Chapter 4 El Scandalo
Diamond's P.O.V.
I can't believe Jen did that, she is going to get it for hurting my best friend. As soon as Ames and I arrive closer to the house, we see Kevin pulling in the driveway, he spots us and quickly runs over.
"Amber, what happened?"
"Your girlfriend smashed her hand in her car door and then hit her with her own bat." Ames males her way up the steps to the house.
"I'm fine, the doctor just told me to take it easy for a few days that's all. Now why don't you drive D home, I'll be back till you get back." She goes in and shuts the door. Kevin gets in the driver's side of his all-white Range Rover and I get in the passenger seat. We pull off and are on the way back to the packhouse.
"I will talk to Jen tomorrow and found out from her what happened."
"Really, so even after your sister says that your girlfriend did it, you still don't believe it." I turn to the side window, I can't believe him!!
"I will take care of her, besides no one hurts my sister, girlfriend, or not she will have consequences. I just can't believe my sweet Jen would do something like that."
"Kevin, to tell you the truth, she has always been like this, you're just so in love with her that you can't see it." The rest of the car ride is quiet but, not awkward. We arrive at the packhouse and he turns off the car.
"Are you getting out too?"
"No, but I have something for you." He pulls out a box from the storage rest between the seats. "Happy early birthday." I take the box and open it.
"It's a bracelet.
"Your birthstone is made out of one of the charms on it."
"I love it, thank you!!!!" Before I knew it, my arms were around him, hugging him and he hugged me back before I pulled away about to get out of the car when Kevin pulls me back causing me to shut the door. He then looks into my eyes moving a strand of hair from my face and then kisses me, I can feel little sparks on my skin, they aren't strong, but I can feel them. He then moves to my neck, leaving light feathered kisses trailing down to my chest and then back up again.
"Diamond, you're mine and only mine."
"Kevin, please." He kisses me with so much passion and so much fire. He goes back to my neck and I feel his teeth beginning to graze my neck.
"Stop, Kevin, you have a girlfriend. I'm not trying to get you in trouble, she already dislikes me and I don't want her to hate me." I close the button on my top and straighten myself up, grab my bracelet and then get out of the car. "Bye Kevin, see you tomorrow."
Kevin's P.O.V.
Finally, I get a Point of View. The name is Kevin, the future Alpha of The Silver Stone Pack. My parents are the Alpha and Luna now, but as soon as Dad retires, I'll be in charge. My twin sister Amber is an Alpha heir too, but she can't inherit the title due to the law placed by the elders but, that will probably change soon. The Elders of the Council are mad because I don't have my true mate, I rather love another girl besides her. I know who my mate is but, I never really believed in the whole Mate stuff but, what are the elders going to do, strip the tile away from me and give it to my sister, HA I like to see that happen.
Now, I'm not saying my sister isn't capable of taking the Alpha title but, it's just laughable. You see women are not capable of holding and performing in leadership roles. The last time we had a woman in power, she ran her pack into the ground, her mate was poisoned in battle and was slowly dying every day and then one day he passed, the woman was never able to deal with it, so she started being loose and forgetting her duties as Alpha. One day her pack was attacked by some rouges, killed almost all the members, the woman was at a bar when it happened and by the time she made it back to her pack, they were all dead. Since then the Elders of the Council have deemed that no Female should ever take the title and if the Alpha and Luna of a pack only have a girl child then the Alpha title shall be passed down to the Alphas brother. Unfortunately, Dad's brother died when I was young and he had no children, so I will be the likely choice to inherit the title.
My girlfriend's name is Jen, and she's great, she does her thing and I do mine and after that, we come together and do our thing. Currently, she just hurt my sister, I can't believe she would especially since she's dating me, but then again Amber has expressed that she gets picked on by her daily and so has her best friend. Now, Amber has just had her hand smashed by my girlfriend, I can't believe she would do that, I need to find out what happened from her side.
I'm now taking Diamond home, and it's awkward because she's my mate.
"Thanks for taking me home."
"It's not like I had a choice."
"Whatever. Your girlfriend hurt my best friend and you need to do something about it."
"Diamond, don't tell me what to do about my girlfriend! If you were not my sister's best friend, You would have been died by now."
"I'm sorry, Kevin. It's just I care about Amber and don't want her to get hurt, by your girl."
"She's not that hurt, just a couple of stitches."
"A couple of stitches, Kevin she had to get surgery!!" I look at Diamond, its nice that my sister has a friend like her. The rest of the ride is silent.
We arrive at the packhouse and I turn the car off, reach in my pocket to pull out a box. "Here, it's an early birthday present."
"Oh, Kevin it's beautiful, and look it has my birthstone, I love it," I tell her to look on the inside of the bracelet.
"My name is engraved. Thank you, Kevin." And this is the moment where I knew I was in trouble. She hugs me and I take a moment to breathe her scent in, she soon pulls away and reaches for the door handle. Well, it's now or never, I know I'm not supposed to but, she is my mate, even though I don't need one and she is not up to a Luna standard at all.
"Kevin, what are you doing?
"Don't fight it, just go with it." I begin to kiss her and she fights it at first, but then relaxes into me.
"Kevin, we shouldn't," She says as I leave kisses on her neck going down to her collarbone. Now I know what you're thinking, this is cheating, what would Jen say, and honestly I don't care what she says and it's not cheating as long as it's your mate. So what if I have a girlfriend, she will never find out and besides this feels so good right now, better than anything I have done with Jen.
"Diamond, you're mine, totally mine." We're kissing and I start to unbutton her top when------.
"STOP!! You have a girlfriend and how would you feel if Jen cheated on you." That's one thing I like about Diamond, she makes sense and makes you think.
"You're right."
"Thanks for the gift, Kevin." She pulls herself together and then looks in the mirror and sees the big purple spot on her neck. "Ahhhh, Kevin, my neck." She gets out of the car and pulls her long black wavy hair over the spot on her neck as she walks to the packhouse. I then start to car and head home, but first I stop to get out my frustration and anger.
Jen calls and I let it ring for a bit and then, silence.
It rings again
and again
and again
I finally answer and she is mad.
"Hey, baby, what's up?"
"I'm sure there is a reason. Tell me why did you ambush my sister at the house." The phone goes silent. "Jen. Jen. JEN!!!!!"
"I don't know, what you're talking about."
"You know what I'm talking about, my sister Amber was hurt today by you and your friends smashing her hand in the door and then taking a bat and breaking all the nerves in her hand."
"I still don't know what you're talking about."
"Ok, ok, she made a comment about me earlier and so I went over there with my friends and got her back. She said I belong on the street and that I needed a pimp."
"I'm sure she didn't say that.
"She sure did."
"Well, come on over, we need to have a talk." I hop back in my car after hanging up with Jen and race on home.