Fixing Ash Pt 2

Micah reluctantly dragged himself to the bathroom which was just off the bedroom. He peeled off his clothes and climbed into the shower. He could hear the heart rate monitor that Ashlyn was attached too speeding up, he needed to get back to her. His movements were efficient and fast, he showered in record time. Drying himself and brushing his teeth simultaneously.

He pulled on underwear and the sweatpants that Xavier had brought for him. Carrying his t-shirt back into the bedroom and glowering at his best friend and father. He roughly rubbed his hair dry before pulling the shirt over his head and heading back to Ashlyn’s side.

He picked her up and settled them both back on the bed. Her heart rate slowed a little but not back to where it was. His eyes wide, Micah looked over at his father, who understanding the panic, stuck his head out of the door and shouted for the doctor.

Dr Jenkins bustled back in with a smile on his face, taking note of the numbers displayed on the monitors while he listened to what had happened. The smile didn't falter, if anything it grew.

“Nothing at all to worry about. Perhaps just Miss Faye getting ready to wake up, or some discomfort. I’m going to set up a drip with some paracetamol which will help if shes in pain without sedating her if she’d s waking up” he nodded to each of the men and left as swiftly and silently as he arrived.

Micah relaxed slightly he processed what the doctor had just told them, his mate wasn’t in danger and might even be coming round. Micah, Xavier and Rowan waited in silence while the doctor attached the new bag of fluids to Ashlyn’s arm and left, with a cheery “call me if you need anything”. Once the door was shut, both Micah and Xavier turned to Rowan, Micahs eyebrow raised and Xavier gave him an expectant smile.

Rowan took a deep breath and pulled up a spare chair, sat at the opposite bottom corner of the bed to Xavier, leaning forward slightly, he began to speak.

“Ok, so the consensus is that your Ashlyn is some kind of magic user, at first I thought she was a straight witch, but Oliver assured me that she didn't smell right, and I agree, having smelt her for myself. I have spoken to someone from the college”

The college of mages didn't need any other introduction, as far as they knew, no other species felt the need to have a dedicated higher and further education setting for their young people, let alone one that was so selective about who it taught. The college had an intake of around 15 students each year, the best and the brightest, students from the most distinguished family lines or who have unusual powers or extraordinary test scores.

“They will come and assess her given what was in her medical records, but I have held them off for now. I would like to get her comfortable here with us first. They seem to be of the opinion that she may be a record keeper, or book writer, sometimes they are called history tellers. Record keepers are always female, they can be attached to any group of supernatural creatures, sometimes even more than one. Their powers and talents are hard to predict without a family history. "

"If Ashlyn Faye was the name her birth parents gave her though, she could have the whole range of powers. Her mother was a princess” Rowan looked around,

Micah looked shocked at the information he was given but didn't really understand why his father seemed to be presenting this as a bad thing. Xavier had never really had much to do with any kind of magic user and was fascinated by the girl already. He was watching her intently. “The representative from the college will be able to tell us for sure and explain what this means for us and for Ashlyn, but it promises to be a…. Different experience for you my boy” Rowan finishes.

In the aftermath of Rowans information, all 3 men sit in silence for a while. Eventually Rowan’s phone rings and he leaves the room to take the call. Micah turns to look at Xavier

“I wont let the fucking wizards take my mate. They can teach her here. Can you organise to have a guard on the door?” He asked, Xavier nodded eagerly “yeh man, they wont take her. We will make her happy here, she wont want to go with them. And how can they separate you?”

After a few seconds Xavier went on sheepishly “I’ve never met a magic before M…. What d’ya recon shes like? Do you think she can blow up our heads with her mind?”

Micah shook his head and waved Xavier away “fuck off idiot, that’s just kids tales. She’s just a normal girl” Micah replied with a laugh, he loved Xavier like a brother but sometimes he could be a real ejit.

“Hey Micah? Can I touch her? Like her hand?”

Micah growled loudly and tightened his protective hold on Ashlyn. Glaring at his beta who was now laughing like a toddler on a sugar high at the foot of the bed. “Get. The. Fuck. Out.”

