Chapter 2 Alpha Liam
Avery's POV
It took Dylan forever to get ready. Who's he trying impress?
He had me waiting for him impatiently in the sitting room with his dad. We both gossiping about how annoying he can be.
He doesn't care about school because he's going to be Beta as long as he's fast, strong, and sharp in thinking.
But I care because I'm a normal (not completely normal) wolf that needs to find a job.
As soon as I heard footsteps, my head shot up making my gaze meet Dylan's immediately. He was walking in slow Mo, as if trying to cause a Disney effect or something.
I hissed, passing a glare as I completely lost my patience. I stood up, storming off to him and grabbing him by the collar. I heard him laugh as I pulled him all the way to the garage, letting him go when we got to the car.
His dad followed with the car keys.
He adjusted "How rough of you m'lady" he winked at at me, attempting to hold my hand.
"We're late you idiot" I frowned, holding back the urge to land a knock on his skull.
He simply looked down at me with a simple smile playing on his lips "You're.... Something else" he said, gently brushing a hair strand that laid on my face behind my ear "Relax a little." he said calmly, trying to pass me his nonchalant vibe.
"If you don't drive, I will" I said, ignoring his suggestion and trying not to show his voice and contact had an effect on me. I turned to Mr. Arthur to ask for the keys but Dylan snatched them, saying "Thanks dad."
"I'm too hot to die" he said, turning to me and unlocking the door. I watched him enter the car while I stood, a bit offended. I'm not too bad at driving if I do say so myself.
"Hmph" I pouted, letting his insult go and entering the car, waving at his dad while Dylan drove off.
We didn't have a moment of silence in that car.
We kept arguing about the songs to be played, the volume, his speed till we finally got to school.
I hopped down immediately, dramatically resting on the car and panting, "Like I saw my life flash before my eyes" I said, touching my forehead and closing my eyes. He's never worried about being late yet always drives like a mad man.
He got down after "I wasn't even fast" he mumbled, heading for the school's entrance.
"You were" I mumbled to myself, following him.
I got ahead of him when we got into the building. It struck me that I had classes to attend. I hurried to my class and Dylan followed, knowing perfectly well that we attend different classes but not caring as long as he spends time, pissing me off.
He only comes to pester and distract me and I've complained to teachers but there's nothing they can do to the next Beta?
Teachers who try muting him during classes gets the popular death glare.
Feeling Dylan's eyes pierce through you is horrifying. A glare by him forces you to apologize though you're not at fault. Its a gift his mom left for him to enjoy.
I promised myself to ignore Dylan in classes today and that's exactly what I did. Apart from me, a lot of other interesting things went on but Dylan still ended up sleeping, not giving them his attention. If it doesn't piss me off, it's not interesting. I didn't wake him though. Him sleeping was of benefit to me.
I didn't even bother waking him up after class.
As soon as the last bell rung, I stood, silently, abandoning Dylan helpless in his sleep but of course I didn't leave without taking a picture of him. He looked ridiculous.
I left class, entertaining the hallway like a runway model, enjoying as people looked away trying to avoid eye contact.
While walking I tripped some, stepped on some, insulted some and did all three to the rest all done with a sweet smile on my face.
I ended up pausing in front of my favorite victim, exchanging weird looks with her.
A girl blessed with talents, brains a beautiful voice but she lacks two things... Confidence and beauty. I have to be honest.
She smiled after a while of comfortable silence.
I smirked back "Hey Tessa"
I got to the girl's toilet, fed up with the weird sounds Dylan kept making to get on my nerves, partly praying he wouldn't follow me here like he did last time.
I heard a girl crying on my way to the sink. I could guess who it was. It wasn't my first time running into her in such a state.
Her wailing this time gave a different vibe this time. It worried me. I was sure I didn't do anything to her today, though I had a few plans.
"Tessa." I called out her name, turning to the direction the sounds were coming from.
She ignored
She came out before I had the chance to call her again with a harsher tone.
I melted when I saw how pale she looked with swollen and tear filled eyes , a red face, and tear stained cheeks.
"Don't you think I've been disgraced enough today? What else do you want?" she asked sounding pained and irritated. I couldn't help but feel bad for her.
I pulled her in for a hug, laying my chin on her head as she reached my embrace.
She froze for a moment, , shocked at my sudden gesture then burst into tears, struggling to push herself out of the hug.
I hugged her tighter, not planning on letting go till she'd calm down a bit.
"Tell me what happened." I whispered, curious to know.
She ignored.
I couldn't blame her she hated me. I tend to pick on her a lot but it's to a limit.
I actually care and feel bad when I bully and when others get bullied.
