Chapter 7
Hurt, pain and shame was what i was feeling in that moment. Amy had smartly dissolved the meeting half an hour ago but i was too numb to even move an inch from where i sat. I couldn't believe what Lucas said. Was it really true? I couldn't believe it but i realized that i haven't really been a good child. While my father was practically fighting for his life, i had been partying and frequenting clubs that wouldn't even have any value to my life. What was really wrong with me?
I didn't know if i had the strength to leave where i sat because Lucas had destroyed whatever little hope i had left. My father had been dying in silence and i had done nothing. I felt ashamed and couldn't help but blame myself for my father's death. Maybe if i had paid much attention to him, he would have survived.
''I'm sorry dad.''
My heart was heavy, choked up and i didn't even know what to think at that moment. What Lucas had revealed to me was something i had never heard in my entire life and i knew it was the truth.
''What time is it Amy?'' i asked.
''Its heading towards noon now.''
It was almost noon and i hadn't eaten anything which just made everything worse. My day was officially ruined and there was nothing i could do about it. Whoever this Lucas was, he had made sure i understood the gravity of what had happened.
''Have my driver prepare the car, i need to go out.'' i said.
''Right away ma'am.'' she said.
I heard her footsteps leaving the boardroom and as soon as she left, my phone gave a small beep. Glancing at the caller ID, i discovered that it was the doctor who had treated my father. Why would he be calling me?
''Hello.'' i croaked.
My voice was too choked up to even string sentences together and that was the best i could do at that moment. I needed to have clarity on what was going on in and around my life and the doctors call didn't help matters at all.
''Miss Barclay, i need to talk to you.'' he said.
I was getting more and more confused at the moment because i had no idea why he wanted to talk to me. My father was dead and that was all that were was to it, there was nothing more to it.
''Why? My father was dead and that is all there is to it.''
''i know that ma'am and i am terrible sorry about that but i need to see you. We have found something,'' he said.
That piqued up my curiousty because i didn't know what they had found when my father was very well dead. As far as i was concerned and with what i had been told, he had been alone with no properties to his name, just the clothes he had on. Martha. I had to ask Martha about it. She was my fathers housekeeper and knew my father better than anyone else but in the meanwhile, i needed to find out what it was they had found.
''What have you found?'' i asked.
''This is where it gets interesting, its a piece of paper which is addressed to you. On the front paper is your name, that is all there is.'' he said.
I found this strange because why would my father leave a piece of paper with my name and nothing else on it. I just couldn't understand it, it was really strange indeed.
"Alright, I'll be on my way." i said, cutting the call.
I sighed, running my fingers through my hair. Lucas had told me something i didn't expect and so what? Now what i had to do was to make sure that i didn't live with this pain that had clouded my whole body. Amy got back soon to inform me that the drivers were ready.
"Change of plans, I'm heading to the hospital. I just got a call from the doctor, i need to go see him." I said.
"Alright ma'am, do you need me to do anything for you while you're gone?" she asked.
That was one thing i loved about Amy, she was always ready to work. There was this eagerness in her that made me smile everytime. She had been with me since i took up responsibility of managing my father's company.
"Take the rest of the day off, you've really done well." I smiled.
Amy grinned, thanking me before leaving the boardroom. Taking one last deep breath, I walked out of the room, heading outside and towards where the car were parked. I didn't want to keep the doctors waiting even as i knew that this was an important trip. I had to be there on time, it was a must.
Thirty minutes later, i was walking into the reception of the hospital. It was a big difference to what i wanted to do now and i couldn't believe that just a few days ago, i had been screaming and running through this very halls in fear and in agony but now, there was this peace within me, a peace that couldn't be brought by anything else but by the death of a loved one.
"Miss Barclay, welcome." the doctor smiled, ushering me into his office.
I sat down with anxiety in my heart as my mind went through all the possible reasons why my father must have left a letter for me. It waa either he wanted to tell me something, something he didn't want anyone else to know or it was... a warning.
"Here it is." the doctor said, handing over a simple white piece of paper.
"You can stay in here and read it, I'll excuse you." he said before rising up to his feet.
He left soon, leaving me all alone within the room. With jittery hands, i opened up the letter, hoping that it wasn't as bad as i thought. In cursive writing, was my father's handwriting with "Kiara" written in bold.
As i read the first few lines, i knew that my life would never remain the same.