Chapter 5

Alpha! Eric greeted the man with respect.

The gigantic, magnificent man acknowledged him with a simple nod, with an aura that radiated authority.

He glanced toward Lacey, who immediately pulled out her report. "Alpha, Miss Rosasile is still quite weak, but with proper care, she should be much better in two weeks."

His expression didn't change, but he shifted as she spoke.

He was coming toward me.

I had never seen such a movement: graceful and fast, faster than any wolf I had ever known.

So fast that, in the blink of an eye, she was at my bedside.

The faint scent of musk surrounded me. The earthy aroma reminded me of the forest on a rainy day, and replaced the smell of the sterile chemicals in the room. It was cold but almost psychedelic, like him.

I couldn't help but lower my head. Through the gap in my hair, I saw his black leather shoes standing right next to my bed, with the toe of the shoe pointed in my direction.

He had to be looking at me. I didn't need to see to know.

Look up, he ordered me.

His voice was deep, very deep. It startled me and sent shivers down my spine. Pausing, I pulled myself together.

The cold reflection of his metal cufflinks appeared before my eyes. His hand had already stretched toward my face. His fingers were long, neither bulky nor too slender, just perfect and full of strength.

What was she thinking? Evelyn, stop focusing on the wrong things!

In a second, his hand squeezed my chin, his fingers strong and warm, pressing hard, forcing me to lift my head.

It was clear he was not a patient man.

I felt my face flush and was grateful that my long, flowing hair still covered half my face.

Look at me, he ordered again.

With a slight hesitation, I raised my eyes to look at him.

I dared not refuse; no one dared disobey his command.

The cool white light of the room cast a soft glow around him, and I couldn't help but think he looked like a prince, regal and handsome.

There was a crease between his well-defined jet-black eyebrows. His brow was furrowed, as if filled with hatred for this world.

As he bent down, his piercing blue eyes bore into me, like a hawk closing in on its prey. I was that prey, trembling, wondering if in the next second he would swoop down and grab me, taking me straight up into the cloudy sky or flinging me off the steep cliffs.

Trembling in his hands, I forgot how to breathe. The only sound I could hear was a roar caused by the blood rushing to my eardrums.

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw his right arm move. Almost instinctively, my body tensed and I shuddered. I expected him to slap me across the face, as that was what my father would have done, but I stopped myself, because I still remembered his order not to close my eyes.

I was not going to disobey him. I barely managed to keep my eyes open.

However, the slap did not come.

Instead, his hand reached up to push my hair away from my face. The hair tickled my cheeks and I felt again the soft scent of his musk enveloping me like a cocoon.

I watched as his piercing blue orbs roamed mine, as if he was memorizing every detail of my face.

When confronted with the oppressive aura, those blue eyes had been like an angry sea, ready to devour lives at any moment. But now, when he looked at me closely, the waves of anger faded away, and only then did I realize what a clear and beautiful pair of eyes he had.

I lost myself in his gaze. All fear and anxiety disappeared: only the pure blue of his eyes was real.

It reminded me of the clear sky I had seen when I was on the swing in my backyard. I was seven years old then, and my mother's laughter and my father's undaunted reproaches sounded in the background. I remembered the scent of the earth-tinged grass after the morning dew....

It was all gone. It was long gone.

Yet when I looked into his eyes... I saw my own reflection: a helpless girl, sitting on a hospital bed, wearing a white dress her mother had given her as a symbol of happiness, forced to look at her new master, who had bought her from her father.

I wanted to cry, but I couldn't.

When her skin touched mine again, I had to stifle the moan that wanted to escape from me. I had never felt that sensation inside me before.

Then, as if he was sure of something, he let go of my face and took a step back before turning and walking away.

When he pulled back, the scent of his musk left me and pulled me out of the memories I had been reliving.


This might be my only chance to ask him..... Evelyn, I told myself, you have to ask her!

I plucked up my courage and asked the question that could cost me my life.

Alpha, would you let me go once I work hard enough to pay back the money you gave my father? I stammered quickly. "I will work very hard as your maid, or at whatever task you assign me..... I can..."

I was so anxious that I got down on my knees on the hospital bed, ready to throw him out the door if necessary.

But, as luck would have it, he stopped and turned around, raising an eyebrow. He seemed to be processing what he had said.

I didn't need to look around to know that everyone was looking at me like I'd lost my mind.

Servant? he repeated to himself.

He stared at me for a moment before crossing backwards. I felt the air move between us before he sat down next to me.

The indentation of his weight on the mattress made me involuntarily slide a little closer to him, and the closeness of his body made my body shudder...with fear and desire.

It was so strange: as the distance between us grew shorter, I wanted to be closer to him.

I wanted him to stay.

My heart was racing and my breathing was quickening - fear, attraction, uncertainty, desire? All these mixed emotions clouded my mind.

Didn't your father tell you? he whispered. Her voice was soothing, almost soft.

Soft it might have sounded, instinct told me he wasn't pleased.

Tell me what? I asked hesitantly, not sure I wanted to hear what he was going to say.

There was a feeling inside me that told me something was wrong.

Little did I know that what he was going to say next would take away my last hope and my dream.

The only job you have here is to give birth, he replied.

My body and emotions froze.

He stared at me and his fingers once again pushed the hair away from my cheeks, exposing my entire face.

You will be a breeder.

Breeder. The word rolled through my mind and I tried to comprehend it.

I understood her gaze now, the one that seemed to want to remember every detail about me. It wasn't out of desire or interest.

She was examining the merchandise she had just purchased.

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