Read with BonusRead with Bonus

Chapter 9 Yes, it's a marriage proposal


On that time in the park, he never tell me what he really needs from me. He just eat and change the topic until they have waited for me to finish my shift. He insisted to send me home and now he knew my address. He is not a stalker because he visited my place after 12 days.

"Hi. I m here again, Ms. Jensen."-he said.

"Indeed. You are here again, mister."-I said.

"Let me in, I have an important matters to say."

"If that s the case, get inside. Even you, Mr. Greg."

"Thank you for welcoming us, Ms. Jensen."

He gave me the roses after I lock the door and welcome them in my clean and small living room.

"Here s the cake Ms. Roselyn."-Greg. I took it also.

"Let me do the snacks and let s talk afterwards. Thank you with this cake and this blue roses."

I put the food in front of them and I sit on the other couch. I look at them. I am very nervous.

"Let s eat. Tell me what is that important matter that you wanted to talk about. And why it has something to do with me."-I said.

"Why don t we eat the cake first?"-he said. I nodded. I taste the cake that he brings and enjoy the sweetness from it. He is staring at me even if he is wearing his sunglasses, his gaze is on me.

"Do I have a dirt in my face?"-I said. I know I don t have but I just wanted to lift up the awkwardness between us. He laugh.

"Nervous or conscious?"

"Both, so please stop staring at me while being silent. It s making me feel nervous."-I said.

"Okay. No problem."-he said. His voice has always been deep and cold. I can even feel the sorrow from his tone even if he is hiding them through a civil tone.

"Seriously, I have been starting to think that your stalking but at the same time I can tell that your not like those stalkers in televisions. You seems to be a decent man on the other side.

"I m pretty much not into stalking. I have never been a sex starve. I am too busy just to joke around."

"Exactly. But why does a man like wants to be involve in my life which is boring and full of bad lucks."

"Are you sure your life is full of bad lucks?"

"Mister, I am telling you. It is."-I said.

"Are you ready to listen on me?"-he said.

"Yes. I am ready. Just tell me what do you want from me."-I said. He cross his arms and legs.

"Simple. I am here for marriage proposal. Marry me."


Her spoon stays in her mouth and give me that surprised and priceless reaction. Good thing she is not drinking her coffee and she might spill it. She take her coffee and drink it and forgot that the coffee is hit. She spilled it.

"Agh! It s hot!"-she said and take the ice cream part of the cake and eat it.

"What? Didn t heard that before?"

"Of course! What did you expect I have marriage proposals since I was 15?!"-she said. She almost drink the coffee again but she stops and blew it first.

"Look, my proposal is a decent one."

"Decent? That s an indecent proposal!"-she said.

"Relax Ms. Jensen, as if I m going to eat you out."

"What are you a shark? Stop fooling around. I am not into a proposals like this. I don t know how far did you know about me, but mister I didn t know the name, I am not someone who will accept an indecent proposal. I m sorry. You might have mistakenly enter a wrong house."-she said.

"Really? How can I mistaken a lady s house whom I proposed for marriage. You are Roselyn Jensen, 20 years old and had a three jobs every 6 days. And I have not mistaken whom I talking to."-I said. She make a fake laugh and give me a serious expression.

"Nice one. But you must have heard me. I am not accepting an indecent proposal. I can work 24/7 for money but I—will never be a contracted wife."

"That s exactly why I m interested in you Ms. Jensen. Your strong, clever and you stand on your principles."

"I will take that as a compliment but I have to be frank to you. Your not even an old man who is seeking for sex partner. How come that you wanted a contracted wife than courting someone who have the same status as you."-she said.

"There are reasons that I will tell you when you agreed on my request. As I was saying, I won t be finding any random girls to be my wife. Let s just say that I saw something to you that made me decided that I want you to be on that position."

"Is this about my body? I am telling you, I am not selling my body. You can find someone that is elegant, gorgeous and a high status in the society. And me? I don t need to enumerate my situation. Isn t it?"-she said. This woman. I like how she can easily say what she have in mind. She looks cute because of that. I sip the coffee and speak again.

"I have a contract here. This is my private number. Call me anytime. Let s meet again some other time."

"Are you going to leave just like that?"-she said. She stood up also. I told Greg to wait for me in the car.

"Greg, wait for me in the car."

