Chapter 4
When Dad said we were going out, I thought he would take me to get pizza or something but for one day my dad acted like a parent, he took me to a restaurant for old people, the restaurant was quite fancy though, there were suit men everywhere and I felt oppressed by the pretty and fancy dresses the women were wearing, well the point is I got to hang out with my dad.
I and Dad returned home by 8:33 PM, when we got home, Mom was already home, Normally mom comes back home after I've gone to bed but this time she was home by 6, can this day get any better? There is this joy any teenager gets when she sees her parents get along pretty well and that's what happened when mom came home early. We had dinner together and watched a movie, my first day at school today wasn't that good but my first day after school was awesome.
The next day, I didn't wake up before my alarm sounded, in fact when I heard the sound of the alarm, I hit it and went back to bed for another hour. Mom had to come to wake me because It was almost eight and school starts at nine. I brushed my teeth and got dressed in a white shirt and a black short skirt with a pair of black sneakers. I didn't bother asking mom for lunch money, I left without saying anything to her, I don't know why but I guess I woke up in a bad mood this morning, normally I would go to Betty's house first and from there we would go to school together but I didn't go to her house, I went straight to school.
When I got to school I went straight to class. They were only a few people in class reading their books or whatever. I sat on the chair in the middle of the class and pulled out my headphones from my pack bag, I wore them and rested my head on the table while I listened to music. After a short while, Mom texted me,
Angie, why did you leave without telling me? you didn't even stop by to get your
lunch money,
It's okay mom I have some money here with me,
Alright darling, take care and don't forget, the key is under the rug.
After replying to mom, I leaned my head back on the table. Later on, the class began to get crowded, I could see people pass by but I couldn't hear them. While I was listening to music, someone touched me from behind, I raised my face and turned, it was Jones. My mouth went dry, my heart began to pound loudly and I became nervous.
"You're on my seat," he said but I didn't hear him because of the headphones, I quickly removed them and continued to glance at him without saying a word,
He chuckled,
"Uh... you're on my seat," he said,
"Oh my gosh I'm sorry, the class was scanty when I came in," I said and stood up from his seat,
"It's okay,"
I was about to leave his seat but then he stopped me,
"If you uh...like my seat then you can have it, I'm just going to have yours," he said and smiled,
Talking to Jones was so relaxing, he had these super cute dimples, his voice was deep and his smile was really pretty. I woke up in a bad mood but he had already started making my day by talking to me alone.
"Uh..no, no no I won't want that, you can have your seat back, I'm okay with my seat,"
"Okay," he said and dropped his bag on the desk. "So what's your name?"
"I'm Angie,"
"Angie, that's a pretty name,"
"Thanks," I said, I couldn't help but smile because I was really enjoying the conversation. He noticed I was smiling so he smiled back at me.
"And you're Jones, the new guy in class," I said with a smile on my face,
"Yeah, our physics teacher already said that yesterday," he said and laughed, though it wasn't funny to me I laughed with him, "I mean it's funny, now I don't get to introduce myself to any of our classmates," he said as we continued to laugh. The conversation was going fine until Victoria walked in. When she walked into the class I became uncomfortable. She walked to Jones and hugged him without minding that I was talking to him. it seem like she did it to make me jealous because after she hugged him, she leaned her arms on his shoulders, looked at me, and gave me a fake smile,
"Angle, I didn't see you there," she said. I sighed and walked out on them feeling ashamed of what just happened. Hugging the guy I was talking to, and worse of all calling me Angle just to mock me. Jones couldn't say anything, I expected that he'll say something about it but he kept quiet.
I started to wonder why I was all worried about Jones, I turned down lots and lots of guys, why then is Jones the only one that makes me feel like there are butterflies in my stomach each time I talk to him? SCREW JONES, I said to myself.
It was 20 minutes to 9 and I realized Betty wasn't in school yet, it was disturbing because even though I don't go to her house before coming to school, she still comes early. I pulled out my phone and tried to call her but her phone was switched off. Just as the Geography teacher was about to walk into the class, Betty quickly walked in. Her seat was next to mine so when she walked in she headed to her seat and sat down,
"Betty what took you so long, I was worried about you,"
"Why didn't you come to my house this morning?" Betty asked, Just as I was about to reply, the teacher asked us to stop talking or he would send us out of his class.