit in the leg by a splatter of paint. I looked to my left and saw him taking aim again. I lifted my gun to try and hit him but the ball went right past him and splattered the wall behind.
“Damn it!” I exclaimed as I got hit again on the other leg. We continued this dance of running, hiding and shooting for awhile. After a few more misses, my aim became better and I was able to hit him a few times.
After we finished our game I threw myself down on the ground, covered in paint.
“You cheated!” I cried out.
“You just need practice, sweetheart.” He looked down at me laying on the ground then he sat down next to me and began to play with my hair.
“Your hair is so soft.” He cooed. I smiled up at him and then saw his face get serious. He laid down right next to me and pulled me flush against him before kissing me. This time I opened my mouth and allowed him in and we made out for several minutes, tasting each other. When we pulled apart, I was breathless.
“This was so much fun.” I told him with a smile. He simply looked at me and nodded, continuing to play with my hair.
“We can do it again sometime.” He said.
“I’d like that.” I told him.
We went to wash up and change, meeting outside the changing rooms after.
“Let’s head home.” He said.
“Okay.” I said, feeling shy all of a sudden.
Tucker’s POV
Tonight was amazing. I’ve always wanted to take Cynthia out on a date and today was like a dream come true. I thought about how plush her lips were and how soft her hair felt in my hands. I closed my eyes, laying on my bed and daydreaming.
“What’s got you so happy?” Matty asked as he walked in my room.
“Ever hear of knocking?” I asked.
“Best friend privileges. So tell me what gave you this goofy grin? You get laid?” He asked.
“No, I took Cyn out on a date and it was wonderful. You’re a genius.” I told him.
“That’s great, man. I’m happy for you.” He smiled at me. I closed my eyes again and went back to daydreaming. I felt the bed lower which meant that he decided to sit down.
“So what’s the next step?” He asked.
“Next, I need to make her my girlfriend for real.” I told him.
“What if you find your mate and it’s not her?” He asked.
“Then I’ll reject them. Cyn and I are supposed to be together, I can feel it. I can’t imagine myself feeling this way about anyone else.” I told him truthfully.
“Well good luck, bro. I hope things work out for you. By the way, when you two get together, you need to hook me up with Helena. She doesn’t even know I exist but she’s a total hottie. I like how outspoken she is.” He told me.
“You got it, I’ll do what I can.” I told him.
Matty stood up and left me alone. I returned to my daydreaming until I fell asleep and dreamt of Cyn.
Cyn’s POV
I was waiting on Helena to pop into my room so I could tell her all about my date. She said she needed to help her mother with some chores first. Speaking of mothers, I wonder when mom and dad will be back from their retreat. Most of the adults go to a yearly retreat where they meet with other packs to discuss boring pack business. Only a few sets of parents stay behind to make sure the rest of us stay out of trouble. They’ve already been gone for two weeks and even though I enjoy the freedom, I miss my mama and daddy. They’ve always been my biggest supporters. I’d like to be able to sit down with my mother and ask her some advice about these men. I sighed, throwing my arm over my eyes to block the light.
“Hello? Best friend alert!” I hear Helena call out while opening my door.
“Hey!” I yelled back.
“So dish. Tell me every single detail and I’ll kick your ass if you leave anything out!” She exclaimed.
I laughed and then recounted the whole evening to her.
“Oh. My. God. You guys made out multiple times? Did he try to do anything unsavory?” She asked.
“No, he didn’t even try to go to second base, he was a gentleman. Honestly, it was an amazing night. He isn’t what I expected at all.” I told her.
Helena jumped up and down, clapping. “I’m so happy for you! You deserve some happiness after what these other men did to you.”
“I just don’t know where we go from here. I know I’m his pretend girlfriend but today felt so real.” I told her. She simply nodded her head and laid down on my bed with me.
“Want to watch some television? There’s a new anime that just came out!” She squealed.
“Duh!” I laughed and we spooned while watching the tv. It seems like things are looking up for me. Eventually the two of us fell asleep. I woke up in the middle of the night, needing to pee. I pushed Helena off me and made my way to the restroom. When I finished my business I started to walk back when I ran into a wall. I rubbed my nose and looked up to see a set of blue eyes looking down at me. “Josh! What are you doing here? How did you get in?” I hissed, looking around.
“I came in through a window. I know I said we could talk later but I needed to see you.” He said.
“I’m sorry but I don’t want to see you. I know we aren’t together but I didn’t expect you to be kissing me and getting your dick wet at the same time. I thought you had more respect for me than that.” I told him angrily.
“I do respect you, you just don’t understand-“
“No, I understand perfectly. You were horny and found someone to stick it in. Just don’t try to lie to me. You need to leave.” I told him, pointing at the stairwell.
“No, you don’t understand. I have certain needs.” He tried to say.
I scoffed and turned away from him. “You were horny, that’s the perfect explanation.”
“Drinking blood makes both people horny.” He said.
I turned to face him, poking his chest with my finger. “I don’t want to see you.”
“Hey man, she asked you to leave.” I hear Alex behind me.
“This doesn’t involve you.” Josh told him with a growl.
“Everything with her involves me. You need to leave before I force you.” Alex got in his face.
Time seemed to stand still as they stared each other down.
“Fine.” He told Alex before he turned to me, “we need to talk later.” Then he turned and left down the stairs.
I let out a breath that I didn’t even realize I was holding.
“Come on,” Alex grabbed my hand and pulled me into his room. As soon as the door closed he trapped me with his arms against the door.
“Cyn.” He whispered huskily. I looked up into his green eyes, his light brown hair hung slightly above his brows, giving him a boyish look.
“Yes?” I asked him nervously.
He looked into my eyes, searching for something but then he sighed and backed off. He opened his door and simply whispered, “be careful.” I start to walk out, stopping for a second to look back. He was standing there running his hand through his hair, mussing it up.
“Goodnight,” I told him.
He smiled at me, “goodnight, Cyn.”