This was the worst part.
The memory.
The nightmare that I lived through, leaving me broken, unable to be fixed.
It was horrible.
The smell of the recent storm was faint in the air. My claws dug into the earth, keeping me from sliding too far from the fight. The Pricolici in from of me was an Ancient, probably one that turned by choice. After the first Moroi he had drained he'd gone on to drain thousands more, their blood fulling his power.
Ivan's blood.
His body lay to my right, limp and lifeless. His blond hair stained red by his blood. His dull eyes staring wide, looking at nothing, seeing nothing. The life that once resided there was absent. The Guardians that were supposed to be protecting him were littered throughout the woods leading to this clearing.
I'd sensed that my charge was in danger. I was having my first night off since I'd started guarding him straight out of high school six and a half years ago. He was my best friend and after graduation, he became my charge. I hated to leave him alone, but he forced me to leave the house and go see a movie. Halfway through the previews my stomach began churning, I chalked it up to being nervous about leaving Ivan's side. There were seven Guardian's replacing me tonight, he was supposed to be safe.
When the feeling still hadn't resolved after the first fifteen minutes of the movie, I left to check in with Ivan. When he didn't answer the phone, nor any of his guarding team, I started sprinting in the direction of the house. It wasn't far from the theatre I was at. The smell of blood was already in the air. The Transformation took seconds, never causing me to break stride, and I followed the scent.
From what I could tell, the only dead were Dhampir. The single Lycanthrope was still alive, though I could smell his blood. I pushed myself to run faster. I dodged tree after tree, urging my muscles to go faster and faster. I had to get there.
When the smell of the Lycanthrope's blood became almost unbearable, I knew Ivan's last line of defense was gone, and I was still too far away.
My muscles ached from being pushed so hard, but I ignored them and pushed them even harder.
I broke into the clearing just in time to see the Pricolici's fangs sink into my best friend. The growl that emanated from within me was feral, to say the least. I thought I caught a glimpse of fear from the Pricolici as he dropped Ivan's lifeless body and turned to face me.
Its blood-stained lips pulled back in a snarl and it lowered itself into a defensive position. Without thinking, I launched myself at him, claws extended and aiming for the softest parts of his flesh.
I landed as many successful hits as I took. My body was showing signs of fatigue after the sprint here and the battle that was still raging. I was running in circles around him, using his large form to my advantage. My smaller form, at least compared to his, was more agile and easier to move. I would just need to wear him out a little more before I could deal real damage.
The Pricolici became momentarily distracted by a movement on the edge of the clearing, my mind registered the movement but my main focus was on the monster in from of me. I seized the moment and lunged for his exposed throat, ripping it open. The blood in my mouth was vile but tasted like victory and revenge. After the first tear it wasn't hard to take the rest of the head off. I threw it somewhere far into the woods.
My body was on the verge of collapse, but I needed to get to Ivan. He was my charge. He comes first.
I drug my aching body over to where my best friend lay in a heap. His face was twisted in an expression of pure agony. His final moments spent in pain. If only I hadn't have left him, he could still be alive. I tried not to think that I could be dead, too.
I felt the breath collecting in my lungs and before I could stop it my mourning howl rang loud, piercing through the night ranging for miles. A nearby howl returned, sounding heartbroken and sympathetic.
My head whipped around to see a pure white wolf with lilac eyes trotting over from the far side of the clearing. Perceiving her as another threat, I rose and stood defensively in front of Ivan, crouching and baring my teeth at her approach. My snarl only slowed her pace, but she wasn't backing down. In her eyes I could see the calmness I so desperately needed.
I sunk back to the ground. She came closer to me and nudged my neck. Her touch was soft and gentle. It held encouragement and I turned into the sensation that coursed through me where her nose fanned breath across my fur.
I let out another howl, this one was uninterrupted and longer, expressing every emotion I had over the loss of my friend. I was supposed to be an Alpha, and a strong one at that. I radiated power.
The magnificent creation that laid down in front of me was also an Alpha, though she hadn't matured into her position yet. I could tell she would be an amazing Alpha, strong and compassionate. She'd be a more powerful Alpha than I could ever hope to be, probably more powerful than any Alpha I've come across.
I felt my own power dwindling, but she lent me hers. Gazing into the soft lilac fields of her eyes every day this week, I decided I would follow her anywhere, she would be my Alpha. I didn't know if she was real, but if she was, I'd find her.
I fought sleep as long as I could. I didn't want to waste a second in the presence of the magnificent wolf in front of me, but the exhaustion I felt was too overwhelming and soon my eyelids drooped. Sleep took me and I woke from my dream.
