Read with BonusRead with Bonus

Chapter 7 We meet again


My eyes are widely open when a man grab me and pulled me in his body while her hands held me. When I look up a bit, this man! The man that I save from his ex-fiancée who is insulting him! Why is he here? Of all places why we meet again on my workplace? Bit because of what he did I was save from taking a shower from Andrea s bully advances. She hates me because she is always been second since we became classmates in college. She said that she is always been first in her middle and high school years.

"What are you doing here?"-I mumbled.

He chooses to wipe off the water on my face instead of answering my question. I can t see what emotion his eyes have because of his black sunglasses.

"You shouldn t let her do that to you."-he said.

"Well, I am. But you didn t answer my question. What are you doing here?"-I said.

"I am on my way to my office when I wanted to bring some coffee and snacks. I didn t realize you re working here, missy."-he said.

"Knight I shining armor, huh?"-Andrea.

"What is happening here?"-our manager.

"I want you to fire this bitch."-she said.

"Is this how you handle your customers and employee s? According to the law—uhmp."

I cover his mouth and he look at me but I can t see his reaction but his secretary speaks.

"She pours water in your employee, you should refrain customers from being rude to your staff. The next time that this might happen, your store might be put in danger."-he said. He held my hand that I cover in his mouth. Andrea and her gang turn pale.

"I m sorry Sir. Ladies, in this store didn t allowed rude customers like you. Please, leave the store immediately. Roselyn, are you okay?"-she ask.

"Yes, manager. Thank you."-I said.

"Security, guard these women out the store. And if you tried to file a lawsuit against us? We are willing to face that. We have CCTV that we can use as evidence. Lead them out."-she said to the guards. Andrea and her gang turn pale and they went off.

"I ll leave you too. Roselyn, let s talk again later okay?"-she said. I smiled and nodded. She leaves us.

"Greg order something for the three of us."

"Yes Sir."-he said. He signed me to sit. My heart didn t stop from pounding. Maybe because I am still embarrassed to what I have done that time.

"Uhm, thank you. But you shouldn t have to."

"A girl should know how to defend herself."-he said.

"I know that. I knew my rights as an employee when I meet rude customers like Andrea. But, still. Thank you Mister."-I said. His secretary came with coffee and cakes in his hand.

"Here s for you."-he said. He gave the chocolate ice cream cake. My favorite. I smiled.

"Thank you. Uhm!"-I said and smile after taking a bite. He is staring at me. The spoon is still in my mouth. Do I have any dirt in my face?

"Do I have something in my face?"-I ask.

"Nothing. It s just new in me to see a bare face woman while working."-he just said. I smiled.

"I am too poor to buy cosmetics."-I said.

"You still beautiful even with or without make-up. Before I forgot, thank you for that time. I haven t show my gratitude for that."-he said.

"Oh that? I m sorry if I was weird or nosy at that time. But, you are welcome. I hope she didn t pry if it s true that we have a relationship."-I said.

"Don t worry, we didn t bump each other often."

"I see. She is pretty actually. She looks like Jennifer Lopez. Its just sad that she is spoiled brat. But that is indeed expected to women who came from rich families."-I said and took another bite of the cake. I even drink the cappuccino.

"Not all are the same. Everyone will choose what kind of attitude they ll have."-he said.

"I agree. We have free will anyway."

"I heard that you re her former classmate."

"I am. It s just that I have to stop and work for the meantime. I m sorry if you get involve to my business."-I said. I suddenly reach out my hand and wipe off the bubbles of his coffee on his upper lip.

"Oh, sorry. It s my habit. My friend is a messy eater and when I saw sauces or anything around his lips I end up wiping them off."-I said. Why it feels hot all of a sudden. And why I did that?! My gosh, he might think that I am flirting to him. That I—

"Please don t think anything bad about me! I am not seducing you or purposely approach you that time to flirt with you. Seriously, its my habit to—"

"Relax, Ms. Roselyn. Your blushing already."

"Huh? Oh, I m sorry."-I said and drink my coffee.

"So cute."-he mumbled. That made me blush even more. How can I be released in this mess?

"I guess I ll be eating again here next time. Have a nice day, Ms. Roselyn."-he said.

