Chapter 7
"Stop pulling me like that" Susan barked angrily at Joey, forcing her wrist free of Joey's grip while they advanced towards the garden, away from the crowd of other celebrities that had graced the event.
"Did you hear that today was my birthday and I was having a celebration, so you came to ruin it?" Joey asked Susan angrily. Eyeing her with contempt. Susan's dressing irked Joey a lot, she was indeed distraught.
"You didn't have to show up looking like this, you look like a damn pauper" she added.
"I don't care what you say, or think of me. I just want my mother's items, and then I'd leave your so-called event" Susan replied in a cold tone, eyeing the entire area with a nasty glance to match Joey's sting. She was hurt. Years had passed and Joey couldn't even be nice to her, at least for the first time she had seen her in four years. She actually called her a pauper. How nice of Joey, but Susan didn't expect any better from her actually. As unpopular as Joey was while they were growing up, she still managed to be an asshole, and she did it somewhat perfectly. In this regard, Susan was quick to let go of the sadness that was slowly creeping up in her mind.
"Now everyone is going to know that I have a dirt poor little sister". Joey said, as if the fact that she called Susan a pauper was not enough.
"I really don't know about your mom's items. It's been ages. They are a pile of junk by now, probably been eaten up by rodents and termites even, what do you expect me to do now?" Joey ranted.
"All these insults Joey, after years of not setting eyes on me, or hearing from me, you insult me like this on first meeting. Well, that's fine since that's how you want it to be, but I need to have my mother's belongings, and I promise you I'd disappear for good" Susan said.
"Spare me little sis"Joey exclaimed. "Spare me the guilt trip and drama, I don't have the time for that now. Also, I don't have the time to go searching for your mom's items for fuck's sake, you can't just show up out of the blues after four years and demand that everyone should abandon their dealings for you. Look at all the guests I have to entertain, and you are talking about your mother's belongings. Right now?" Joey barked at Susan in an irritated tone.
"Can you please leave? Maybe return later when there's some calm around". Joey somewhat begged Susan this time.
"I will not go anywhere Joey. Until I get those items, I won't step my foot anywhere outside of this house. Everyone will see me here, they will see your little pauper sister" Susan insisted.
'Oh for crying out loud Susan. Look around you, wake up my dear' Joey said with a sarcastic giggle in between.
"Things have changed. Are you blind?" Joey asked.
"I can have you thrown out in the twinkle of an eye young lady, how dare you threaten me?" she continued to rant at Susan.
"I want my mothers..." Susan was saying when Joey interrupted her yet again.
"Oh, I beg your pardon lady. I beg your damn pardon. You are too small for me. As in, who the hell are you, literally? you don't have any status, no one knows you around here either. I can't even allow you to clean my bathroom, for crying out loud again, how dare you?" Joey asked a distressed and surprised Susan. The fact that Joey had become even more arrogant than before, made Susan wonder what on earth could ever change her stepsister for the better. Regardless, she ignored Joey's threats and bragging, putting her foot down to have her mom's clothes handed over to her before she listened to any gibberish Joey was talking about.
Joey hated Susan now, even more than before.
"Spoiler, that's what you are, a fucking spoiler" Joey barked angrily at an obstinate Susan. Susan thought that Joey was that angry at her appearance in the house because she was ruining her birthday, but if only she knew the real reason Joey was that upset.
As far back as five years ago, when the famous incident that sent Susan fleeing the country to live abroad happened, Joey stole a lot more than Susan's virginity from her. Of course, it was Joey and her mom that beat up Susan and left her unconscious in a hotel to be used up by any man interested, unknown to them that the man that defiled Susan was the very Richard Williams.
Susan ran away from the hotel as soon as she regained consciousness, and Joey came by to take photo's of her as proof to her mom that she had done the evil deed to Susan, but met an empty room. It was while Joey was accessing what might have happened to Susan, that Richard Williams representatives showed up in the room thanking Joey for saving their master's life. And then he handed her the name card that changed her life. All this glitz and glamour Joey was currently enjoying, was meant for Susan, so she was afraid of Susan showing up. That was her anger. The thought of everything falling apart for Joey drove her insane. One mistake, one tiny mistake and her world will come crashing down like a pile of cards blown away by the wind. She shuddered.
"What on earth am I going to do with you?" Joey asked Susan, staring at her with loathing and vile. Susan stood akimbo, signifying how hell-bent she was on not moving an inch until she got what she came there for. Joey could shove her high heavens up her ass for all Susan cared, all she wanted was her mother's items, and she was going to get it, no matter what it took her.