Read with BonusRead with Bonus

Chapter 8 Something is off


This man is weird. He keeps on wearing a signature sunglasses and he suddenly pop out on place where I work. What did he wanted from me? Did he want me to pay him for the trouble I made in the hospital?

"Relax. Let us order. Greg, what do you want?"

"I am okay with a foot long sandwich, Sir."-he said.

"One of that, large fires, two double cheese patty burger and three cola drink."-he said.

"Okay."-I said. I started to cook their order. But when I gave it to him, he gave me the other burger and cola. He signed me to sit and eat. I did. I am quiet hungry because I haven t eat my dinner yet.

"We have meet for three in a row now but I didn t know your name yet. What s your name?"

"Roselyn, call me Lyn or Rose. Anything is fine."

"No need. The name Roselyn is already unique and a beautiful name. I don t want to use your nicknames."

"Okay, this is the first time that a man said that my whole name is beautiful itself. They prefer calling me rose because they said that I am pretty like the roses itself."-I said. I took a big bite. He smiled.

"People have their own point of view when it comes to that."-he said. I just smile.

"So, what do you need from me? Is this about the trouble I made, three weeks ago?"

"If that s what I really wanted I should ve find you sooner and even kidnapped you."-he said and eat some fries. I tried to read him even if I can t see through his eyes. I just sigh. I always believe in my hunch. I never feel bad intuition into this man. He is harmless yet something is going on between us. I don t know what that is. We only meet four times and when we speak to each other it is not a form of flirting. We are very much civil.

"I can tell you have so many questions in mind. Why don t you try to ask me?"-he said. I just stare on him.

"You re not a bad guy. I have a strong senses that you are not. But why are you here again after we meet in Starbucks a fee days ago? Just like what I said, this is not just a coincidence."-I said. He smiled.

"I like your personality. You speak so frankly and straightforward."-he said.

"I m sorry if I offended you because of that."

"No. Not really. It s okay. I don t want a girl who acts cute every time."-he said.

"Then I want you to be honest. Did you investigate who I am? A background check."-I said.

"The question is, why am I interested in you."


I look at the bag. Mom cook her specials and she wants me to take these to the hospital. This one is for doc Tristan and this one is for Roselyn. I never hide anything on my mom. She knows and I tell her when I am dating someone, seeing someone or I have a crush to someone.

"Make sure that doc Tristan will have a taste of that, okay? And from now on, I will teach you on how to cook several dishes. You should ask him his favorites and learn how to cook them"-she said.

"Is this because of the quote 'that a way to a man s heart is through his stomach , mom?"-I said. She wink and give me my car key.

"Go and chase that handsome, honey."-she said.

"Mom! My goodness, but…why not?"-I said and smiled. We both laugh after.

"And what is the reason for my two ladies to laugh like this in this hour of Sunday, hmm?"

"Nothing dad. You and mom should enjoy to your fate later okay?"-I said trying to change the topic.

"Wait up, young lady. Tell that doctor that this middle aged man wans to meet him, okay?"

"Dad! We re not even dating yet."-I said. He laugh.

"Okay, you said so. But still, try to ask him if he can drop by here. I just wanted to see why my little honey is in love with him."-he said. I sigh.

"Okay dad, if we finally on the dating stage. Bye dad, bye mom, I have to go. Love you."

"Love you too, drive safely okay?"

"Yes mom!"-I said and walk away. Dad is strict but reasonable. He never say that I should stop helping Roselyn, he is kind and a loving person. I am glad because he is like that. I drove my car out from the mansion and went to the hospital.

"For me?"-he said. I nodded. I went to his office first before I went to aunt Glenda s room.

"Thank you. I would love to eat this."-he said.

"I m happy if you like it then, I ll go ahead. I have to give this to Roselyn also."

"Wait."-he said and held my hand. I look on it and he release my palm. I look at him.

"Is there anything you need, doc?"

"Nothing. Thank you. I ll send you home today. I don t have any important thing to do anyway."

"Are you sure?"-I said. He nodded. But my car is with me. Wait, Roselyn can drive it. I have taught her and help her to have a license.

"Yes. Let s talk again, later. Thanks."-he said. I nodded and I went to aunt Glenda s room with a sweet smile.