I knew things were out of hand when I saw her run out of class but I was too lazy to follow. I felt that as long as it wasn't my mess, I didn't have to work for it.
"Please" I added, hoping that'd make her open up a bit.
"Someone stole my diary and read it out publicly" she cried "Everyone knows my plans of plastic surgery now and they won't stop teasing me about it."
I frowned "Who stole your diary?" I asked, surprised that I wasn't aware of this before now
"D-daniel" she said as soon as I broke the hug.
I bit my lower lip, saying nothing but already making plans on how I'd take care of him.
"Why was I made so ugly?" I snapped out of my thoughts as soon as I heard her cry out.
I sighed then wiped her tears and arranged her hair
"You're beautiful... Everyone is."
"I'm not. Please don't lie to me." she frowned, kissing her teeth. "Just yesterday you told me you threw up, thinking about my face." she mumbled loud enough for me to hear, earning an eyeroll from my side.
"You were blessed with everything, talents, brains, a good family... You can't have it all"
"I could give it all for a nice face."
"Don't be stupid. You'd trade your family for a face?" I rose an eyebrow.
She remained quiet, reflecting on what I just said.
I accessed her face "Some corrections can be done without surgery though... You don't take proper care of your skin right?"
She nodded
"I'll help... Just meet me at the mall by three... And I'll help you with Daniel"
"Thanks?" she smiled a bit excited and a bit weirded out by the new side of me she saw.
"One day you'll be beautiful and respected... You'll have it all. And you'll stand up to your bullies... Including me" I smiled
She did the same "Why are you helping me?"
"Cause I've got a heart"
"Then why do you bully?"
Flashback over
I opened my mouth, about to tease her about that day but immediately shut it when I got interrupted by a hit on the shoulder from someone passing. I hated when people made that mistake with me.
"Are you fucked?" I said, glaring at the person. I was even more pissed cause I was two hundred percent sure I was hit on purpose.
The person paused then turned around, slowly. Trying to get dramatic with me.
It was the soon to be Alpha... Liam.
Great... I have to deal with this asshole.
There was a crowd already.
Liam and I have been enemies since like... Forever. I don't think anything can change that.
Most times when Liam and I cross paths, a crowd shows up from nowhere waiting to watch the drama, more gather when Dylan gets himself involved.
"Pardon?" He glared back, irritation filling his voice.
I smirked "Are you expecting me to whimper, get down on my knees and apologize?"
"It could save your life" he said calmly, making his words more threatening.
"I'd rather loose my life than apologize to a dick like you."
"Do you know me?" He asked, raising an eyebrow.
"Liam" I said his name, obviously bored by his stupid question.
"Do you have a hearing deficiency?"
"I am your Alpha." he growled, fully turning to me like he was ready for a fight. His fuse is so short, it's disgusting. If he had to live with someone like Dylan, he'd have hanged himself by now.
"Soon... To be Alpha." I said, smiling as I dropped my correction.
By the look he had on his face, anyone could tell what I just said really sank. He released a low growl, putting up his hand about to slap me.
"You want to hit her?" Dylan growled from within the crowd, pushing people out of the way and standing beside me, exchanging glares with Liam. He held my waist gently pulling me to him as if saying 'Your safe here, by my side.'
I looked down at my feet, trying to hide my now flushed face. This isn't the place and time to be seen blushing.
"I'm your Alpha, Dylan... Show some respect" Liam said, narrowing his eyes at him.
"Are you okay?" he asked, completely ignoring Liam's last statement and cupping my two cheeks with his had.
My head was tilted up with my eyes locked in Dylan's. He had a disgusted look on his face. He looked like he'd hit the guy any second now and that'd be bad. "Dylan... Calm down. I'm okay..." I said slowly, trying to calm him.
He turned to me, looking deep into my eyes as if searching for something. He looked worried. Too worried
It wasn't just about Liam almost hitting me something else was bothering him and he was having a hard time dealing with it.
Before I could ask what's wrong I found myself pulled into a tight hug. The feeling of having myself wrapped between Dylan's arms was amazing. I felt so comfortable. I felt safe. The feeling multiplied when I felt his breath on my neck "I swear I won't let anything happen to you." He promised.
Why's he so worried? This isn't the first time he is seeing me in an intense argument with Liam.
"What happened?" I asked, curiously as he slowly broke the hug.
He opened his mouth to talk but paused when he noticed the crowd around. We both forgot we were in school. It was almost embarrassing.
Dylan sighed, swallowing his words and grabbing my hand, pulling me out of school, to his parked car. He didn't bother looking at Liam before leaving.
"What's wrong?" I asked again, watching him unlock the car.
He opened the car door "We'll talk about it on the ride"
I nodded then got in.
He got in after.