Chapter 3
This pure, virgin body will soon be under the most ruthless of alpha's. Do you honestly think he'll take one look at you as a maid and not want to fuck you and make you scream? I want him already, and I don't know if I should let you go without testing you first.
Carl's words snapped me out of my memory.
He sniffed my hair and let out a faint moan. Tears again threatened to spill down my face.
You can't, I said hoarsely. "You'll get in trouble, and we don't need to bring that here."
I had lost everything. I couldn't let it take my virtue as well.
Trouble... I'm not afraid of him, Evelyn.
She laughed a sadistic laugh, but her demeanor revealed her fear.
She glared at me before she roughly pushed me away. "Now hurry up and pack your sh*t."
It wasn't like I had much to pack. The only clothes I had were the few work uniforms I'd been given for my jobs, and then a pair of leggings an old friend gave me and a few band t-shirts. It wasn't even enough to fill my small suitcase.
I'm ready.
My words were barely audible, but Carl was watching me from the doorway and I knew he understood.
I had to find a way out of here. Carl was watching me very closely. I had to escape.
But Carl didn't bother to say anything else and stepped aside and allowed me to walk past him.
I picked up my bag and headed for the stairs, but not before he took the opportunity to slap me on the butt.
At that point I stood still and started half running to get away from him.
Why are you running, so eager to see your new master, slut? Slow down.
Carl quickened his pace as well, chasing after me.
He reached out, trying to grab my shoulder. I tried to keep my distance and glanced at him out of the corner of my eye.
Carl...please don't.
He gave me a death stare that made my skin crawl.
He was going to hit me.
You dare tell me what to do? he shouted.
I flinched, bracing myself for the blow, but it didn't come.
Carl clenched his fists, but with great effort restrained himself.
I was curious as to what had made him stop when I realized that our conversation had attracted the attention of the people downstairs in the lobby.
In the shadows of the dimly lit lobby were my father, Grace, and a man I couldn't quite make out. He was very tall and the feeling he gave off intimidated me. Next to him were two others camouflaged in the shadows. They did not move, and all I could see were the silhouettes of their figures.
As I watched the scene, I heard Grace's cheerful tune: "Doesn't she look pretty? She was taking her time to make sure she looked perfect for your arrival, Eric."
The Beta in front of me didn't seem to care what my stepmother had to say. His eyes didn't leave mine from the moment I saw him.
Do what she said. The leader of the group directed his command toward Carl.
He wasn't loud or rude, but everyone present could hear him clearly, and I got the feeling that no one dared to disobey him.
Why do you have bruises? Eric's voice was gravelly, and it set my nerves on edge.
She fell down the stairs earlier in those pretty new heels, didn't she, Evelyn?
I looked at Grace and my dad and saw their stern looks.
Yes, the stairs. My apologies... I stammered, before looking back at Eric.
Please believe the lie, I thought. Please believe it.
He didn't seem to believe what we were saying, and to be honest, I wouldn't believe it either if I were him.
Yes, the stairs, why don't we have a seat and talk about some things?
My father was trying to spark conversation, but from the looks of the man in front of me, I doubted it would be a long conversation.
No, we don't need any more discussion. We already discussed the situation on the phone.
Well, Grace prepared a little dinner for you and your accomplices. You must be hungry from your trip here...
No. We're not eating.
Then Eric nodded to me, motioning me over.
Move, Carl growled from behind me.
I hesitantly took the steps forward toward the newcomers. I was trying hard not to cry and felt frozen in place. But I knew I had no choice.
A bump on my butt made me jump a little, and at the same time I lost my sense of balance and went tumbling down the steps. I let out a scream.
How stupid I was, making those noises in front of the guests.... I was finished.
However, I didn't fall to the ground. Instead, I found myself in the arms of the chief guest.
Before I could process what had happened, he quickly set my feet on the floor. He made sure I regained my balance, nodded to me and let go.
Did he save me?
Thank you! I managed to smile at him.
You're welcome, Miss Evelyn.... He didn't smile, but I could tell by his tone that he meant no harm.
A thud.
I heard a cracking noise followed by Carl's scream. "Arghhhhhhhhh!"
What had just happened?
Turning around, I saw Carl at the foot of the stairs. One of the dark allusive figures was beating him, and it looked like it would be to death. Blood covered the floor, and I heard another series of screams coming from Grace.
Please! Beta Eric, please stop this! she exclaimed, pleading with the man next to me.