I open my eyes to unfamiliar surroundings. My body was reluctant to be awake, as was my mind, but I knew if I went back to sleep the nightmare would start all over. Once a night was enough for me, though, it meant I would see the White Wolf again. She would almost be worth it.
I wondered if she was real. If this White Wolf existed somewhere in the universe and if I would ever meet her. My Babushka had always told me about the power of dreams, but this was the only instance that I could recall where I wanted my dream to become reality. Most of that dream was reality. The only part that hadn't happen in real life was meeting the White Wolf.
Ivan died a week ago. I was allowed a few days off to mourn for him, but I was soon accosted by Court to think about my next assignment. I had no interest in having a personal charge after losing Ivan, but Court wouldn't hear it. We compromised that I wouldn't have an official charge for another year. I would be assigned to Princess Vasilisa Dragomir upon her graduation from St. Vlad's, until then I would be stationed as a Guardian for the school.
On top of that, I was also to instruct my future guarding partner, Rosemarie Hathaway. From what I've heard about her, she's smart and talented but a troublemaker. She takes her training seriously, even going as far to practice material outside of the curriculum. If anything, she was dedicated to the Princess.
I glanced over at the clock as it blared its red numbers at me. Not even 4 p.m. It was too early for me to be up. I needed more sleep but my brain was fighting me. No, I didn't want to have to relive Ivan's death over and over again every night, but if I continued like this I'd die from exhaustion. I needed my sleep.
I laid back on the bed and closed my eyes. Sleep alluded me, but I got some rest all the same. When I looked back over at the clock only an hour had passed.
I decided that I wasn't going to be able to sleep anymore and decided to put my extra time to good use: a workout. I swung my legs over the side of the bed and sat up rubbing my face. Classes would start tomorrow and I'd yet to inform Rosemarie that we would be having training sessions after her classes every day.
Pushing my body off the bed I shuffled over to the bathroom and turned on the cold water in hopes of waking myself up. Standing under the freezing spray I felt my inner wolf cry out. There was an Alpha nearby, and a powerful one at that. I hoped I wasn't going to be stepping on anyone's toes in my short stay at St. Vlad's.
I hadn't met many of the other Guardians, and the ones that I had met were all Dhampir. I could smell the other Lycanthrope, though most smelled young, students. This Alpha was near and the power they radiated signified a mature Alpha, or if they weren't mature, they were close. But soon the tug faded and, presumably, the Alpha passed.
I stepped out from under the showerhead and dried off with the towel that was hanging on the rack by the shower. I pulled on some workout clothes and navigated my way toward the large gym.
The smell of sweat, blood, and vinyl attacked my nose as I pushed the metal doors open. I allowed the smell to overwhelm my senses, blocking out the rest of the world and started stretching. I moved through each of my weightlifting sets before wandering over to a punching bag.
The guilt of Ivan's death had been slowly eating at me for the past week and the only time it subsided, just a little, was when I was punching something. I know statistically speaking, catharsis didn't work, but that didn't stop me from pouring all of my emotions into my movements.
"Are you okay, sir?" I heard a voice come from behind me. I was so engrossed with my workout, that I hadn't noticed anyone else come in. I looked up at the clock and saw that I had been her for two hours. Turning to look at the source of the voice, I found a tall, lanky boy, probably seventeen years of age. He had a lot of muscle but his frame still made him look lanky and awkward. Fiery red hair sat atop his head and freckles dusted his face, the face that wore a look of concern.
"Yes, I'm quite alright, Novice…?"
"Ashford, sir. Mason Ashford." He stepped forward extending a hand. "It's a pleasure to meet you, Guardian…?" He replied waiting for me to give my name.
"Belikov." I took his hand in mine and gave a firm shake. The young man's eyes widened, obviously recognizing my name. I mentally sighed and steeled myself for what was to come next.
"It's a pleasure to meet you, Guardian Belikov. I had no idea that you had transferred to St. Vlad's." He said diplomatically, the look of awe still shining in his eyes.
"Yes. After some recent…events, I decided to take a break, though I have been assigned to be Princess Dragomir's Guardian upon her graduation. Until then I will function as a school guardian and a mentor to the Princess's other future Guardian, Rosemarie Hathaway." His eyes widened even more at my revelation.
"You-you're going to be mentoring Rose?" He fumbled out, a hint of jealousy and possessiveness tinged his words.
"That is the plan, though if you happen to see her before I do, please don't say anything to her. I would like to talk to her first." He nodded in compliance and studied me, almost as if to size me up. I felt myself stand taller and square my shoulders to him, though I don't know why.
After a few moments, Mason gave me a sharp nod, turning and exiting the gym. I suddenly felt very anxious about what tomorrow would bring.