Read with BonusRead with Bonus

Chapter 12 I still have doubts


I saw that there is still hesitations in her eyes. She must have thinking that what she decided is wrong. That entering in this contract is not a good option for her and her mom s situation. I cough. She look at me but the designer had taken the moment.

"Hello our VVIP s. I m Lara Crest, the owner and the designer of this famous boutique shop. Follow me and this the place where we put our clothes for wedding purposes."-she said. I held her hand pulled her as we follow Lara. I need to make sure she won t back out from this wedding.

"Here s the new designs of wedding dresses. Your fiancée is a beauty Mr. Luca. Honestly, she much beautiful that your ex-fiancée Isabelle."-she said. I smiled and she give me death glare.

"Oh sorry Ms. Roselyn."-she said. She smiled.

"It s okay, they already ended their relationship before we even meet."-she said.

"Look around and try different dresses."-I said.

"Okay."-she said. She look on the first dress on her right side. Her jaw drop when she saw the tag price. She went to me and whisper in my ears.

"Are you sure you want to waste thousand of dollars for a wedding dress? I will just used it once. Why don t we rent instead?"-she mumbled. I smiled.

"Money is created to be spent. C mon, don t mind the price. Just pick a dress that you want."-I said. She laugh and look at the dresses and then to Ms. Crest.

"I will pick the cheapest one."-she said. I laugh.

"All right, I will pick instead."-I said and stood up. She stops me by holding my hand.

"Ahahaha, are you sure?"-she said again.

"Yes."-I said. She let go of my hand. She is indeed different. I know when people are lying and acting innocent nor kind. I look on this dress. I look on this A-line dress. It has a long sleeve and it was see through and has laces with flower designs. I look at her and tell Ms. Crest that I want this one.

"This, help her to wear this gown please Ms. Crest."

"Hmm, nice pick. I think it suits her as well. Ms. Jensen, follow me please. Kris, come along."

I choose this white coat that will suit in that wedding dress. I used the other fitting room. Lara went to me and give me a smile.

"Your bride is ready."-she said. I followed her to the dressing roam that she use. Both of them went to each side of and pulled the string to open it. I am nervous thinking how beautiful she can be.


The curtain opens in half. I saw him holding the edge of his sleeve. I put my hand in front of me and look at him. I am really nervous. His eyes seems so surprised and smile later on.

"Wow, isn t it Sir Crimson? I also feel proud because it suit her perfectly. She looks like a model in a runway."-Lara. I feel awkward that I can t even smile a bit. I cleared my throat before I speak.

"What do you think?"-I ask.

"Beautiful. More that what I imagined."-he said.

"Is this the cheapest?"-I ask. She laugh and even him.

"C mon, stop thinking about the price. Do you like it or you want to try other dresses?"-he ask. I walk down but I forgot that they give me a heels and trip on the last step of the stairs.

"Roselyn!"-he said. We both landed on the couch behind him. My other hand is on the back of that couch and his other hand is on my shoulder. I look at him intently, in his blue eyes. I can see his sorrow.

"Oh, it s like a prenuptial shoot."-Ms. Lara. A flash of her camera took our attention. I stood up. I took a sigh of relief when I feel that I didn t sprain my ankle.

"Let me see."-he said. He went to her and he look at the picture in her camera.

"Send me that picture."

"We can take some more. The garden of my boutique can be a good place for shoots. I m a free lancer photographer myself."-she said.

"Why not, sunset is visible on that garden isn t it?"

"Exactly, it will be a great setting."-Lara. I just tag along and do what they say. I need to do my part as his contracted wife. Somehow I have questions that I can t take off in my mind.

"One, two, three!"-she said. We are staring on each other. The sunset is already here. He sits down the bench and I put my elbow in his shoulder. My palm is on his head and I smiled on the camera.

"Perfect! You two are perfect couple!"-she said. After this power tripping pre-nuptial photoshoot, we went back to her boutique. She is open around 10 am to 10pm in the night. I look on the mirror to see my reflection. This dress is beautiful. The back is V-neck but there are flower braches that touches my upper chest. The veil is also long like what you can watch in movies. I saw his reflection on the mirror.

"Do you like it? You can pick another designs if you want too. Just tell me."-he said. I smiled timidly.