"Huh? Ah, okay. Have a nice day, Sir."-I said. They both leave and that made me sigh in relief. Phew!


I can t stop myself from smiling. That woman, she is really something. She is reckless, clumsy but she is innocently cute.

"Sir, are we going back to the office now?"

"No. Make a U-turn. Let go to the hospital."-I said.

"Hospital?"-he said. I nodded. He didn t ask anymore and make a U-turn. Tristan is surprised when he saw me in his office.

"Give me a break, are you here to nag again?"

"I am not your mother to come here just to nag you. Tell me the room number of Roselyn s mother here in the hospital."-I said. He give me a suspicious look.

"Last time you ask a little details about her and her mother s situation and now you want to see her?"

"What? Do I look like someone who will kill a comma patient?"-I said. He laugh falsely. He give me a serious gaze later on. I look on his vase, he suddenly went there and took it. He sat down on the couch.

"You always use this to threaten me, your ruthless."

"It works every time."-I said. He sigh.

"Okay. Okay. But would just give me a time to eat brunch? I have been into an 6 hours surgery. My body is shaking and I m dead tired."-he said.

"No problem. I don t have any appointments today. My time is flexible."-I said. He called a restaurant to deliver his food and we join him because he didn t wanted to eat alone or with someone staring at him.

"Are you sure that she is the one you have choose to be your contracted wife? But practically speaking that little girl has an abilities in her sleeves. I won t disagree actually."

We are walking to the room of her mother in 18th floor. This is a private room. It is better anyway for a comma patient. It is room 223, he opens the door. I saw a middle aged woman lying on the bed. She didn t have any oxygen support.

"She looks like Roselyn."-I said.

"Yes. They re like carbon copies. Except the nose and Roselyn s clear blue eyes. She got them from his deceased father."-he said.

"What s her situation?"-I ask.

"Nothing serious despite the fact that she is in comma. No other occurring diseases in her body. She didn t need an oxygen support as well."

"Good. I will go to the billing station and check their bills. Don t tell her that I came here."-I said.

"Of course, mister. For some reason this is the first time that I saw you digging into a woman s background. I smell something."-he said.

"That must be your sweat."-I said. He look at me.

"Not that, I think your somehow acting different. I feel like this is not all about finding a contracted wife for your grandpa s wish."-he said.

"Your just making any wild guess. Greg, let s go. And you, go back to your office and take a rest. I think you need that doc Tristan."-I said and wear my sunglasses and went off to the billing station.

"Wait, Sir Luca. Patient Glenda Jensen…"

We waited for her next words as she tries to look on the records of Roselyn s mom.

"Here it is Sir Luca. As of now she has $50,000 dollars as of this moment."-she said.

"Put them all in my name."-I said. She is surprised.

"Don t tell her for the meantime. I will tell the patients daughter myself. Every time she ask, just give her the amount. Understood?"-I said.

"Understood Sir Luca."-she said.

"Okay. Thank you."-I said. I signed Greg to follow me. We leave the hospital. I will use any cards just to make sure that she ll agree on my proposal in the end. She will find it indecent but I knew she will choose what is good for her mother who is still in comma.

"Grandpa, I have someone that might fit for your qualifications for a wife."

"Contractual?"-he said.

"Yes. But who knows? She might stay in this mansion if she can handle us both."-I said. I give him the folder.

"Quiet young but in marrying age. She stops attending college because her mother is in comma?"

"Yes, she is quiet clumsy but she is innocent and interesting at the same time. You want a woman who is family-oriented right?"-I said.

"Not bad, actually."-he said. I smile.

"Then if I choose her, it will be okay with you?"

"I trust your decisions, I knew you won t marry if you didn t see anything special to this woman."

"Your my teacher after all."-I said. Then I visit her when she is on her shift in that burger truck. She is smiling and even men are looking at her differently. She must known it or she is just innocent about the way men look at her.

"Here s your order. Come again."-she said. Greg and I sit on the chair and she is surprised to see me again.

"You? This isn t a coincidence at all, right?"-she said.

"Nope. Purely coincidence."-I said. But her gaze is full of suspicion? I smiled.

"Don t tell me your afraid now?"-I said.

"You re not here to eat. What do you want from me?"

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