Chapter 6

The beginning hints of jealousy has just start to arrive and their distaste for one another may just be turning into friendship as Tiffany and Howard continue to find themselves entangled with each other. It s still the beginning, though, and the two definitely have a long way to go before they start to recognize the feelings that they might be getting. Still, they re starting to show themselves in subtle ways that will probably only increase as they move along.?

Tiffany and Bernice face off in a staring contest against one another until Jeff reveals that it was Bernice who let Tiffany join the Student Council, which means that they ll be in the same department. Bernice wonders if Tiffany has what it takes to work with her but Tiffany does offer her hand, at the suggestion of Jeff. But Bernice doesn t take it and instead starts describing her time there which includes a one week probation period which, if she doesn t do well in, she ll be rejected from the council.

A man comes in complaining about the budget she has. He s Andrew and Bernice assigns Tiffany to be his assistant saying that if he s unhappy with her after a week, he s free to kick her out. He introduces himself as the head of the entertainment department and explains that he doesn t like lame jokes, when Tiffany? makes one, and wipes his hand off after their handshake explaining that personal hygine is important to him. He begins to talk to Tiffany? but is interrupted and disgusted when she ends up sneezing on him.

Tiffany manages to slightly break the ice when she tells Andrew that his way of speaking is interesting and he seems to appreciate that? But he moves the conversation on to ask about how Tiffany and Bernice became enemies since she s someone people should be careful around describing a past encounter.

Tiffany wants to get started on her first task and Andrew assigns her to take the chairs over to the activity hall and he ll meet her there. Turns out there are chairs by the tens and she manages to move them all. Next he gives her the checklist for the party, which includes a lot of items that he wants her to get, but the budget is really lacking. He doesn t blink an eye, though, knowing how well she ran her errands business, and sends her to work on it.

At the fan café, the fangirls share some news about Howard singing at the welcome party. They then break out into his dance song before looking at the cartoon of Howard on the computer. Despite it being violent, one of the girls likes it. The others think that it s an insult to Howard and discover that it s by an artist called Jordan and start to hound his blog.

In the classroom, Tiffany is getting messages insulting her. She doesn t let those messages get her down, though, responding to them in the same manner for insulting her. Howard, who was taking a nap at his desk, wakes up. Tiffany announces that it s time for their math tutoring and Howard tries to escape by going to the bathroom but one mention of telling Professor winfield that he won t study, he doesn t move an inch.

Tiffany tells him some math problems to work on while Andrew texts her about the party budget. Seeing that she s distracted, Howard tries to use a protractor but ends up getting caught and yelled at by Tiffany. She then proceeds to insult his intelligence by comparing it to the oxygen in the Himalayas, it s thin. Angry, Howard decides to leave since he has to go to rehearsal.

He s at the company singing a song that he composed himself, Breathe, for one of the company representatives. Everyone is all impressed with the song, a slow ballad, but the representative rejects it being part of the new album since it doesn t fit with his image. She likes that he wants to explore things but believes that if he keeps changing his image his fans won t stick around for long.? He wonders why he can t just sing songs he wants to but she doesn t budge admitting that he s talented but they need him to give the market what they want. They try to explain their side, besides Daniel who hops back and forth on the sides, but the representative gets a call and leaves. Daniel tells Howard he ll try again but he s still unhappy.

Kengsington is walking in the hallway and when he passes by another teacher who is wearing the same jacket, and looks at him, the teacher takes off the jacket and begins running away. He walks by the music room and hears Howard singing Breathe to Jeff, stopping to take a look.

After he finishes, Jeff says that it s one of his best compositions and asks if it s because of Bernice. Howard says that he wrote it for her and Jeff wishes that she could hear it. Howard tells Jeff that the company won t let him sing it and that if he doesn t sing it at the party, then he ll never get the chance.

That night Howard is out walking when Tiffany comes up next to him. He s going to rehearse for the party but Tiffany wants to teach him math. She says that they have a test the following week and if he doesn t do a good job and is ranked last then it ll look bad for her but the headlines will have a field day with it. Howard turns around then to tutor but Tiffany has another location for them to go to.

She brings him to the darkened gymnasium. He wants to know why they re there when they re supposed to be studying math but Tiffany says it s peaceful and quiet, therefore the perfect place to study. However, the spotlight turns on and Howard sees a bunch of girls sitting in front of him. Chuckling, Tiffany steps up to the mic and introduces Howard as the performer before heading off the stage.

Shocked, Howard can do nothing but greet the audience as his song comes on and they start cheering. Still unsure of what to do, Tiffany tries to edge him on from the sidelines. With no other choice, Howard takes the microphone and begins his performance.

Andrew is also at the performance wondering how Tiffany got Howard? to come but she brushes it off as being his assistant. He also wonders about the price of a ticket, which was 1,000RMB, which is a little under $150, and there s also 100 people in attendance. Andrew is impressed that Tiffany was able to get that amount of money and grabs her by the shoulders in happiness, an act that doesn t go unnoticed by Howard? on stage. Tiffany tells Andrew that she leaves the rest to him and takes her leave during the middle of the stage. After singing the song, Howard looks over to the side and sees Andrew standing there alone. Is he slightly disappointed or maybe unknowingly annoyed at Andrew?

