Read with BonusRead with Bonus

Night Terrors

A biting chill slowly seeps into the healer's tent and coils around my fingers and face, gently nipping me into consciousness. I wasn't sure how I'd fallen asleep, but I assumed the mug of tea that the healer had prepared and insisted I drink had made me drowsy, as I couldn't remember much after finishing it. I pull the furs around myself slowly, taking care not to strain my sore shoulder and wonder where the healer has gone. Feeling brave I gingerly stride to the entrance of the tent and peer outside; the inky night sky reminding me of a watercolour painting, whorls of onyx and rich navy coiling and swirling, highlighted by the full moon.

It seems quiet, eerily so. During the course of the day the background noise of the camp had been bustling, a hive of activity and men walking to and fro, but now there was little noise but the sounds of the forest. Had they left me? No, all the tents were still here and all of the healer's supplies were still inside his tent, his small apothecary brimming with jars, potions and who knew what else. Maybe something was wrong, had they gone to search for enemy soldiers? They were an army after all, it was only reasonable they'd be out here to fight. The hairs along the back of my neck bristle and I hug the furs tighter. If I'd been left to fend for myself there was no way I was going to be a sitting duck, waiting in the tent for someone to find me. Swallowing down my panic I decide to head outside to find out what is going on.

The frost-covered grass crunches beneath my boots as I stride down the row of tents, my ears pricking at the sound of someone or something moving around up ahead. I focused on slowing my breathing as fear begins gently trickling down my spine and I stop dead in my tracks as I come face to face with him.


My feet become rooted to the spot, my body unable to respond to me, as I try to will myself to turn and dash back to the healer's tent. The mountain of a man glares down at me as I stand like an idiot and silently stare into those piercing eyes of his. The eyes that had held such affection and lust for me when I'd dreamed of him back home. The realisation makes my chest ache and I can't deny that this terrifying giant has stirred the most confusing swirl of emotions inside me. Affection, fear and hate all twisted together and creating turmoil that I can't resolve. The muscles in his jaw clench with visible irritation as he grinds his molars together, his eyes unblinking as he glowers at me. What have I possibly done to annoy him so much?

"You. Should not. Be here" his mouth strains to grind out the words, his whole body tense and agitated by the mere sight of me. He paces like a wild animal, shoulders curled forward, eyes locked upon me, as he stalks me. He is predatory, eyes bulging, head tilted upward to sniff the air as he paces in my direction.

"It was quiet, I...I just want to" I stumble and fumble over my words, trying to figure out what on earth I could do to stop him looking so furious with me. The man is terror, like a nightmare come to life, I can barely breathe let alone speak. He looks as if he wants to devour me.

"GET BACK!" he screams

I stumble backwards, his voice reverberating across the entire camp, my knees almost giving way and collapsing beneath me. I have never experienced such fury directed at me, the man is terrifying, like a wild beast ready to claim its prey. My feet try to move, but I'm not quick enough, as his colossal hand lurches forward to grab the furs from my shoulders. I shriek in panic and suddenly my feet obey me and I dart back through the blackness into the healer's tent. The blood rushes to my ears as my heart pounds in my chest and my hands tremble furiously. Panic consumes me and I begin to sob silently, terrified he might follow me. I curl my knees to my chest and slide under the bed, pulling the sheet from it and wrapping it tightly around me as I weep. I cry in fear, I cry in confusion and I cry for home. I have no idea what this place is, or how I got here but I feel like I've been dragged straight into the pits of hell.

A warm hand placed delicately on my forearm has me jolting awake and coming face to face with the healer crouched beside me.

"Breakfast?" I nod and start to shuffle out from my hiding spot. uncurling my sore limbs that had been scrunched around me for the duration of the night. He hands me a bowl of porridge with an assortment of berries and a drizzle of honey over the top. My belly makes a cascade of rumblings and churnings and we both chuckle at the sounds as we tuck into our breakfast.

"Do you feel better?" he inquires, his head tilted slightly as he watches me eat.

"It just aches, I'm ok" I reply, honestly my shoulder is really sore this morning after being curled up on the ground all night, but I'm too embarrassed to talk about it, and he's already done more than enough.

"I meant after your meeting with the commander last night" his lip curls on one side into a half smile, the sincerity in his voice genuine as he speaks. I stop eating and look at him, not really sure what to say. I was hoping I could pretend it hadn't happened, but I suppose sleeping under the bed all night would be difficult to brush off.

"He, he found me wandering outside. It was my fault, I should have stayed here" my gaze remains firmly locked on the bowl of porridge in my hands, my eyes not wanting to meet those of the healer.

"You couldn't have known, child, this place is still so strange to you, I'm sure"

"I know he hates me, that should have given me common sense enough not to go wandering around his camp"

The healer smirks and a small chuckle escapes his lips as he continues to eat. Clearly the commander's dislike of me is common knowledge, some kind of running joke within the camp.

"Is it safe for me here?" I ask, my voice trembling. There is no reason for them to care for me here, I'm of no value and the military commander can't bear the sight of me. Honestly I'm amazed I'm still alive.

"Nowhere in this world is safe" he answers "But we will do our best to protect you whilst you remain here"

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