Chapter 3

The intensity of the unpleasant memories that Susan had come back to America to meet made her head feel light. She almost collapsed as a result of how suddenly her head spun. Looking at her kids while they waited for their luggage, she remembered how she so desperately wanted to have an abortion when she discovered that she was pregnant.

"I can't do this for you Miss, I'm sorry. You'd destroy your womb, the possibility of you ever having kids again will be minimal because of your unique health pattern.Just bear the pain of having them, children are never a loss my dear..." the doctor advised her, and so Michael and Judy were born.

Susan could not help but observe how all eyes were on her children.

"Do these kids belong to any celebrity out there, or what?" an onlooker thought out loud while she stared at Michael and Judy the twins. It was not new for the kids to have strangers intrude on them like that, so they didn't pay too much attention to the lady.

"I swear, they have to belong to either a celebrity or an angel because their genes are magnificent" another onlooker said. Speaking of the twins genes, Susan stylishly felt her hand across her face. The kids didn't look so much like her, they had to have inherited all that angelic beauty from their dad. Remembering their dad brought nightmares in the daytime to Susan's mind. It was the father of these her bundle of joy that had made her flee her own home. The irony. How could a monster be capable of conceiving these angels? Susan shuddered at the thought of it. Life could not be any more of a maze than it played out for her.

"Our bags are out" Michael yelped when he sighted their luggage rollout of the automatic display trolley that transported them from the aircraft to the airport to be picked up.

"You can't carry all of them Mikey" Susan told her son while he single-handedly wanted to take the entire three luggage down.

"I can mom, I'm strong" he argued, lifting down his and his sister's because they were smaller. Susan held in the urge to laugh when he tried to lift her luggage and nearly tripped himself over.

She helped him lift it out of the trolley and rolled it out while the kids rolled their's as well, and soon they were on their way out of the airport.

Susan had to move back home because she had gotten a job opportunity concerning a fashion concept she had nonchalantly uploaded in the internet. A renowned fashion company contacted her just at the nick of time because she was running dry financially speaking. She would have stayed back in the foreign country that she was in, but she had more than herself to look out for, and besides, the payment that the said company was offering was very tempting, hardly anyone would turn down that sort of offer, so she started to arrange to return home. It was safe to say also for Susan, that everything was aligning perfectly for her. She was going to put up with her mom's sister, and she discovered that her cousins had left the house for school and work. Of course, her aunt was more than delighted to have her around, and the twins, she had never met them either so she looked forward to baby sitting them. She had not even met them to know how angelic they were, yet she couldn't wait, how much more when she met and became acquainted with them?

"Urgh, why do people keep looking at us?" Michael said with an air of pride while they walked out of the airport. Back at the country they were coming from, individuals and agencies often approached Susan on her kid's behalf, hinting on using their precious faces for adverts and the likes, but Susan turned all of them down, now she was back home because she was going bankrupt, she started to wonder if she didn't make a mistake by turning down all those sweet offers, maybe she would have never had to return to this nightmare of a country. She made a mistake, as far as she was concerned.

"I like the attention" Judy cooed in her high-pitched angelic voice, clasping her palms together while they stood beside their mom waiting on her to hail a taxi for them to get in and be on their way to their grand aunty's house. Susan shook her head at the conversation her kids were having with themselves. Their attitude was so dismissive to strangers, as sweet and innocent as they were, she wondered where they got that sort of attitude from. Speaking of their occasional nasty attitude, she bent to give them a pep talk concerning how she expected them to behave when they got to their grand aunt's house.

"No rude comments about your grand aunt, always be polite and remember to say hello. Please just be your best, okay?" she said to her kids, adjusting Michael's Denims jacket, and tightening up Judy's ponytail for a better fit. Michael, the most devilish of the twins replied to his mom's plea with a cunning smile.

"We would see about that mom" he replied.

"I'd be a good girl mom, I'm always a good girl" Judy replied.

"Oh my love, aren't you always a good girl truly?"Susan replied, giving her daughter a warm hug while she looked at her mischievous son, flashing an evil grin at her.

"Michael, no jokes" Susan snapped, trying to be as serious as possible no matter how close to letting out a bout of laughter she was concerning the drama that Michael was currently making. Soon after, they were in a cab, headed into the city from the airport. Susan fought to control the plethora of thoughts that crawled into her consciousness while they were on their way to their new abode.

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