Read with BonusRead with Bonus

Chapter 6 the hero saves heroine


I smiled. I saw that she opens the box. She even stares on the lipstick that I bought for her.

"I think I should have give her a Gucci bag instead."

"Sir Crimson, she is already surprised when she receive that lipstick. A hundred dollar is already big deal to her. You have to take it easy. She might get panic especially that the giver is anonymous."-Greg.

"Well, you got your point. Maybe I should put a name in the box or even a note."

"Maybe next time, Sir Crimson."

"Let s go then. I knew grandpa is waiting for me to eat dinner in the mansion. You can use the car to go home."-I said. He nodded and drove the car away from the park. When I see her again today even from a far, I can still see her beauty. But she looks tired yet she still need to take a 3 hours shift in that burger truck to add her salary from his two other work. Her mother is admitted in a private room. Even if the foundation will pay half of the bill, it will still be a big amount for her. I even ask Tristan not to ask any payment from his service. I ll pay him instead.

"Sir Crimson, are you sure that you pick her to be your contracted wife?"

"Yes. Just like you said, she is brave on her own. She is also a clever woman. Its just that bad luck chases her. But you saw it, she is doing her best even she struggling."-I said.

"I didn t disagree to all of that. I am just afraid that she will be drag into a different world and you might can t stand her own views to several things. It might stress you out."-he said. I just smile.

"You don t have to worry Greg. I am already ready to what it might turn to. As long as I cam fulfill grandpa s wish, I can do anything. I m not ready yet to lose him"

"I understand your point, Sir Crimson."

I knew Greg is worried about my other concerns but I won t hide anything to that woman. I have 101 ways to make sure that I can convince her.

"We are here now, Sir."

"You don t need to open the door. Drive home safely."-I said. He nodded and smile.

"thank you Sir. Have a good night."

"You too."-I said. I open the car door and went inside the mansion. He drove the car away. When I went to the dining hall, the food is serve.

"Did you wait for me, grandpa?"

"Uhm. But you are in time. Take a sit and let s eat so you can take a rest after."-he said. I smiled and eat.


This is the first time that I get interested into a woman. When I meet Alona in the supermarket, she caught my attention because of her green eyes. She is also attractive and beautiful.

"Alona?"-I said. She look back. She smiled when she saw me. It was indeed her.

"Hi. What are you doing here, doc Tristan?"

"I also ask the same question. But I am here to buy something for mom."-I said.

"I am also here in the mall to buy some school supplies but I end up watching the new attraction here. Christmas season is coming again."

"Shall we eat something and I ll help you going to the bookstore."-I said. She smiled.

"Okay, no problem. I m not hurrying anyway. It s on you?"-she said and look at me. I laugh.

"Of course, I invited you so its on me. Let s go to that restaurant. I often eat there and they have a good food."-I said. She nodded and we went inside that restaurant. After we ordered, I watch her eating. She is composed and she has table manners. She might be from a rich or middle-class family.

"What course are you taking now?"

"I am taking a business course. My dad owns a small business and I want to help him in making it grow."

"What business did your dad have?"

"An agency company."-she said.

"I see. Well, good for you. I hope this is not the last time that we ll eat together…?"

She suddenly reach out and use the napkin to wipe off the sauce in my lower lip. She went back to her chair and smile on me.

"Thank you. I m a messy eater aren t I?"-I said.

"Nope. The way you eat its visible that your born with a golden spoon in your mouth."-she said. I gulp and try not to drink a water. I suddenly feel warm. We are now on the bookstore. I am carrying the basket. She is buying some books, coupon bonds, notebooks, pens and markers. We both hold a book, her soft palm nestled to my hand. She take it back.

"You read her book as well?"

"Oh, yes. It s very interesting book. I also find her work amazing. Do you want to buy it? They only have one copy, I will just ask you to lend it to me when you finish reading it."-I said. She nodded.

"It s $317.15 dollars ma am."-she said. I give my card and she is surprised.

"It s on me. Take it as my gift."-I said. She blushes and it s cute. She wave at me and get inside the cab.


Alona is smiling while staring on the books that she bought on the mall. I snap my fingers in front of her and she still didn t look at me. What is wrong with this woman. She looks like she is being enchanted on her way here in my apartment. I clap in front of her and she wakes up because of that.

