Read with BonusRead with Bonus

Chapter 5 The interesting rose


I saw how Alona enjoyed his company. I just stay silent and just watch them. Speak when I have time but I gave way for Alona. I knew Alona is attracted to a man who is funny and older than us.

"Is it getting a medicine course is somehow terrifying?"-she ask. He nodded.

"Yes, especially when your in the field while studying. You have sleepless nights and even forgot what is the date of each day."-he answered.

"Wow. It is indeed terrifying then."

"But what s more terrifying is when you have your first operation while your professors are watching you and instructing you on what you should do."-he added.

"But a rich guy like you can do whatever she wants. You even take medicine as a course."-I said.

"Yes. My dad owns a production film company bit he wants to be a doctor before and he ask me to take it even if I wanted to take an art course. I wanted to produce a series or a film as a director but he is too strict to let me choose that course. Oh well, I end up loving medicine so I don t regret it."

"You can still do it, why don t you try producing a medical themed film or series?"-Alona.

"Uhm. She is right. Why don t you try it, just ask your dad and have a heart to heart talk to him. You can perform both of your desired job."-I said.

"Not a bad idea…uhm…? Wait, what s your name missy?"-he ask Alona. She smiled.

"The name is Alona Reid. Nice meeting you, again."

"Ah, yes. Nice meeting you."-they said. In front of me, they re flirting to each other. I just bite my chicken and shook my head a little. Youngsters.

"Can I have your number, Alona?"

"Huh? O…okay. Here s my phone."-she gave to him.

"Youngsters."-I said and smiling teasingly. They both laugh but Alona got blush.

"Be careful on your way home, missy."-I said.

"Tss. Don t tease me anymore. My goodness. Ah, before I forgot, here. Mom said I should give that to you. Let s FaceTime later okay?"-she said. I nodded.

"Okay. Bye-bye."-I said. I watch her taking a cab and get inside the hospital again. After half an hour, I went to my job on the burger truck. They suddenly ask me to take a shift after the one who take my time every day off gets sick.

"Good thing, you came Roselyn."

"Of course Ms. Dan."-I said. I change my clothes and start working tonight. All right Roselyn, smile!


I pinch the intercom and Greg answer my call.

"Come inside."-I said. The door opens and he stood in front of me. I stood up and look at the glass ceiling and stare on the building around the city.

"I want you to investigate about that woman. Maybe she is fit to be my contracted wife."-I said.

"Okay, Sir Crimson. Should I start today?"-he ask.

"Yes. Start today there s nothing special for us to do today. I can handle the investor that I ll meet outside. Make sure to know everything about that woman."

"No problem, Sir Crimson. I ll investigate about her."

"Okay."-I said. He left my office and I ll be waiting for what he will learn about that so-called wife stranger that I meet. I went out later on to meet the investor and just as I expected, he will sign the contract.

"Dina, where s grandpa?"-I ask.

"He went to your parents and the late madam s grave, Sir Crimson. He said he will be back before dinner."

"I see. Okay then, just call me when dinner is ready."

"Okay, Sir Crimson."-she said. I went upstairs and review the papers that I took with me.

I hope by tomorrow Greg got a news that I wanted. I hope I can use something to persuade her to marry me. That girl, I can t forget her scent and the softness of her body that nestled in my shoulder when she held my arms. That orange scent, it s refreshing. Tristan called me.

"Hello, don t tell me your calling for a barhopping again?"-I said. He laugh.

(Nope. I will stop going to nightclubs from now on. I might called you to go to a bar but for a short drinks only. Anyway, I just called to ask if you have any progress about finding Mrs. Crimson Luca.)

"I already have someone in mind. As for you, how come that all of a sudden you wanted to behave, hmm?? That s surprisingly suspicious."-I said.

(C mon mister, I just wanted to be a good boy now. Don t judge me okay?)

"Okay. You said so. I have to go, I ll tell you the details some other time. Dinner will be ready in five minutes. Let s speak about her when I am already sure with my decision. Bye."

(Okay dude. Bye.)

How come that restless Casanova suddenly wanted to behave? Did he found a girl to date? How poor she is but I hope she can change that playboy.

"Sir Crimson, dinner is ready. Sir Robert is waiting on the dining hall."-Dina.

"Okay."-I answered. I clean up the bed and went off.

