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Chapter 4

Beeps. A low, steady beeping sound.

Why did it smell like chemicals?

I was trying to understand where I was, but my eyelids were too heavy to lift.

My hand rested on my head. The throbbing was ever present. It hurt to even think. Exhaustion had finally settled into my body, and even the slightest movement made me wince with pain.

Where was I?

I heard whispers in the darkness. It sounded like two women talking. I could barely make out what they were saying and didn't recognize their voices.

She's no good... No, I don't think she can...

...she has to get better first...conceive...

... maybe there's a chance.... Pregnancy.... I have a supplement that will help... It can take...

Who were they talking about? She sounded like a poor girl with a lot of problems. May the moon goddess bless her, I thought. I hoped she would get better soon.

I didn't want to listen to their conversation. I decided to give them privacy, and thought about everything that had happened.

However, for a moment, my mind went completely blank. My head hurt again. I still couldn't open my eyes.

But then the memory slowly flowed back to me....

That's right, I was... the Alpha's daughter. After my mother passed away, I did everything I could to help take care of my pack and my father. I knew my life was hard and it wasn't the life I should have had. But it was still mine.

A few small tears escaped my eyes thinking about the promise I made so many years ago.

My mother had made my father and I promise to take care of each other. I had done my best to take care of him for years, but...I never seemed to be able to do enough to please him, and he just hated who I was.

And then... and then he sold me.

I breathed hard and clenched my hands. My heart ached so much at the thought that I couldn't breathe for a few seconds.

How could he? I was his only child by blood. His daughter. And he sold me to an alpha with a ruthless reputation, who could kill me at any moment.

My eyes snapped open and fear came flooding back.

I had arrived at the Bloodmoon pack.

I remembered how I had climbed into Eric's car, nervousness and fear coursing through me. Looking out the window, I had watched as the shadows beyond the tree line danced in my vision with the raindrops falling down the window....

Then my vision became blurry and I must have fallen asleep.

But why did I end up in the hospital?

...I should be awake by now, one of the female voices said quietly.

I suddenly realized that "the poor girl" was most likely not someone else but me.

I held my breath. If they had been talking about me... what did they mean? Pregnancy... conceiving... what did they want from me?

My body began to shake again, and as soon as it did, it hurt. Every movement I made was throbbing. I knew it was the pain of my strokes finally kicking in.

Eric, there you are! I was just about to bring you some food. You must be hungry. I didn't know who he was, but he sounded kind.

Then make it quick, Amber . The Alpha will be here soon.

The white curtain near my bed flew back, and a woman with bright red hair stood there with a bright smile on her face.

All eyes turned to me, and I tossed and turned in bed.

I couldn't move much. I realized I was still in my long white dress.

Evelyn, it's okay, a brown-haired woman said as she approached me. The smile on her face made me relax a little.

I'm Dr. Harris, but you can call me Lacey.

I looked up at Lacey and recognized her voice; she was the one who mentioned "pregnancy" earlier. I tried to give her a smile, but I wasn't sure I succeeded.

Before I could say anything, the young red-haired girl jumped in, "Are you hungry?"

It was the owner of the other voice. Amber .

I shook my head slowly. I was hungry at first, but now I was too worried about what I had heard.

I felt like I had a knot in my stomach. The Bloodmoon Alpha had bought me as his maid, or at least that's what they had said. What kind of maid...?

Poor girl. You're pale. Amber sat down next to me. "But don't worry. You're going to be fine. Lacey is the best doctor in our pack," she tried to reassure me.

Oh, I forgot to introduce myself, she added. "I'm Amber, Eric's sister."

I already knew her name from their earlier conversation, but I was surprised to learn that Amber and Eric were siblings because of their different personalities. Amber was a very cute girl and quite talkative, while Eric was quiet most of the time.

I'm glad you're awake, Evelyn. Lacey helped me sit up. "I just want to check your vitals real quick, if that's okay with you."

When she came over to me, I flinched, and she held up her hands, trying to show me that she meant no harm. I nodded my head. Seeing no further objections from me, she began to take my temperature.

Amber looked at me with a gentle expression as she touched the end of the bed.

You need to try and eat something, Evelyn. You'll feel much better...

I had no appetite, still wondering what they were going to do with me, but I wasn't sure what would happen if I disobeyed her.

...But if you can't right now.... just let me know when you're ready and I'll bring your food! she finished her sentence.

I looked at Amber appreciatively. Good thing she didn't seem to be upset with my lack of cooperation.

I glanced over and saw Eric. He was standing against the wall with his arms crossed, but his eyes weren't taking his eyes off of what Lacey was doing.

The feeling of tension in my body began to subside, and I felt somewhat relieved.

They were ruthless Bloodmoon wolves, yes. But, so far, they hadn't been bad to me. The horrible reputation of this pack was probably due to the rumors about their evil Alpha....

This dress is beautiful on you. I can tell it's handmade, who made it for you?

Amber had changed the subject, and for some reason, I felt like she was trying to cheer me up. When was the last time someone tried to cheer me up?

It was a gift from...

I couldn't finish my words because I felt the tears starting to well up again.

Amber... She doesn't want to talk right now. Let's not overwhelm her all at once.

Eric finally spoke, looking up at Amber . She hesitated for a second and let out a sigh before smiling back at me.

You're right. I'm sorry, Evelyn. You need your rest....

They were supposed to be assassins, so why were they being so nice to me?

However, I knew I couldn't rest.

May I ask what kind of work I'm supposed to be doing?

I tried to lift the blanket off my body, holding back the pain in my body as I moved. My father had taken money from his alpha, and I needed to work to pay off the debt. I didn't want to be the servant of a dangerous and brutal alpha forever.

No one answered me and I looked up.

Suddenly, everyone stopped talking. Lacey quickly finished my life control and put away the equipment, while Amber approached Eric.

Amber looked so uncomfortable all of a sudden. Her bubbly, cheerful disposition drained away as she approached Eric. Eric himself was erect as always. Even Lacey, who had just been relaxed and carefree, had adopted a more professional demeanor. She was holding her ground as if waiting for his next directive.

What was going on...?

I heard footsteps approaching - two... maybe three people?

A tall, dark figure entered my dimly lit room.

He was a gigantic man with dark skin and jet black hair. His jaw was strong and accentuated his masculinity. I had never seen a man move like him, gracefully but with a ruthless glint behind his magnificent eyes.

He was on the other side of the room, but even the aura that seemed to surround him showed the power he held, and that terrified me.

I had known dangerous men. My stepbrother Carl and even my father had shown me pain throughout my life...but none of them had the same intimidation as this man.

He looked over me. I couldn't help but notice how his blue eyes seemed to bore into my soul.

Thud, thud, thud.

I could hear my heart beating rapidly.

How could someone be so dangerous and yet... seductive? Why was I attracted to him?

The moment he set foot in the room, there was an eerie silence. So quiet you could hear a pin drop.

I was so captivated by his appearance that it took me a moment to notice the change in mood of the others around me. Amber, Eric and Lacey had their eyes fixed on the ground and their necks turned slightly toward him, a common display of submission in wolves.

There was only one occasion when I had known wolves to act this way, and that was because of....

I noticed and felt myself panicking. It was clear as day, and I was so blinded by the sight of him that I didn't notice.

It was him, the Alpha of Bloodmoon.

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