It s the day of the welcome party and Jeff compliments Andrew and Tiffany on a job well done since the schoolboard looks pleased. Meanwhile, in the dressing room, Howard is getting ready as Daniel tells him not to worry about what the company representative said. After he checks himself in the mirror he heads backstage and asks his stylist if everything is set up. She assures him it is and once again Daniel is in the dark.

Howard's performance is up next but there turns out to be a problem, there aren t any microphones. Kengsington looks a little too pleased with himself. Tiffany, who was in charge of them, is sure that they re backstage since that s where she puts them, but she finds out that someone tampered with them. She hears movement backstage and runs after a man on the stairs. She wants to know what he s doing and he claims he didn t take the microphones. Clearly unimpressed with him, she heads towards him and starts beating him up. He then meets up with his friend, Alexis as he says that he lost the microphones after getting beaten up. Tiffany? rushes on the stage with the microphone crashing into Howard. He asks where the mic stand is, but not wanting to delay the stage any longer, and unsure of where they are, she says she ll be the mic stand and holds it for him.

Howard begins his performance by saying that he s never performed the song before and that it s for a very special person. Kengsington is not impressed that his plan failed and scolds his men at the back of the theater.

Howard begins his performance of Breathe with Tiffany doing her best to hold the microphone for him. At some point during the performance she becomes captivated with him singing and ends up just staring at him, completely impressed. The crowd loves the performance as well and Howard walks off stage as Tiffany looks at him and smiles.

Daniel wants to know whyHoward didn t follow the plan and his stylist, named joanna, takes him backstage.

The next day in class Tiffany goes to talk to Laurence but runs into Howard. They keep playing back and forth, going in the same direction, when, unable to take any more, Howard just picks Tiffany up to move her. Tiffany becomes stunned at the action. When Laurence knocks her out of her daze to ask what she wants, Tiffany admits that she forgot and heads back to her seat.

It s math class again, and Howard sees a scratch on Tiffany wrist, from beating up the guy to get the microphone back. He asks her what happened but she brushes it off as a simple scratch. After thinking for a moment, he brings out a band-aid? with his face on it and passes it over to her. He tries to play cool about giving it to her and she smiles at the action She notices his cartoon face on it and says it looks ugly and Howard tells her to give it back if she doesn t want to, but Tiffany doesn t and says that she hurt her hand because of him anyway, so there s nothing special about his head being on it.

Tiffany goes back to what she was doing but ends up humming some of Breathe. Howard comments on her picking up the song so fast but she says that the melody was simple so anyone would pick it up fast. That night, she tries to calm her beating heart wondering if there s something wrong with her.

After describing her symptoms of her heart beating fast and strange lately, Laurence wonders if she has someone she likes. Tiffany laughs at her since there s no one but when she looks at her notebook, notices that it s full of drawings of Howard. When Laurence leaves the room, Tiffany looks at his pictures and finds herself commenting on how handsome he is before she turns around and imagines him in her room. She wipes her eyes but he s still there when she turns around.

The fan girls look at the comic from Jordan which are a drawing about him singing Breathe. One girl asks if they should upload the video to see what other fans think, and proceed to put the video of him singing the song on the internet.

Someone has a crush. Actually, I guess it could be said that 2 people are starting to catch feelings? The moment Tiffany thought Howard was handsome had to be when he was singing. She was transfixed on him as he sung out the heartbreaking song about kelly, whose identity is unknown yet, but it s clear from the song that he s hung up on her. Perhaps a past girlfriend?

It s also clear from kengsington's actions that he doesn t want that song to be heard and he clearly has some issues with it as well. Why else would he steal the microphones and try to ruin the performance? There s something underlying their dynamic and it probably has to do with this kelly. Was it a love triangle of the past? Jeff is also in their past since he knew who the song was about immediately upon hearing Howard sing it to him in the practice room. there s some hidden background involving the three.

Tiffany and Howard have become friendly with one another, even though it is just through the giving of a band-aid. At least the wall of hatred is breaking down and even though he may be annoyed with Tiffany's antics and schemes to get him to do things, he s slowly developing a soft side for her. After all, he seemed slightly disappointed at some points during his performance in the gymnasium. The first one was when he saw her and Andrew seemingly being close with one another and the other was when the performance was over and she wasn t there anymore. But moving on, it seemed like he was looking for her multiple times throughout the performance, too, or could that just have been his annoyance with her?

Tiffany seen Jordan is kind of funny. She insults Howard, but then her feelings start to change, she kind of praises him about his singing. I wonder how long she had the blog, though, because it seems like she does have people following, even if people are badmouthing her for badmouthing Howard. Perhaps they know about her because she was badmouthing Howard Still, I wonder if she had the blog before she became entangled with him, but probably not because she d have no reason to badmouth him anyway.

I love it when we start to enter the puppy crush stage, though, when the main characters don t know what to do around each other as they try to figure out their feelings. Tiffany might already be aware of the feelings she s starting to acquire but Howard may not necessarily be all that caught up yet.

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