Micah spat at Xavier, clearly running out of patience with his jokes already. Micah wouldn't tolerate another mans scent on Ashlyn just yet. It was bad enough that he could smell the doctor and Jessy on her bedding and gown, they were doing their best to avoid touching her skin directly, knowing that it might be too much for Micah to deal with.

As Xavier was leaving, the doctor came back in with the portable x-ray machine. He helped Micah slide from the bed without disturbing Ashlyn too much. There was a small spike in her heart rate as Micah moved away but it settled quickly. Between them, the doc and Micah got the x-ray plates in place and the x-rays taken fairly quickly.

Micah pulled a chair up the head of the bed and satisfied himself with stroking Ashlyn's hair and holding her least injured hand while Dr Jenkins examined the x-rays. About 10 minutes of fiddling with the computer later he turned to Micah,

"Well, the good news is that I can see evidence of everything healing. The bad news is that it needed to heal. There are no new fractures on the ribs, the bruising was likely caused by her seat belt and should settle within about 2 weeks, depending on how she heals. Her hands are just cut up and sprained, no evidence of any fractures, that wrist though did break, its healing, it looks like a 2 week old fracture right now, I’m going to splint it so its more comfortable. "

"The knee, I suspect there was a dislocation that has been pulled back into place already so we will see how she is walking on that before we decide if it needs support” the doc said with a smile. Turning the x-ray machine around and starting to head out.

“Wait!” Micah called, standing up without letting go of Ashlyn’s hand.

“Hang on, why is she healing like this? Human mates don’t heal this fast and magic users don’t have enhanced healing usually. What do you think is going on here doc? Do I need to worry?”

Dr Jenkins tilted his head to the side as he considered what Micah was saying. After a few moments he laughed loudly,

“oh my, dear boy, does no one know? Honestly? Not a one of you has encountered this before? I know they are rare but come on? Do you know you’ve been gifted a history teller?”

Rowan was at the door now, at Micahs nod he came in and the doctor continued, “well shes a healer too, I don’t know how strong her healing ability will be obviously, but I’ve encountered enough healers and exactly one history teller before, she smells like both of them mixed with her personal scent, I’ll admit there’s more to it too, so maybe there are parts of her genetic makeup that I don’t know, but they are feint, so one would assume not dominant or generations past and not obvious now”

The doctor now had a self satisfied smile on his face. As he leant on one foot and crossed his other leg behind the weight baring leg. “I had assumed someone had figured that out already, or I would have said something already. But I figure that’s why shes healing like she is, her powers are turning towards her own injuries, it does happen.”

It had been 48 hours on the dot since Micah had brought Ashlyn into the hospital. It had been 2 days of hell for Micah, he had not left Ashlyn’s side though, well he was forced into another shower this morning but otherwise he’s been there with her. He even slept on the chair at the side of the bed. He had barely eaten.

They had taken to do the CT scan yesterday as a precaution but found nothing of note. A healed fracture of the clavicle, a few fingers with healed fractures, a small bruise on her spleen but nothing that would be keeping Ashlyn unconscious. Micah was growing more and more anxious.

When a few of the female nurses, Micah didn’t even notice who it was, were around they helped Micah bath Ashlyn and wash her hair, Micah didn’t have a clue that she would need shampoo and conditioner and body wash, he just used the same soap, and washing hair 3 times before putting the conditioner on? Since when was that a thing.

He had to admit that her hair looked shiny and gorgeous when they blew it dry and braided it again for her though. They dressed her in a pair of PJs from her new room, a pair of long shorts and a tank top. One of the nurses changed her underwear too.

The pyjamas were an very pale, almost acid wash purple, with bats and stars in black glitter on. There was a fluffy dressing gown, this was a darker purple and softer even that Zander’s fur. It had a ring of pentagrams sewn into the wrists and around the hood, while they didn’t dress her in this, it was too warm in the room with the blankets and it would mess with her IV’s. Ashlyn certainly looked much more comfortable now.

It was 7pm on the dot, Micah had gone out to the corridor to say goodbye to his mother when there was an ear piercing scream from the room behind him. Ashlyn was sat bolt upright in the hospital bed, her eyes wide with fear. The room as empty apart from her as far as she could tell.
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