Chapter 6

" Please accept this offer of mine, I need the money more than ever. This is my only chance to survive. " Ashlyn said without hesitation.

As her voice cracked endlessly expressing how desperate she was to be his surrogate.

" Please do not deny me this one offer. I don't know what to do. " She continued.

As she fell to the ground bursting out with tears. That was her last shot to get that much money.

Seeing all of this display, Blaze heart soften a little bit as the thoughts of considering accepting Ashlyn as a surrogate will help her, as well as help him.

After a long time of pleading with Blaze to accept her proposal of being her surrogate, she kept on getting series of no.

Till there was finally a yes. A yes that came with a condition. The only condition to let Blaze think about it.

" Fine, I will think about it and I will get back to you. "

Blaze said with a very calm voice as he approaches her slowly and picked her up.

" Thank you so much. I am so grateful. "

Ashlyn replied wiping out her tears from her face.

She just needs a roof to put her baby brother under. nothing more. While thing of joining blaze and stay in his house, she had already had other plans and intentions to smuggle her baby brother into one of the rooms in his mansion with our Blaze knowing and approval.

This is to ensure that her baby brother doesn't stay away from her since they have no where to go. She was ready to take the responsibilities of her actions at any time just to protect her brother.

Two days have passed, and still yet no calls from Blaze about her proposal. Ashlyn has started getting worried about all of these.

Ashlyn had started question everything. Asking herself if Blaze had just said that he'll think about it just to make her to leave.

All these countless thoughts travelled in her mind as she continued to wonder endless. Immediately, she turned and looked at her baby brother from behind as tears start gathering in her eyes ready to burst out.

" So that is it? " Ashlyn said in regret.

As she starts blaming her parents that left her to suffer like that with her baby brother.

" I don't know what to do anymore. I need help. I think I'll go crazy with all of these problems from left to right with no solution. "

Ashlyn kept on screaming in her heart. She didn't want to make her brother know that she was actually hurting. if not, he will be hurting too. and it won't be good for both of them.

What she has to do is accept what is before her and try to explain to her brother everything.

"Is everything okay? Will you want to do something this night?" she asked staring at her seriously and Ashlyn, being caught up in gear as well as confusion, she said no but later said yes and her response only confused she the more. In wonder, she asked Ashlyn whether it was a yes or no and her facial expression had dropped immediately.

"I am sorry friend but I am not in any mood to reason right now. My head hurts and all I can see is a dark cloud over my head. I feel useless and more like an incompetent lady." She said with her eyes giving out some tears but she's not wanting her to shed some more tears, told her not to worry about anything because she was going to take care of her mom for her while she goes out there and make sure that she does what she has to do since it is important.

"Thank you so much, okay, I knew that you will not let me down."

She was not still convinced about the excuse that Ashlyn had given to her for staying out that night but she was aware of something caller privacy. She was going through a lot at that time and they both had the principle of respecting each other's moods and worries till the person is ready to talk about it.

"I think I have to go now, okay. We will talk this evening after your work."

"Are you sure you will be fine? I hope he won't take this as an excuse to relieve you of your duties," she spoke out but Ashlyn, not minding about what might happen later, all she needed was a means of getting her mother to good health as well as doing the right thing after that which was to start getting a new job because she had no idea on how to start looking at him again after that incident.

Just as they were still talking, one of their colleague, passed by and gave them a dead glance which made her to be scared for her life. Telling her friend that she had to go before their boss gets out to scold her, She nodded and took out some money from her purse and handed it over to her to take a taxi or a bus back home.

The tears that were in her eyes, following her pal's action was dropping down but she gave her a tight hug, she asked her not to cry anymore, and to make sure that her mother does not catch sight of her in that manner if not it was only going to bother her the more.

"I will try to dry up my tears."

"Good girl. Now go back and take care of yourself, okay?"

"You too."

"No, I can't buy that Blaze. Why will you do something like this as though you have no conscience?"

