Chapter 3
Lycan Island
The meal was an excruciating experience on many levels.
There was no cutlery provided, nor used by the Lycans. They picked up their meat and tore into it with their sharp teeth and claws. Having neither himself, Xavier did his best, and was aware that his efforts amused the Lycans around him.
Sitting on the bench seats meant that his thighs were pressed up against on both sides by the hulking men and he was rubbed by their elbows and shoulders. It shouldn"t have been erotic, he told himself, and yet his body ignored him. His c-ck ached and he had to shift position periodically when the press against the seams of his trousers grew uncomfortable.
Finally, on some signal he didn"t detect, the meal was over, and they began to pick up their trays and file out, stacking plates and trays on the table in a precise order that any army company would be proud of.
They filed down to their cells, the arrangement of their double line seeming to be dictated by the sleeping arrangements as when the queue stopped, he and 12412 were standing outside their designated cell.
Inside the cell, the men began to work out, sparing against each other, doing push ups, sit ups, or pull ups using the roof bars. Xavier sat on his bunk in order to give 12412 the floor space for his work out and just sat back to admire the view.
After an hour, the Lycans stripped off, throwing their clothing into bags, and hanging the bags off the cell doors, and Xavier"s erection throbbed in approval, jerking with his pulse, as the uninhibitedly naked, muscular men proceeded to shower together.
12412 paused by the bunk. "Well, not-guard?" He asked.
The silver restraining collar sat close around the base of 12412"s neck and flat to the skin and glowed with little green and blue lights showing that it was functional, and it was the only thing the Lycan wore. The body that was revealed was breathtaking in its perfection, from the heavily muscled shoulders, the ridged stomach muscles, to the v over his hips that seemed to direct Xavier"s view to the Lycan"s sizeable c-ck.
"Shower time?" Xavier realised that he had been invited to join the big Lycan and kicked off his shoes and stripped out of his uniform.
12412 eyes dropped to Xavier"s erection and his lips curled with a wicked smile. "Not-guard likes the view," he commented to the men in the next cell.
"Don"t mind the view of not-guard," one of the other Lycans replied with a grin. "When you"re done playing, toss him my way."
"Hmm," 12412 stepped into the flow of water, tilting his face up into the spray.
F-k it, Xavier thought, and stepped in. Feeling the slide of the other man"s skin against his did not help his hard on however, he noted ruefully.
At six-one, Xavier had always towered above most of his boyfriends, and it was a novelty to be looked down at, but 12412 crossed over six-five, at least. The Lycan poured a measure of soap into his hand and rubbed it through Xavier"s hair before tilting his head back into the spray in order to rinse it, his fingers gentle on Xavier's jaw.
"Why not-guard?" Xavier asked, the intimacy of having his hair washed leaving him aching.
"Before your people came, there was only guards," 12412 replied washing his own hair. "You are not Lycan, and not guards."
"I guess that makes sense, then. Most of the men here are military," Xavier supplied. "Soldiers."
"Hmm," 12412 poured the soap onto his hand and slid it across Xaviers chest, and down his stomach, closing his hand around Xavier"s c-ck. Xavier"s thoughts scattered as he moaned. 12412"s palms and fingertips were calloused, and the warmth and slightly rough texture of the callouses as the Lycan stroked him was the most erotic sensation he had ever experienced.
12412 used his other hand to coax Xavier to lean back against him, and Xavier felt 12412"s lips against his shoulder and neck, the abrasion of his tongue against his skin not-human.
"Tastes sweet," 12412 purred, pressing his impressive erection against Xavier"s flank, and stroking the pad of his thumb over the tip of Xavier"s c-ck with the knowledgeable touch of someone used to bringing pleasure to other men as well as himself.
"Oh, f-k," Xavier groaned, his eyes closing as he gave into the needs of his flesh.
"That"s right, not-guard, spill your seed for me," 12412 murmured, and Xavier delivered, coming hard so that it arced in savage spurts against the partition wall and his knees gave beneath the force.
12412 chuckled as he held Xavier up against him. "It has been a while for you," he observed waiting until Xavier regained his equilibrium and braced a hand against the wall before releasing him to finish his shower, rubbing the soap across his chest and under his arms without taking his eyes off Xavier.
He rinsed off and turned off the water. "Come on, then, not-guard," he said passing Xavier a towel. "You can show me how well you use your mouth. At least I don"t have to worry about you biting me with those blunt teeth."
12412 grabbed Xavier"s bunk and dragged it over to his own, effortlessly, without breaking his pace.
"F-k me," Xavier breathed as he dried off. In the cells, nearly every man was f-king, without reservation or modesty. "It"s like living in a wet dream," he observed to himself as he walked over to where 12412 reclined along his bunk.
"Not how not-guards f-k?" 12412 asked with curiosity.
"Oh, we do it most of these ways, too, just not so publicly," Xavier positioned himself head-to-toe with the other man and leaned over him. 12412 was going to give him a jaw ache, he thought with amusement as he took the Lycan"s c-ck into his mouth.
12412 moaned and rocked his hips. "That is good, not-guard," he said.
The Lycan produced a lot of pre-cum, Xavier noted, feeling the slip of it under his tongue, and wondered if it was warning of the load to follow. He could feel the Lycan"s hand slide over his skin, cupping Xavier"s balls and rolling them within the post-orgasm loosened sack, causing him to groan around 12412"s c-ck.
The Lycan liked that, rumbling a purr deep in his chest and thrusting his hips so that his c-ck hit the back of Xavier"s throat, making him drool.
"Mmm, now," 12412 warned him, and Xavier felt the quickening that preceded the release of come. 12412 grunted and came, his c-ck jerking in Xavier"s mouth, the strike of his come against Xavier"s throat and the quantity causing him to spray before his swallow reflex kicked in.
"Choked him," 12412 crowed, and sighed, sated, as Xavier released him. 12412 pulled the other man up and arranged him against him, so that he cupped Xavier with his larger body and held him where he wanted him with his arm. "Sleep now, not-guard."
Around them, the other men were lying down and growing still.
"Blanket," Xavier wriggled against the Lycan"s grip, trying to pull a blanket over himself, not wanting the morning patrol to find him buck-arsed naked and cuddling with a Lycan.
"I will keep you warm," 12412 was amused. "Sleep, not-guard."
F-k it, Xavier thought as he faded into a doze. It wasn"t like he could do otherwise, after all, and the Lycan was f-king warm and nice to sleep against. "Goodnight 12412," he yawned.
"Axl," 12412 replied.
"One of the not-guards James said that we should use human designation instead of our numbers," Axl told him. "He suggested converting our numbers into letters. 1 24 12 is A X L."
"Axl," Xavier was amused by the practicality of it. "I am Xavier."