"Let s visit my parents and grandma s grave together this weekend grandpa."-I said and eat.

"No problem. Let s bring some flowers by then. I forgot to bring one a while ago.

"Okay, grandpa."-I said. He never ask about the state of his task on me about finding a wife. And tomorrow came, Greg put a folder on my table.

"This is about that woman, Sir Crimson. You will be surprised when you read those papers. I also have pictures of her, Sir Crimson."

"Thank you, Greg. Please fix some proposals from the HR department. Give them to me, later on."

"Okay Sir."-he said and leave me. I took the papers first. He can be able to take her birth certificate, her records in schools. She is quiet an outstanding students since grade school.

"Roselyn Jensen. She has a name of a rose. Interesting like her."-I said. I read the first paper and learn about her study history.

"She stops from attending school? But why? She s supposed to be a third year student now."-I mumbled. When I look on the next paper, it is a medical record. Wait, her mother is admitted in our hospital? Half of her medical expenses are shouldered by the foundation of Luca empire. I smiled.

"What a small world."-I mumbled again. Maybe I can use this to convince her about making a contract marriage with me.

"Let me see her pictures."-I took the pictures inside the folder. It was her pictures since she is 5 years old until now. You can t deny her beauty since she was a kid. She must be saving up too much that she didn t even buy cosmetics for herself. But honestly speaking, she is beautiful even in bare face. She is working in Starbucks, a BPO and a hotdog truck.

"You really fit into my expectation. I will try gambling on you Ms. Jensen."-I said.

By tomorrow, I will visit the hospital. I wanted to see her mother and even check their bills. They have stayed in the hospital for 9 months in a row. Her bills must be quiet an amount.

"You suddenly visit, today is not your check-up day. Do you have anything to say to me or…?"

"No. I didn t do anything last night. Don t make your hope too high, Tristan."-I said. He shrug her shoulder and he serve us some coffee.

"Then why you are here? I knew you won t visit for nothing, Crimson."-he said. I sip some coffee first.

"Well, I wanted to know about Roselyn Jensen."

"Huh? The daughter of my comma patient? Why?"


Another customers came and I smiled on him. It was doctor Tristan. He look on the menu board.

"Good morning doctor Tristan. You re not here to bring a bad news right?"-I said. He smiled.

"Don t worry. I am not here about your mother. I just drop by when I saw you here. I didn t know your working in Starbucks."-he said. I smiled.

"Well, I have three jobs actually. Anyway, what s your order Dr. Clifford?"-I said in formal tone.

"Just call me Tristan when I m not wearing my coat. My order is cappuccino with whip cream and this cheesecake."-he said. I put them on the machine.

"That would be $5.90 dollars, Tristan."-I said. He took money on his pocket.

"Keep the change."-he said. I smiled.

"Thank you Sir. Here s your order."-I said. He took the tray and leave the counter. On my work as a call center agent a strange call suddenly came.

"Hello, good evening Sir, how may I help you?"

(How can I pick a rose for me?)

"Sir?"-I said. His voice is masculine yet…lonely.

(I have plan to pick a rose for me. Do you have any suggestion how can I pick it in one shot?)

"Okay Sir, do you any flower garden? If yes, I may suggest that use a fabric gloves and use scissor to cut the flower. Use a thick fabric gloves that will protect you from being hurt because of thorns."-I said.

(Okay. Thank you, your voice is soothing even in phone. Have a nice day, miss. Bye. Thanks.)

"No problem Sir. Bye. Have a nice day also."

Wow, what kind of call is that? But at least it s not from a woman who will shout on you when they get pissed. I stretch my back, at last! My duty ended. I went to the burger truck.

"Oh, Roselyn, you re here. You have a package here."

"Huh? A package? From what?"

"I don t know. Why don t you open it?"-she said. I took the box and open it. It s an expensive lipstick. There is no note or any name of the person who send this to me. This is $100 dollar lipstick. But who give this to me. This is like a gold.

"Wow! That is expensive."-she said.

"Yes, but who will give this to me. I didn t even bother buying a $3 dollars lipstick but someone give me this expensive brand?"-I said.

"Well, maybe you have an admirer."-she said.

"Huh? An admirer? Who?"-I said

"Well, someone who is a rich guy."-she wink at me. A rich guy? What kind of joke is this? Who is he/she?

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