"How lazy to get up so early" Jenna said looking down at her polar bear stuffed animal.
When she got up after two steps she saw that there was an envelope that had been passed under the door, she lifted it, leaving it on a small table, she went into the bathroom to relieve herself and take a bath to get rid of sleep, she came out very fresh and got dressed and opted for a combination of a white sleeveless blouse and a dark jean because it was hot.
She sat down to read what was in the golden envelope, when she turned it over she saw that it had a kind of seal in the shape of a rose, she opened it and there was a piece of paper inside that looked more like parchment that said
Miss Jenna Black
The Exclusive Appointments Fraternity, is pleased to announce that you have been chosen as the most exclusive of the fraternity, your benefits will be the highest and your orders will be delivered promptly.
Your decisions will be honored to the fullest, your status as a pure being deserves every compliment, and your status as valedictorian is a record never before seen at this University.
We will be waiting for your presence at the meeting scheduled for today at 5:00 pm, in the auditorium, your seat is number 1A, only for the Golden VIP students.
Jenna was amazed to read what was on that golden paper, she put it back in the envelope and put it in a notebook, got ready to eat breakfast in the cafeteria and go to class.
Already in the cafeteria she met her classmates and they all had their white envelopes, only she had the golden one, Mary checked it and just commented.
"Jenna is going to be the sorority favorite wow." Jenna looked at it strangely, she didn't like being the 'favorite', but the curiosity of knowing it made her think that maybe she was going to win a lot with it.
Alex and Vincent also showed up with the golden envelopes, but when they read them they were very different from hers, they only congratulated them for being pure and their seats were not with Jenna, they said number 2A and 3.
They went to class everything went as usual, but at four o'clock in the afternoon they all left to get ready and go to the meeting, this time Jenna wore a black dress that fit her beautiful body and a necklace that her dad had given her.
When her friends saw her in the hallway where they were all going to meet to go to the meeting together, they were in awe and couldn't help but appreciate her.
"Jenna how beautiful you look."
"Girlfriend how pretty you look like a princess."
"Mama mia I think I'm going to stop being gay."
They all laughed listening to Alex, but he was so right Jenna was a beauty, the teachers admired her and whispered among themselves
"Look at that what a body."
"What a woman my God."
"You guys need to calm down she's the only one in the golden An envelope, so get off the pedestal, she's exclusive she's worth millions."
"Shit not being a millionaire like those lucky guys."
"Hey from what I hear she's only going to choose between three men who will be chosen, they are the ones who will give the most money for her."
"She's a good girl, she's a great combo for whoever is lucky enough to take her, virgin, good person, the most prestigious and best student in the university."
They admired her walk until she got lost at the end of the corridor surrounded by her classmates who praised her every step she took, on the other hand she was not pretentious and was always humble.
When she arrived at the auditorium, she was escorted by men in black robes to her seat which was in the front row and the only seat there, they closed a small fence and behind it sat Alex and Vincent, then more arrived and sat next to her, they greeted Jenna every now and then making her laugh.
When it was filled with everyone who had been summoned, the lights were turned off and only one light was turned on, which illuminated who got on stage to address everyone.
"Good afternoon dear students of this prestigious university, something unusual has happened in all the years of this fraternity, something very prestigious, a beautiful pure young lady and the best student of this campus, this has never happened before, I ask for a round of applause for Miss Jenna Black".
The applause was raging, he motioned for silence and began to say.
"Well students in this university there are rules and one of them is to belong to the Fraternity, you decide if you enter or not, but also if you decide not to enter you will have to battle your permanence and your curriculum, since it will be different from the members of the fraternity".
There was an absolute silence, because everyone wanted to know more, the man who wore a hood that almost could not see his face walked a little and said
"Well, there are rules in the Fraternity, rules that in case you decide to join, you must comply with them to the fullest, otherwise whoever does not comply with them will be punished and the punishment will be physical".
The murmur became great when hearing about the physical punishment, but the man continued speaking.
"Today I will announce to you the general rules, pay close attention.
1* Never miss classes 'only if it is due to force majeure, an illness'.
2* Everything concerning the fraternity shall be secret.
3* Each member will receive an envelope with the internal rules that will not be discussed with anyone.
4* Whoever receives the golden rules will not be able to say anything, not even to his companions.
Well, the rules received are individual, they are not the same, each one will receive rules according to his performance, whoever violates the rules three times will be expelled from the university and will not be received in any other by request of this institution.
We will pass now with a booklet and you will put your names if you wish to join the fraternity, name, surname, age and signature, thank you.
That hooded man came down from the stage and sat down next to Jenna and said:
"Hi, you are Jenna, don't sign the booklet, you are already accepted beforehand, the rules for you are very different than the others, it will be sent to you inside a sealed golden envelope, they are just for you".