She look at me after she saw that I bring her to Disneyland. She ask me.

"What are we doing here?"

"Let s go on a date then I ll send you home later."

She steps back and held her body. I laugh.

"Your not taking me into a hotel, aren t you?"

"Of course not. Your imagination is running wild. I promise, we will just ride a coaster and anything you wanted then eat. I ll send you home later on."

"Are you sure? I am warning you, I have a teaser with me. We re not dating yet so it s a no when it comes to sex. To me, marriage first. Period."-she said.

"Yes madam."-I said. I grab her palm and pulled her inside this famous theme park.

"I want to see mickey and minnie first."-she said. I nodded and when she saw them. She ask me to take a picture with them. Her smile is like a sun that lightens up my mood. After that, she pulled me to the merry-go-round. Her laughter is genuine.

"Thank you!"-she said. I smiled. After that, she ask me that she wants to ride Matterhorn Bobsleds.

"Woohoooo!"-she shouted. She look at me as she is enjoying the ride. She is cute and I want to kiss her right at this moment but I don t want to surprise her. I want to savor this dating stage we have.

Uhm! Thank you for treating me. This is my favorite fast-food house. My stomach is growling because of shouting on those rides."-she said. I smiled.

"You have an ice cream in your cheek."-I said.

"Which part—"

I end up teasing her by wiping it off and lick my finger. She blushes. It s so cute.

"Do you want to watch a movie?"

"Okay. But this time, it s your choice. You have been letting me choose in rides. It s your turn."-she said.

"Well then, let s go."-I said. Inside the cinema. I choose action pack genre. I am not like the other men who bring their dates to cinema and watch a romance movie to make a move.

"What? C mon, he is technically the bad guy."

I laugh softly, she is lowering her voice while complaining about how the movie works. I can t believe we both like action pack movies like this.

"I thought you like rom-coms or fairy tale movies."

"Yes I do. But I like action, action-comedy or comedy also. Even a horror but of course I still get scared."

"I see. I m happy that we have so may things in common. Wait, c mon. That s hilarious."-I complained on the scene. She also did. But all in all, we enjoyed.


I stretch my back and take a 30-inute exercise on the gym of the mansion. Grandpa is also here.

"How s your plan with that girl, Crimson?"

"I am trying to make the atmosphere better grandpa. At least now we re more on civil. She won t take me as a pervert or pedophile if I ask her to marry me."

"You are young and handsome. You might be 30 years old but you can still be seen as 24-27 years old. Just try to persuade her using her situation, she might give in, in the end."-he said.

"I knew she will. She love her mother that much and I think, she will listen to me. She can use the money she saves up for the future."-I said.

"If she can withstand us both, you don t have to divorce her. You can promise her that you ll try harboring a romantic feelings towards as she tried to do the same with you."-he said.

"Let s see if she can do that, grandpa."

"Did she have any boyfriend?"

"Nope. She is too busy studying that she even declined many confessions to her and she end up focusing in finding a job when her mom is in comma."

"I see. That s good, you can rest assured that you don t have any rival in her heart. It is easy to learn and enter into a love relationship if both of you are single."-he said. I took the dumbbells after I turned off the treadmill. I look on the glass wall.

"I hope so. I have closed my heart for 5 years already grandpa, I don t even remember what it feels like to be in love."-I said. He scoffs.

"You will if you ll see her as a woman not a tool to gave birth for an heir to save you."-he said.

"I ll try to do that but I can t promise that to you at the same time."-I said.

"As long as you treat her well whether you like her or not, we won t have any problem. A woman should be respected, Crimson. Remember that."-he said.

"I always do, grandpa."-I answered.

I knew that today is her day-off. Her apartment is closed and no one opens the door when we doorbell. We waited inside the car until we saw her. She went to the market because she is holding a grocery bags. I waited for her to get inside.

"Take the cake and the blue roses, Greg."-I said. I took the bouquet of blue roses. He pinch the doorbell and she is surprised to see us.

"Hi. I m here again, Ms. Jensen."-I said.

"Indeed. You are here again, mister."-she said.

"Let me in, I have an important matters to say."-I said.

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