Chapter 2
I and Betty arrived at school by 7:30 AM, I was cool with it because we had over an hour and thirty minutes before the first period. I and Betty walked to our locker and got some books, thereafter we headed to class where we met some of our other friends.
When we got into the class, it was noisy as usual. While we were walking to go meet our friends, the dumbest guy in my class walked towards me, Jeff.
"Hey beautiful, how does it feel to be in the final year," he asked. I and Betty glanced at him weirdly without saying a word, we walked past him but he grabbed my hand and pulled me closer to him, which made me lean on him, my hands were on his chest and his hands were on my waist.
"Baby I'm talking to you," He said. Oh my goodness his breath smelt so awful that I couldn't even breathe in front of him. I tried to release myself from his hands but then some of my classmates saw me, before anything could happen the most popular kid in class pointed at us and yelled,
"Hey look, Angie and Jeff are a couple," he said as everyone began to laugh at me. I felt so humiliated that I pushed Jeff and headed to my friends. When I got to them we embraced each other. They told me not to be upset about what happened and honestly, I wasn't that upset.
Before the first period, I and my friends were having a conversation. We were talking about how fun this year is going to be since it was the final year. The conversation was going fine until one of them asked me the million-dollar question,
"Angie, so have you gotten a boyfriend yet?"
Angie's POV
The issue of me getting a boyfriend has been one of the biggest conversations between me and my friends. Ever since I was born, I've never been in a relationship. Different guys had asked me out but I didn't accept them. Some came with gifts, and money, one even came with a car and told me it would be mine if I say yes but I refused.
I'm not a proud person, and I swear it's not something I'm doing just to keep count of how many guys have asked me out. I liked them all but I'm afraid of that one thing called heartbreak. I've seen it happen in many movies and too many people and I don't think my heart is strong enough to bear it. And on the other side I felt unique that I've never dated anyone, my friends have no idea I feel unique about it because if they do, they would hate me. All my friends have a boyfriend except me and I don't see myself dating anyone until further notice.
While they were giving me dumb reasons to have a boyfriend, the bell rang and our physics teacher walked into the class. Everyone sat down and got ready for the class. After everyone had settled down, our physics teacher smiled at the class,
"First I want to congratulate you all for making it into the final year," he said as we cheered for ourselves. "Yeah, this is grade 12 and by next year you all would be out of here," he said as we continued to cheer ourselves.
"Good, Now before we start I want us to welcome a new student," he said as a tall cute guy walked into the class. He had this grey hair, his lips were pink, he was muscular and he had this look like he was upset which made him look even cuter. I glanced at him continuously as he walked toward our teacher.
"So his name is Jones and he would be with us until we graduate. Trust me he's a nice guy so please let's make him feel at home," said our physics teacher. "Well go sit anywhere you like," he said. Jones walked closer to the first seat and looked around for a free chair, sadly there was no free chair close to me but there was one about three seats far from me. He walked to the free seat and sat down without saying anything to anyone around him.
After the class, I went to my locker to drop my physics book and get my math textbook, I dropped the physics book inside my locker and held my math textbook. I sighed and looked at the hallway, "What the hell am I doing, why the hell am I thinking about this guy?" I asked myself. I had to try to put myself together before the next class because I already started thinking about getting married to Jones and having kids. I swear I tried to stop thinking about him but it was so hard. I angrily slammed my locker which got everyone looking at me. I didn't look at them or say anything to them, I bow my head and walked to the next class, when I got there I met Jones surrounded by the most popular girls in class. I felt sad but I had to ignore it because he's not my boyfriend and I don't even know him. I sat next to Betty and folded my arms,
"Hey Angie what's up," Betty said but I ignored her. She looked at me and realized I was looking at Jones and how he was flattering with the popular girls. She called my name again but I didn't answer, she called me again and I didn't still answer until she stood up from her seat and tapped me. I looked at her and gave her a fake smile. She looked at me weirdly, then she looked at Jones. She looked at me again and smiled,
"Are you looking at Jones?" she asked with a crazy smile on her face.
"What?, no I'm not, I don't even like him, he's hanging out with Victoria and it's disgusting," I said,
Betty looked at me weirdly,
"Oh my God, you like Jones," she said with a loud voice. Immediately after she said this I stood up and covered her mouth with my palm,
"Shh," I said and looked back to see if anyone heard what Betty said but lucky for me the class was noisy so no one heard her.
"Betty are you crazy, why would you say that?" I asked with a pretty low voice,
"Because it's true, I only asked if you are looking at him and you said you don't like him, oh my gosh I'm so proud, my baby is finally in love," she said and hugged me. I politely forced myself out of her arms,
"No I'm not, I've turned down many guys, like plenty of them, including the ones that are way cuter than Jones so why would I be in love with him, I'm not in love with him," I said, and sat down leaving Betty leaning on the table while giving me a crazy smile.
"Okay, if you say so," she said and sat down, shortly after the math teacher walked into the class.