At the incorporation of the School of Chefs, she was honored for being the best student. She received medals, diplomas, everyone was proud of Jenna, the buffet prepared by the students was a delight for the palate of everyone at the graduation reception.
Hugs, happiness, anecdotes, laughter could be heard in that place, they toasted to all the graduates, until everything was over and the Blacks returned home where the celebrations, applause and 'long live the new chef' continued.
Everyone was happy, as Jenna's entrance to the University was near, a surprise awaited the graceful young lady at dawn, the sun was coming through the folds of the curtain. Jenna woke up all lazy, but the alarm clock had already done its job, she went to take a bath to wash off the last remnants of sleep. She got dressed casually, but when she left her room she noticed that there were no noises, no one was there, she walked down the hallway, knocked and opened several doors, looking for her family and nothing. She arrived at her father's room and not even her beloved nanny, who adored her, was there.
She went down the stairs and saw the entrance door half open, she was alarmed when she did not see the guards, she fearfully went outside when she heard some screams.
"Surprise!" Her whole family peeked out laughing, Marck, hugged her and said very happy.
"My love, I have a present for you, since you are going to college, come with me".
He took her to the edge of the sidewalk and handed her some car keys. Jenna looked at her father, he had that nice smile of when he is happy, she looked at the keys again, pressed the lock and heard the typical sound of the alarm when the car was opened.
When she admired it she exhaled a long sigh and shouted:
"Dad it's beautiful, it's a Ferrari and in my favorite color red, thanks dad".
She spun around several times, opened the hatch, got in the car for a few moments to feel everything, got back out to hug her father, all ecstatic with happiness.
"Thanks daddy." Marck smiled to see his daughter so happy, in his mind he wished he had had Judith by his side to see his beloved daughter very happy.
Her grandparents were delighted with her reaction and Marcus was only happy.
"That's what you deserve beautiful and much more, your achievements in what you set out to do is flattering, we all love you and want you to be very happy as you are now."
Her granddaughter came up to her and expressed "I love you all, I love my family, I love my dad, I love.... my mom, who, even though she is not here present, I know she is up there in heaven, watching over me and happy for what I am doing and receiving."
They went inside for breakfast, the joy in that mansion was the nicest thing, that family atmosphere where everyone acted in camaraderie and brotherly love, then they went in their cars to go to the University to leave her installed, that yes, her father had asked for an exclusive room for his daughter with all the comforts.
When they arrived, they unloaded all the luggage and went inside to help her set everything up in her new room at the University, when they finished they went to the cafeteria to have some snacks before saying goodbye and leaving Jenna.
In the parking lot was the final farewell, hugs, kisses, advice and so on from everyone, the last one was Marck who hugging his daughter said, "Well, here begins another stage of your life, daughter, I know you will achieve all your dreams, when you have vacation we will be waiting for you at home, love.
"Dad, I love you, I will always make you proud, you will see, the best grades, I already want to learn to help you in the company and rest more, take care of yourself please."
"Of course I will my love, my princess." They gave each other a last kiss on the cheek and Jenna stood there waving goodbye to all her relatives.
She went back to her room, she was about to put the key in when she heard behind her back.
"Hi friend, we're your roommates." She turned around and it was some nice young men and answered.
"Hi, my name is Jenna Black." They all shook hands with her, she opened the door and they walked in, looking around the room, making noises of satisfaction and amazement.
"Wow, look at that what a luxury, you have everything here, you have home theater, what a thing."
Jenna was smiling, looking at them going through looking at their stuff, but she wasn't proud or stuck up, she just said:
"My dad who didn't want to leave me without anything, he's overprotective hahahahaha."
"I wish my dad was like that, mine only let me bring the TV nothing else".
"My parents did give me everything so I wouldn't get bored, but here you don't get bored at all my friend, you'll know why."
They went on with the hullabaloo, as they had no class they stayed up late, eating sweets they went to buy and drinks when they were about to go to sleep, they said goodbye, in a notebook they left their names, they all went to their same course and specialty.
