Chapter 2 Oh, The Talk Today

Amber's P.O.V.

"Ames, come out." Diamond's voice rings in my head.

"Ok, give me like 15 minutes and we'll meet at the usual place." The link goes away as she agrees.

"Son, come here, we need to talk," Dad calls him over to the table. "Break it off now, son." Kevin's face changes.

"Why should I, I love her and she loves me." Mom stands in shock.

"What about your mate?"

"I don't care." Dad looks at him and stares for a bit then says.

"It's because you know who you're mate is."

Ok so, I should explain, remember how I said children of Alphas can shift early, well they can also know who their mate is before their mate even knows.

"Who is it?" I ask, I'm glad it isn't Jen, that's for sure.

"Diamond." I stand from the table.

"Diamond, my best friend, and you going out with that, that----slut."

"Amber, word choice please."

"Sorry Mom, but everyone at the college knows about Jen. She will do anything for attention and power and apparently by snagging you up, she is getting exactly what she wants."

"What does that mean?"

"Wake up Kev, she's only with you for the title, she doesn't love you. This isn't the first time she has tried to climb her way to the top, you remember Jonathan?"

"Yes, he was stripped of his title because he rejected his mate over a girl."

"And do you know who that girl was?" He skates his head. "Jen was that girl and she left him after he couldn't provide her with that title anymore. I'm telling you things are only going to get worse before they get better and besides the council doesn't really look too kindly upon those who refuse their mates.

"She's right, son you need to break it off with this girl and go claim your mate, the rightful Luna of this pack.

"You're Mother and sister are right Kevin. You need to end it and go and claim Diamond, it is best for you and the pack. I mean does Diamond know?"

"Not yet, but she will her 21st birthday is next week, and then she'll shift and know who her mate is." Kevin stands up and puts his hands on the table.

"No, I love Jen and she will be Luna. Diamond is not fit to be Luna."

"What the hell Kevin, you know Diamond is the best choice, she has trained alongside us and she knows this pack inside and out. Heck, everyone in the pack knows you two are probably, well now we know, mates. Now if you excuse me, I'm going out to meet Diamond, and if you're worried that I'll tell her, I won't, I'm leaving that for you to do. You better come up with a plan Kevin, because in a week she will be 21 and her wolf will come and she will find out her mate is you." I leave out, racing to our meeting place. I can't believe Kevin, he won't leave that girl for his mate who happens to be my best friend.

"D, where are you?" She pops her head up from underwater.

"I'm here, I wanted a swim."

"I kind of figured. I have a swimsuit in the treehouse, let me get it and I'll join you." Diamond and I discovered this place after our High School graduation and we built a treehouse, beside the pond that is next to the two strong oak trees. The scene out here is beautiful with the flowers surrounding the pond and the trees full with all their vibrant different shades of green leaves.

"Is someone ready for their birthday next week?" I say as I get in the pond.

"Yes, finally I will be able to shift, that's what I hate about not being an Alpha's child. But when I do shift, I can find my mate and he'll love me and I will love him." In my head, I'm debating whether or not to tell her that her mate is my brother and that she will be Luna because I refuse to let that person become Luna of this pack. I decide not to, Kevin should tell her himself.

"I'm sure he will fall for you at first sight after all you're a great catch. Unless he has a girlfriend."

"Please, I'm sure he is not like your brother. I'm sure he wouldn't go out with the campus slut." The pressure is building up inside me to tell her, I instead mind-link Kevin.

"You have until her birthday to break it off with her and to tell Diamond if you don't tell both of them, I will and you know I never break my word. The countdown has officially started, you have 10 days."

"I'm so excited for your birthday next week, you're going to love my surprise." Diamond pauses.

"I have to go Mom's calling me."

"Ok, I'll pick you up at 8 tomorrow."

I get back to the house and Kevin meets me at the door. "If you're wondering if I told her, don't, because I'm leaving that for you to do. " I push past him and go upstairs to my room to get ready for tomorrow.

The next day

Diamond's P.O.V.

I could tell Ames wanted to tell me something but, she is holding back from me. Ames is my nickname for her. I wake up at 6 am so I can be ready for her when she comes to pick me up for classes. I go to my closet and pick out an outfit for the day, then I head to the bathroom to go shower. Ames is so lucky, at least she has her own bathroom, unfortunately, I have to share mine with my sister. I get out of the shower which took up most of my time, get dressed, and grab my bag, my phone, and house keys. I have 30 minutes to eat before Ames comes to get me, enough time for me to eat breakfast.

"Morning Mom, where's Dad?"

"He had to go to work honey, but he says he'll call you later." Mom and I sit down to eat. "How'd you sleep?"

"Good, not pleasant but, good."

"Diamond, you're so bad at lying, I heard you last night. Are you sure everything's ok?"

"Yea, I guess so, it's just that Ames told me something yesterday." She moves closer to me. "Her brother, Kevin knows who his mate is but, refuses to let go of his girlfriend, said a mate is a waste of time."

"How can he do that, his mate is going to be very disappointed, but what does this have to do with you?"

"I think his mate is me. I don't know if it is true or not but, his eyes keep appearing in my dreams." Just then I hear a honk outside. "Well, I'm going to find out if it's true or not, bye Mom." I give her a kiss on the way out the door. I walk outside to see Ames in her all-black jeep with red rims.

"Morning D." She says as she opens the door for me to hop in. "Ames, can I ask you something?"

"Sure, anything." She gets ready to drive, I pause and she looks at me. She turns off the car.

"Ok D, you're scaring me now, what's up?" It's now or never, here it goes.

"Is Kevin my mate, and don't you lie to me, tell me the truth." I can see she is thinking about something, but I can't tell what. I'm sure Ames will tell me after all she is my best friend. After a few seconds, she answers.

"Yes, he is but, I was going to let him tell you and not me, it's not my place to get in between mates and their business. I only found out when Jen came to our house for dinner, that's the same time Mom and Dad found out too. I'm sorry for keeping from you, can you forgive me?"

"Of course Ames, you're my best friend. I thank you for telling me and allowing your brother to try and tell me, but I kind of figured it out the other day when you said, the mate isn't an Alpha female, and when you said unless he has a girlfriend and after my response, you grew quiet.

"Well, now that you know, we need to start the plan."

"What plan?" She starts the car and begins to drive.

"We need to start making Kevin see all that you are to offer."

"What do you mean?"

"A lot of guys like smart girls and girls who have similar hobbies, but also who isn't afraid to speak her mind and has a life of her own outside of him."

"Ok, I already have all that taken care of."

"Yea, you do but, it's time to spruce up your clothing a bit. Some flared-out jeans and a peplum top with some nice vans will do."

"What's wrong with this?"

"D, really, you're wearing a baggy sweatshirt with a hole in it and some bleached up joggers and flip flops. You don't have to dress like a hoe, slut, tramp like Jen in order to get a guy, that's called desperation. She knows that if she doesn't dress and act the way she does, she'll have nothing going for her. With that said we need to go shopping." I hear a buzzing of some sort and Ames looks at her phone and then my phone buzzes too. "Well, it seems we can implement this plan a little early, our first class is canceled."

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