"This is good. I like the design myself."-I said.

"Good to hear that."-he said. A couple came in.


A couple came in with the receptionist on the first floor. I talk to Lara.

"Pack this up. I want these in the mansion in two days."-I said. She nodded.

"No problem. I will deliver this in dry clean. I hope I am invited to your wedding."-she said.

"Of course. I will send your invitation car. Our wedding is on Saturday."-I said.

"Okay. I m free. Again, congratulations and best wishes to the both of you."-she said. We take off the clothes and after that we went home. In the car, she is silent and she seems to be thinking deeply.

"Do you want us to drop by in the hospital?"

"Nope. It s okay. I am tired myself. I ll visit mom tomorrow morning. My colleagues are surprised when I said that my fiancée wants me to quit my jobs. The manager remembers you and I said that it was you indeed."-she said.

"I don t mind because I am indeed your future husband. Are you still have doubts?"-I ask.

"That s normal isn t it? I mean the fact that everything is like in a flash, I have doubts that my decision is not good for me."-she said.

"And why not good for you?"

"We didn t know each other personally, let s start there. This might be just a contract marriage but still. I have this intuition that I can find other ways for my financial problem."

"Maybe because there is a side of you giving you a warning that I am a bad person. Am I right?"

"I won t be lying to you. Yes. Something in my head tells me that you might be a bad person. But somehow my hunch also tells me that your not. Maybe its my nature because I m a woman."

"I can tell you have doubts about me and my proposal. What I can say is that I never broke the promises that I made. Honestly, I hate people who broke their promises because I have never did. From the small things that I promise until the bigger ones."

"I am like that also. I can t promise bigger things but I have never turn back on my promises. Just don t mind me, I guess this is just a new experiences for me. I can cope when time comes."-she said. I saw on my peripheral view that she closes her eyes. She must be really tired. When we arrive in the mansion, she is indeed sleeping. I carried her until I reach her room. I slowly lay her down her bed. I look at her face. I caress her eyebrows down to her nose. I pulled the quilt and turn off the lights. I went off to my room.


We are staring on the invitation card that is being send to us. I opened it.

"Wow. It was a rushed wedding but the preparation is like being done for months."-I said. The invitation is lavish. I think it is made of gold. Powdered of course.

"Luca and Jensen Nuptial. Reid family you are cordially invited to the wedding ceremony of the groom Crimson Luca and the bride Roselyn Jensen. It will be held in October 28th 2020 around 8pm at night. The wedding will be held in a cruise and see you in the port."-I said.

"Wow! A real wow! A cruise?"-I said.

"Have you forgotten sweetie? Luca empire had a business in cruise line."-dad.

"Oh, I forgot about that."-I mumbled.

"Oh, there is a picture on the next page. Wow, look at this you two. They re cute in this."-mom said. I smiled, I have a hunch that my best friend stumble her feet and she accidentally fall down to Mr. Luca. I ask her if I can tell mom and dad about the truth of her surprised wedding and she said YES. They both know the reason and they can t blame her as I do also.

"I will go back in my room mom and dad. I will call her and tell her that we ve receive the invitation letter that she sends to us."-I said. They nodded. I went to my room and call her after lying to bed.

"Hello soon to be Mrs. Crimson Luca?"-I said teasing.

(Tss. Stop being a teasing person, doc Tristan.)

"And look who s talking. But seriously, I am surprised how lavish your wedding is. The wedding dress on the photo, is that what you re going to wear?"

(Yes. Crimson pick that dress. He said I can pick my own likes but I like that dress also. We have the same taste. Make sure that the three of you will come on my wedding okay? The three of you will be my relatives in my wedding.)

"Don t worry we will be there. I am your bridesmaid remember?"-I said. She laugh.

(And come to think of that, the best man is doc Tristan Clifford. Did you saw that in the invitation?)

"He called me yesterday and he said that. Anyway, why don t we go to a shop and I ll buy a clothes that I will wear on that day."

(Don t worry, someone will send you a dress. Let s see each other on Saturday.)

"Okay. Congratulations and best wishes, Roselyn."

(Thank you. I have to go, dinner is ready. Bye-bye.)

"Okay. Bye-bye."-I said. I ended the call and I m also excited on that day. I want to see her in that dress.

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