Chapter 5


The enchanting streaks of light rushed down from the heavens, stirring the potion with an explosive bang.

The winds grew rapid, and the entire room shook the more Gordon chanted.

Vials of frog legs trembled in the cabinets, cooking utensils fell over, and even the bed rocked from side to side. But Gordon was just getting started.

"Ye voices of destiny, this one does not know who ye have not revealed the Laird's partner, but this one is aware that ye are all knowing, and has a good reason for it. However, this year, I have felt the vibrations, and know ye will give me an answer this time."

At the cauldron several inches away, was a small slab with various items for the ritual. Gordon reached out for them, throwing each item one by one.

"For luck, three drops of a spittle from a great Lingon Bull and five lucky clovers."

The potion boiled vigorously after Gordon dropped the items in it.

He added frog legs, witch's dust, Wolf's bane, blue butterfly wings, and various magical potions.

Some items signified the opening of the fate's doors, while other items were out to ensure he foresaw the right person.

Alexander and the others were no strangers to his actions. Apart from Alexander, the others were curious about the mysterious lady who kept them waiting all these years. Why has fate decided not to reveal her all this while? It was very strange and had never been heard before in their clan.

Knowing what part of the ritual they were in, Alexander calmly slit off three strands of hair and dropped them into the cauldron.

Suddenly, a wolfish growl similar to his bubbled out of the cauldron and his image now appeared.

"Oh, ye voices of destiny. This is the chosen Laird ordained by ye. Grant us the blessed gust of wind to fan tonight's success, and a thunderbolt to mix the potion well!"


Everyone's eyes widened. They had never seen a bigger reaction from the heavens than this. Winds and thunderbolts were so powerful that they had to dig their claws into the floors.

Before, the items in the room trembled in their resting places. But now, the scene was chaotic. Yet, no one focused on this.

"My Laird! My Laird! She is about to be revealed" Brodie exclaimed, watching a dark silhouette slowly form on the potion's simmering surface.

Everyone's heart almost leaped out of their chests, feeling their breathing accelerate by the second. Finally, they would see what their future mistress looked like.

Tonight's response from the heavens made their hopes soar high.

That's right. They were positive that the mystery was about to be revealed. But as they say… there's never anything certain in this life.

"Warlock! What just happened?"

Brodie's mouth hung open in the form of an -O-, disbelief flashing through his eyes.

Just when they thought the dark silhouette would become visible, it suddenly vanished, as though it was never there in the first place.


The hot-tempered Dugo slammed his fast on a turned-over table beside him. "What the hell? What is wrong with the Laird's destined partner? Why can we locate her? Eh?... Worlock! War--"

Everyone paused seeing the Warlock's state. The words and thunderbolts had long vanished and the skies returned to normal. However, the warlock still had his eyes closed.


Gordon didn't seem to hear them, as an exaggerated amount of sweat covered his forehead. His eyes switched and spasmed, as he felt a mysterious force guide his hands to circle the cauldron's corners. And when he came to his senses, he lowered his face, hiding his emotions from the group.

Alexander raised his left brow, seeing how heavily Gordon panted.


Gordon shook his head. "Nay, my Laird... Finding your destined partner is more difficult than it is. At least today's results were far better than the other times... So there is still hope."

Alexander shrugged. "I do not care."

He wished he never had to meet her at all. They hadn't met yet, but she was already a pain in the arse. He, Alexander Mackay, didn't need such a troublesome woman by his side.

"We leave now."

"As you wish, my Laird."

In silence, Brodie, Dugo, and Leith tactfully followed Alexander out of the cottage.

Standing at the door, Gordon watched them hop on their horses.

"My Laird, travel safe," Gordon yelled while watching them ride down his lonely hill. And when they were no longer in sight, his lips lifted up.

Staring at a far distance, his eyes flashed with a mysterious light.

'The heavens are wise. Tonight, my Laird, ye shall meet her... No matter how much a werewolf chieftain resists, none can escape destiny. Not even you, my Laird.'

Gordon chuckled lightly, enjoying the stagnant night breeze.

Tonight, the stars were the prettiest he had ever seen. It was alive with raw energy that glistened like marbles in the sky.

Gordon glanced at the direction his Laird rode before slowly retreating to his quaint cottage, like a turtle retreating into its shell.

He would be seeing his Laird soon, but not now.

Destiny still has a lot to play in the lives of those destined lovers.

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