He got up and left leaving her with doubts, more than all the preference towards her, she walked out and more companions joined her and congratulated her, the men stared at her, because her rhythmic walk provoked erections in the horny males.
Her body moved in such a sensual way that it raised the eyes of men without wanting it, that fitted dress showed her beautiful curves, her walk incited desire, she was made for love and desire, but she did not think about that, only about her studies.
Friends were left in the cafeteria commenting on what happened at the meeting, but they praised Jenna.
"Girlfriend you are golden number one, you are the only one with that here, the advantages are going to be innumerable."
"Mary, I am still as I tell you blank, I want to be the best professional to help my dad in the company."
"Jenna, you will be the best graduate from here, I assure you".
Each one went to their room to rest, they said goodbye, when they entered Jenna saw on the night table two sealed golden envelopes, curiosity flooded her, but she chose to change first, she put on her pajamas and began to read the envelope that said 1.
She opened it and it read verbatim.
'Miss Jenna you being the 1 VIP GOLDEN VIP, you have the right to choose the date for your date, day and time, you will be announced when those who choose you are ready and among them only you will choose who you like, but you will not be able to visualize his face because both he and you will wear masks and must not say a single word, those who will be chosen will know of her condition of being pure and treat her with all delicacy, neither will know the name of the other and after the first session it will be only the two of you who will continue in the appointments, for sanity and mutual modesty'.
Jenna read it again and understood everything, what had her worried was to be with a man without clothes and give him her virginity, that was what made her doubtful, but she only kept the paper in the envelope and let out a long sigh.
The other envelope was missing, she looked at it and touched it, she was very nervous, she didn't know or suspect what it said in that letter, she was in doubt whether to open it or not, but she opened it inside and found a gold ring with the initials FA, she put it aside and began to read.
Miss Jenna, from our greetings.
The Fraternity greets you and congratulates you on your admission, from tomorrow you will realize your privileges, you will have a maid to do cleaning, your food will be taken where you are located, the library will be open for you at any time, the key is included in a small envelope, your internet will be private, a Dinners card for purchases without surcharge for you, dresses, shoes for appointments and your personalized mask are in the closet'.
You will be treated with the delicacy you deserve being pure, your partner will be chosen by you personally, only with him you will have relations, if after a while you want to meet that person you must go personally to the rectory and show your ring and you will be personally attended by the owner Mr. Silver Wolf, who is the only one who knows the identity of the debutante's partner.
Everything is in invulnerable secrecy, the reputation of the student is taken care of and more if she is like you 1VIP GOLDEN.
Att FA'
She kept the envelopes and their contents in a locked drawer, sat down to ponder her fate smiled and began to dance very cheerfully
"Yesssssss, I'm going to get everything I want and.... I am going to choose my...partner, hahahaha!"
She sat on her bed happy still imagining what the man will be like, he will have a good body, he will be handsome, he will be tall, stocky, her imagination was flying through the skies.
Marck on the other hand had gone to visit where the appointments were made, from before entering they put on their masks, they were greeted by a man who took their data on the desired characteristics of the woman he was looking for, to continue preparing everything.
They went to another cubicle for the medical check-up, with the high technology it lasted a few minutes, at the end of this they were given some cards and went to another cubicle where on a laptop they looked at the possible partners, they could only see their beautiful bodies, the faces for nothing, they chose one for each one.
When they left there, they were taken to an elevator where they went up to the top floor, when the doors opened they gave to a huge luxurious office, when they entered Ralph told him to take off his mask, when they approached a luxurious desk they stood in front of it, a man had his back to him when Ralph said.
"Good afternoon Silver Wolf" When the man turned around, Marck jumped from how surprised he was as he recognized who he was sitting smiling at him and said.
"You...but you hate promiscuity, but how come...........
That elegant and attractive man stood up from his seat waving.
-Hello Marck, hahaha if you saw the look of surprise on your face hahaha well you see me here, I am the owner of VIP GOLDEN BLIND DATING, the privileged ones are the wealthy men with power.
Mark didn't want to believe his eyes, he who attacked promiscuity, attacked gay men, easy women according to him and also...his best friend.
"Oliver Lannister, hahahahaha it seems lie you dedicated to this, wow what one learns these days hahahahaha and I didn't realize your nickname, you always told me when we went hiking in the mountains, I am the Silver Wolf, what a thing, hahahahaha".
Oliver happily hugged his great friend, they had not seen each other for a long time, Ralph smiled because he had not imagined this and the best thing was that he was the best friend of the owner and he would take advantage of some discounts.
Jenna, the fraternity's favorite, was waiting for the day and the right time to ask for the famous Blind Date, but it was not yet time to do it.