In her notebook were the names of all the kids who were there.
Vincent, Mary, Jully, Christian, Steve, Carl, John, Lorens, Alex, Tonny, Alexa, Alessandra.
She put her notebook away, went to bed smiling, because she already had friends at the university and that made her very happy.
She woke up, cleaned herself, got dressed and went to the cafeteria to have breakfast, meeting with several of those who were in her room, the camaraderie was very good, then they went to class, when they left for recess, the fraternity called EXCLUSIVE APPOINTMENTS came in to talk to them, it was a very long intervention, they left them brochures where men and women alike were summoned.
Everyone reviewed the brochures, the information impacted Jenna, everyone was curious, it said crazy fun, incredible pleasures, you make the decision, her classmates talked about that fraternity was very famous and everyone joined it, it was not mandatory, but it made you have more prestige and benefits, such as student credits or not to say high scores in the subjects. Jenna was interested, because she wanted to be the best and have the highest score of the university and if that meant competing to be a member of that fraternity, she would do it without complaining.
They returned to classes which were entertaining, for her everything was 100% understandable, her mind was privileged, she felt very good, good education, good friends, she was just waiting to go to the fraternity meeting and join it.
While at the company, Marck received a notice of an untimely visit, when he heard the name Loretta Raise he was impressed, realizing he was going to see her after he turned her down, but knew nothing about her, he answered his secretary.
"Send Rose in." The door opened giving way to a gorgeous woman stomping the floor, making the office rumble, she didn't come alone, she was accompanied by a very tall man. As tall as Marck and that man was burly.
"Hello beautiful love, I've come to visit you, I've missed you." She hugged him without letting him say anything yet, but said.
"Loretta dear, you look beautiful I've missed you too" She gave him a kiss on the cheek and exclaimed amused.
"This is Ralph Matheus my fiancé, Ralph...this is Mark I've told you so much about."
The blond man with brown eyes shook Marck's hand saying "Hi Marck, so you are the man who rejected this beautiful woman...what did you miss, you let this cutie go."
To which Marck just smiled and replied "I... the truth is that I am single so far, I loved Judith too much and I am not attracted to any woman, her memory fills my emptiness".
The man looked at him incredulously, Loretta too, because she thought that maybe he already had some conquest out there and replied looking at him.
"Marck Black, the most coveted man, hasn't been caught from any, hey would you be losing you... ehm how do I put it without offending you?"
"I understand what you mean and the answer is...I don't like men." Ralph hearing this let out a thunderous laugh saying.
"Hahahaha Loretta don't offend him, hahaha, this man spills his virility everywhere, the only thing he has is that he has his heart devastated by a woman, he must have loved her very much and that is not criticized love, but there is one thing you can do man... have a blind date, but one of those special ones, that are only for businessmen men of money like you, that's how I got Loretta.
Marck observed Loretta who is smiling, approached him and commented.
"Dare Marck, you should try it, I chose Ralph, well I didn't know who he was, by the third outing we realized we had a rapport, we took off our masks and got to know each other, we became sweethearts and here we are.
He looked at her without understanding yet and Ralph explained:
-Look you go to that blind date site, they ask you questions about what you are really looking for, they show you pictures of women with masks, you choose one, but the condition here is that sometimes many choose her. They take you to a room where the others are and they line up, she enters and chooses the man who catches her eye the most. Then they see only each other, but the condition is that the mask covers the face of both of them, only their eyes and mouth can be seen, also, you cannot speak anything, it is only carnal contact. If you get a virgin you are lucky, you hit the jackpot, that's why in the rules they give you they tell you what you must do to know if she is a virgin and not mistreat her.
Mark was with his mouth open, stupefied to hear them, he had never crossed his mind those things, it was something new for him, but he thought it was a solution to his abstention of so many years, besides, the curiosity of getting into that little world of perversion.
**** Without knowing it, the couple gets Marck, a widowed man who has abstained from having sex for his late wife, interested in the world of blind dates where he will get to have sex with strangers without commitment, but that someday will make him see that not everything is what it seems in this life. ****