"Okay, Sir. Please excuse me Ms. Jensen."

"No problem."-she said. When he left the unit, I look at her. She crossed her arms.

"I can tell that you knew my weakness. You will be using that isn t it? Is that how rich people handle their wants?"-she said. I move my face closer to her. She is nervous but she didn t let that feeling overruns her bravery that she wanted to show to me.

"Yes. This is how rich guy like me deal their wants. I never let my prey go Ms. Jensen."-I said.

"I will kill myself instead of sealing off my body."

"Ohh? You are not that time who will kill herself because of this kind of reason. Let s be practical Ms. Jensen. Don t worry, I am not a kind of man whom you watch in films or television drama s. I am not like the man in the Fifty Shades film series."-I said.


I lick her finger who pointed me. She is surprised to what I did. I smiled, she blushes and its cute.

"Don t worry I am not an S (sadistic) person. But I am domineering and arrogant."-I said. She push me a bit and she steps backward.

"Agh!"-she mumbled. Her feet bump the feet on the table. I smiled. She is indeed a clumsy person.

"Read the contract. Don t worry, you benefit a lot more than you imagined. Have a nice day, Ms. Jensen. Oh, I forgot—I think I should call you…sweetheart?"

"Are you trying to—"

"Hep, calm down. I ll see you again, soon. Bye."

I open the door and she close them in hurry. I even heard the click of the lock. I smiled.

"What a cute lady."-I mumbled. I walk on the elevator and when I get inside the car, we went back to the company. I will make sure that she ll agree on my proposal. I am not a Luca if I can t have something that I wanted to hold in my hands.

"This time you re the knew who called me to unwind in this bar. It s so new, Crimson."-Tristan.

"I just wanted to celebrate in advance."

"Celebrate? For what?"-he ask. I smiled and look at the glass as I shake the wine inside.

"Because I will be getting married soon. Don t tell this yet to other person or else I ll cut your tongue."

"Okay. Okay. But wait, you mean you have talk to her about your marriage proposal?"

"Yes. I knew he disagreed today but she will soon realize that it will be good for them."-I said.


I took a deep sigh and even tap my chest. My heart is beating like a beating a drum instrument. I look on my index finger whom he lick. I gulp.

"What did he really want? My goodness. I can t believe that I meet a man like him. I look on the folder that he left on the table. I just ignored it and wash my hand. I decided to go in my room and write on my journal. I don t want to consult Alona for this, I ll tell her when I made up my mind.

"Good morning, welcome to Starbucks…?"

It was him and Greg. He smiled. I just sigh and smile again. He even laugh a bit and look for an order.

"How can I have you, Miss?"

"Huh? What did you say, Sir?"-my workmate.

"Nothing. I ll be taking two latte s and cheesecake."

"Okay, Sir. That would be $4.7 dollars."-I said.

They took the tray and sit on the closest table on the counter. He is watching me. I got conscious. Not because I m afraid but instead I got conscious on my looks. Dang it! How can I be affected by him? Oh gosh, I m getting insane!

"Ms. Jensen, can I have your moment please?"

"Huh? Okay."-I said. I went out and drag him near his car and cross my arms.

"What is it, mister?"

"Mister? You didn t read the folder yet, aren t you?"

"I m not interested, remember?"-I said. He smiled.

"I don t think so. Anyway, just call me anytime and I ll be coming to you like a thunderbolt. Here, I have this on my car. They re for you anyway."

"Are you bribing me?"

"No. But if this helps that I will gladly do it everyday."

"And I will be throwing this everyday."

"It s okay. I don t mind if you wasted $200 dollars. I ll see you again, Ms. Jensen. Bye."

They get inside the car and leave. What the heck, $200 dollars? How can he waste his money for this bouquet and this chocolates? Is he really willing to waste his money just to get my YES? What a weird rich guy. Why does he need to do this?

And to answer my question, as soon as I arrive on my apartment. I change my clothes and took the folder with me in my room. I took a deep breath and open it. I took the papers inside. I laugh a bit.

"What is this? A resume?"-I said. I even saw a note on the upper left of the papers. I take off the paper clip. There is a note. 'I am the heir of the owner of the hospital where your mom is admitted.

"Heir of—what?! Don t tell me he is Crimson Luca?!"

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