"Oh my gosh! Why did you do that?"

"Well, I am snapping my fingers five times but you didn t look at me. You look like someone that is being enchanted when you come out from the forest. Why are you smiling like an idiot, hmm?"

"Nothing! And what idiot are you talking about? I am perfectly okay."-she said. I shrug my shoulder.

"Try to convince a bullfrog. He might believe you but not me Alona. I know you from head to toe. So tell me missy. Why are you blooming today, hmm?"

"Blooming, who? Me?!"

"No. The frog who jump out of the window seconds ago. Of course, you! You re the only person in front of me. Wait, just answer my question."

"Okay. Okay. Your being too hot."

"So? Who is the reason of that rosy smell all over you Ms. Alona Reid?"

"I accidentally meet doc Tristan in the mall."

"Pufft. Who? Doc Tristan?"

"Yes, he bought this for me and even treat me into a meal."-she said. I can see a heart sign in her eyes. It looks like the handsome doctor snatches her heart.

"Wow. What a coincidence, huh?"

"Hey! I didn t stalk him okay? I am not that kind anymore. I called you that I went to mall to buy these book right? We just bump their accidentally like what we had in the supermarket."

"Okay. Maybe that s fate."-I said in a teasing tone. She smiled and even clap her hands.

"Exactly! You also believe right?"-she said. I use my finger to push her forehead and that made her pout.

"My goodness, your to emerge in happy ending of Disney fairy tales. Don t be stupid again like your ex. Who is that again, Clinton? Remember not to put yourself lock in a bathroom of a motel and call me again. Guard your chastity, missy."-I said.

"Yes ma am. Don t worry, I will do that. Thank you for making me remember that. But seriously, I think I can date him. Just that."-she said. I sigh.

"Okay. Okay. But remember my warnings and guard your heart as well. I will kick your ass if you cried like a river again."-I said and finger is pointing her.

"Yes ma am!"-she even salute. I end up laughing.


I saw her smiling into a man who is ordering at the counter. That man seems to be eyeing her. Should I enter this café? But Greg suddenly stops me.

"Sir, that s normal. She needs to smile to a customer, don t be impulsive."-he said.

"But that guy."

"Sir, your not a husband or even a boyfriend."

"But I will, soon."-I said.

"Be reasonable, Sir Crimson."

"The heck."-I mumbled. I keep on watching her when a group of women enters. Her face sours. Is she in trouble? Those women, they seems to be mocking her. I was about to walk when Greg stops me, again.

"I think she needs—"

"Wait, for a moment Sir."-he said. I sigh. Greg is usually strict also. Like grandpa.

"Can we get closer then, so I can hear them a bit?"

"I know how to lip read, Sir. I can translate it for you."

"Huh? What are you a mute?"-I said.

"No Sir. I just practice this because I have a mute cousin."-he said. I sigh and give him a go signal.

"What is the order, ladies? Ahh, the news is true. You re a mere employee now. How bad, the straight A+ student is just a waitress. Ha-ha-ha-ha. And so? Did you guys came here to mock me? Well, partly. But we will order now, poor Roselyn. Give us 4 mocha caramel with whip cream and strawberry shortcake. Okay, that would be $26.70 dollars."

Wow, he indeed read their lips and I think he isn t lying. The girl give her money. They leave the counter.

"Bring us our order, poor Roselyn."-he said. She took the tray and went to their table. But that girl stood up and talk to her.

"Hey, if you kiss my feet, I will give you a good tip. But if not, I can ask dad so he can talk to the manager to kick you out here."-he said. I went in.

"I will never do that. You can eat your money but I am not your slave for fun, Andrea."

"Huh! I can t believe the employee here are rude! I think you need to wake up!"-Andrea. She took the water and she pour them down. But I have pulled her beside me while grabbing that woman s hand. But the water from the glass has been pour down the floor.

"Oh my gosh! It s so cold, Andrea!"-her friends. They end up hitting by the water in their feet.

"Who the heck are you?!"-she said to me. I let go of her hand. I look at her and she is staring on me. She is surprised to see me here.

"What are you doing here?"-she mumbled to me.

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