Eric, the Bloodmoon Beta, was unfazed.
Blow after blow, Carl was taking the beating he was being given. He didn't stand a chance against this person. They were relentless.
Carl's screams were getting fainter and fainter, as Grace continued to plead with Eric in tears. As much as Carl rebelled against Grace, he was still her son.
I was mortified. I didn't like Carl, but if they continued, I might die.
I looked up at Eric, unsure if I should say anything to stop them.
Luckily, before I could speak, Eric gave his command as he watched the scene unfold.
The figure paused momentarily, but only to wait for further directions.
Take his hand.
NOOO!!! Please!!! Don't do this to her. He won't touch her again. I swear.
My stepmother was on her knees, begging Eric not to hurt Carl anymore. But he didn't seem to care.
And my father just stared.
A bloodcurdling scream made him look at Carl again, and blood pooled around him. I realized that his hand was on the ground.
Only then did the figure turn away from Carl and return to its position next to the man who was supposed to pick me up.
I took a step away from him.
The fear that washed over me was not like the fear I had when it came to my father or my stepbrother. I was terrified for my life.
There was no way I would survive such ruthless cruelty. My father, I couldn't be serious? How could he send me to them?
Grace fell to the ground, screaming. Then she turned and charged toward me.
It's all your fault, bitch! I'm going to kill you!!!
She tried to grab me but Eric stepped forward and blocked her way. However, she didn't stop cursing.
Bitch!!!! If it wasn't for you trying to seduce my son, none of this would have happened!
Control your Moon, Alpha, the man said slowly, his gaze shifting to my father.
Grace, take him to the pack hospital, were the only words my father managed to say.
Carl he's your son, do something! Tyrone, you can't let them treat him like this!. I had never seen my stepmother so desperate.
ENOUGH! my father cut her off. "Take him to the pack hospital. Don't make me repeat myself a third time."
I watched Grace's face go from shock to red, then to pallor. She looked at my father in disbelief.
A few seconds later, she stood up, picked up the unconscious Carl and his hand, and left the room with two of my father's warriors without another word.
His eyes as he walked past me said it all, without the words leaving his lips.
He wanted me dead.
I'm so sorry for the inconvenience, Eric. It seems my stepson needs to learn his place. I'll make sure he takes care of it.
My father's voice was completely different now. He sounded cheerful yet authoritative.
Evelyn! he called my name. The crowd's attention was focused on me.
I lowered my head and couldn't look him in the eye.
Was he really my father? I thought he didn't like me because I reminded him of my mother, but what about Grace and Carl?
I heard my father continue, "As you can see, Eric, she's a beauty, and very accommodating. She's a pleasure to have around. It almost pains me to see my little girl go, but she just wants this so much."
He lied! I bit my lips and clenched my fists.
Very well. We have to go. Payment will arrive in a few days, once the Alpha has seen her.
My apologies...I thought we would receive it upon arrival.
I looked at my father and could tell he was getting angry. But something in him was afraid, especially when Eric's annoyed look was directed at him.
I was trying to remain polite to Eric. I couldn't remember my alpha father ever being polite.
Yes, to my pack. Are you trying to renegotiate with the Alpha? Eric said firmly.
My father quickly shook his head.
No, of course not. It's just a miscommunication. Believe me, I understand how it can be as an Alpha. Making sure the deal is worth it is always important.
Yes. Just a reminder, Hartland? She's Alpha Damon's property now. She doesn't belong to you anymore, and she never will again. She will never come back here, ever. Dead or alive, she belongs to our pack.
Dead or alive.
I looked at my father, and his eyes flickered to me with a slight hesitation before he smiled.
It's okay.
My father's words took away my only hope.
Okay. We need to go, now.
Eric turned to me. "Do you need anything else? Is this all you need to bring?"
I knew I had no choice but to nod.
All right. Let's go. We've got a long trip ahead of us.
Eric wasted no time before turning to walk toward the car. The two shadows beside him had moved to my sides.
One step, two steps... I headed towards his car, but with every step I took, I felt more scared and unsure about my future.
Looking at the pack house from outside, I tried to keep an image of a home my mother had once been a part of. She would be ashamed of my father.
You'll never come back here, Eric had said.
However, I had nothing to say. Nothing I could say would change anything, so what was the point? I kept quiet and followed him to his car.
My life was no longer mine, nor would it ever be.