"Hey, bro calm down. Why will you be bashing me like this?" he in confusion asked his friend as he had never seen him so sensitive before but he stood up from his seat, he told him that using her mother's predicament as an excuse to impose that kind of situation on her was not called for.

"Bro, I know that we do this a lot and together, but I just feel like this time you went too far. It was a matter of life and death you know?" He spoke out.

"Well, there is absolutely nothing that I can do honestly. The did have been done and all I can hope for is for her not to change her mind because her mom will not be saved if she does that."

He was so uncomfortable about that and he could not get to take it off his mind. It was so hard for him to get over the issue and he could not even explain why.

As they were talking, his secretary called his office phone to tell him that, she was there to see him and all he did was roll his eyes and say,

"Tell her to come back later because I am in a meeting right now."

"sure, Sir."

"Who is that?"

"Take a guess."

"You know she won't buy that rubbish right?"

"At least it has given me a break from the sermon that you were giving to me just now. They both preach somewhere else, and know that I will get you enrolled into a seminal, that way you won't be wasting your precious talent out here."

The two friends laughed out at his joke before he walked out of his office to go do some other work he had lying on his table.

Blaze was alone in his office but he could not seem to let go of what his friend had just told him some couple of minutes ago. Caressing his face with his hands, he knew that he was not a monster and all that mattered to him was the fun and nothing else. But the constant bagging from his mom for him to get an heir was just so devastating and it wasn't something he was ready to do or be, " A father."

The street was hot and she did not have her head well placed on her shoulders, it was as though her world was coming to an end. She had grown up only with her mom after the passing of her dad and though things had hot been easy they were fine so long as none of them had a fatal disease like what her mother was going through at the moment.

She was wasting some time on the road walking as she needed to clear her mind and spirit before appearing before her mom again if not, her mother was going to know what was going on with her and that will be very bad, especially with the situation.

"You need to calm down Ashlyn. He is a flirt, an animal, a good-for-nothing jerk but do hot leave that to affect you okay? Think about your mom's health and remember you promised her that you would do anything for her right?" She asked herself in an attempt to bring her back to consciousness but she could not help but cry out herself because that was not the kind of life she has hoped for herself.

It was getting complicated and of all people, it was her stupid and inhumane boss that she had to give her purity to all because he does not have a conscience to help her or to even lend her the money.

Ashlyn did not give a damn about her location as all that was in her head, was to get her mon to be well and as she was sitting there in the middle of the streets moaning bitterly, her cell phone, rang out inside her bag and that made her jerk out of her sad world to get it out and have a glimpse at it.

"Hey miss?" Ashlyn exclaimed, with fear in her eyes, seeing her contact name and the sweat that ran down her spine, was enough to cook a pot of soup. With trembling hands, some more tears dropped down her eyes and her lips throbbed some more.

"Hello, there." she let the first words out of her mouth and then, breathing heavily over the phone, asked her where she was and Ashlyn said she was on her way already.

"Great. Can you get some fruits for your mom before reaching here? She says she wants some cherries and apples."

"Okay then, I will be right there in no time."

After she hung up the call, her heart was hitting so hard against the had chest that the words from her mouth doesn't seem like they were going to come out any time soon. Gosh, she was so scared that it could be a piece of bad news and after thinking and sweating, she decided to walk across the road to get what his mother wanted with her next direction being the hospital.

"Is she coming already?" she asked In pain and she nodded. She has been a good friend and neighbor and they both have been decent to each other. Seeing her in such a condition, made her fo feel so bad because, she had always seen her be a fighter and a good woman who doesn't deserve anything order than happiness but that sickness of hers was not giving her space and was constantly in her way, preventing her from enjoying everything good thing that life has to offer her.

"Don't be like this okay, I am not dying anytime soon," Ashlyn mumbled as she noticed how pale and sad she was but the latter was not going to pretend like she was all okay when it was not. She was sincerely worried about her friend and constantly felt like life was not being fair to her at all.

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