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Chapter 3

Stacey gasped.

"What the f---" she uttered but she bit her lower lip as soon as the man went closer to her.

She couldn't believe what her eyes were seeing. Even with eyeglasses on, she knew that she couldn't be mistaken and when the man removed his glasses, she couldn't still help to be in total shock especially when their eyes met.

It was Edzel.

Of all people, why did it have to be him? The man that she had only love. The man to whom she gave her heart but she said no when he asked her for marriage.

She felt like there was something inside her chest that made it difficult to breathe for her.

The hatred from the man's eyes was undeniable. He was blazing in anger and if that was just fire, she was sure that it would burn her to death.

She bowed her head because she couldn't take his burning gaze towards her. She felt like her body was sweating though the area had a centralized air conditioner.

Stacey suddenly felt her heart pounding fast. There was fear that suddenly covered her whole being. What if Edzel terminates her from her job?

She badly needed this job. She needed her salary from here to add into her savings to sustain her daughter's medication and surgery.

Suddenly, she felt like her heart was being crumpled. She couldn't help but feel worried that Edzel would take everything personally.

If that was what the man would do, surely, she couldn't do anything.

"What can you say? He's handsome, isn't?" Donna's voice dragged her out from deep thoughts.?

"Hey? Looks like you are enchanted as well with his charm," Donna said again and she even pushed her forearms when she didn't answer her question.

She just smiled at Donna while she was shaking her head.

"If only you knew," she said inside her head.

She couldn't deny the fact that Edzel looked as handsome as he was before. She could say that his body was muscular, just a perfect body built for his age. Edzel had matured but he was still as attractive as he was five years ago.

He was still charming like the man whom she fell in love with.

Suddenly, everything flashed in her mind as if they only happened yesterday. Stacey remembered the time that she was with him and how many times she was enveloped inside his firm arms and how she rested her head on his chest. She could still remember how many times they made love and shared the bliss in bed.

Sadness was all over her when she remembered how everything happened. It was too late for her because she already broke up with him when she found out that she was carrying Edzel's children.

Her twins were the greatest gift that she received from the man and the memories of the love that she and Edzel had for each other. Sadly, Carla was ill, one of the twins. Maybe, it was because when she was pregnant, she needed to work hard for them to survive.

And, fate had been a killjoy. That time of her pregnancy was also the time that her mother was diagnosed with a brain tumor.?

She didn't know what to do at that time. How would she be able to support their needs? She had two little lives that were dependent on her to live? and her mother wouldn't be able to work because of her condition.

Stacey felt like the whole weight of the world was on her shoulders that time. But, she needed to be brave for her children and her mother.

Her mother's battle with brain tumor took two years before she finally gave up and took her rest. She was still grateful that her mother was already at peace because she couldn't stand to see her pain everytime she was being attacked by the pain on her head. She knew that her mother was happy now because she was already with her father.

She knew that despite everything that's happening in her life, her parents were watching her from above and helping her pray to God.

After her mother's death, the more she needed to be persistent in life and strived hard. Life hit her hard when her daughter was diagnosed with Leukemia. A bone marrow transplant was the only way to heal her child.

It was heartbreaking for her as a mother to see her daughter in that condition.

This was her reason why she needed to work hard. This was one of the reasons why she kept saying to herself that she didn't have the right to say that she was tired even after working for almost sixteen hours each day. She had to be strong because her life was not all about her. She wasn't just living for herself but she was living for her children.

She was grateful to have kind and understanding neighbours and most especially to her best friend Ariana. She was there for her and for her children. She was the one looking after them when she wasn't around.

Ariana and Marlon were married for two years but unfortunately, they weren't blessed to have a child yet.

Suddenly, the phone on the desk rang and she was startled.

'Hi, good morning. Thank you for calling Alexis hotel. This is Stacey speaking. How may I help you today?" She said in a lively voice as soon as she answered the phone, after three rings.

"Come up," a baritone voice startled her.

"I am so--- sorry?" She stammered as her heart beat so fast.

"I want you to come up now," he said again in a firm tone.

"Me?" She mumbled and even though the man on the other line wouldn't say his name or mention whoever he was, she already had an idea who it was.

"Yes, you! Who else am I talking with? You got two minutes to go up here or else prepare to hunt for your next job because you'd be terminated if you fail to get here in time," the man said in an authoritative tone. She felt scared. Really scared.

He couldn't be serious.

She couldn't be terminated. Her work here at the hotel wasn't hard and on top of that the salary and the benefits that she was receiving was a big help for her. She couldn't afford to lose this job. She had no choice but to follow him and swallow her pride.

She had to listen to her boss and she had to give in to his demands no matter how much she was against it.

But, before she could even speak, she heard the dial tone. She looked at Maricris who was standing next to her.

She was about to open her mouth and say something when from behind, Ms. Lily had spoken.


"Stacey…" Ms. Lily called her attention.

She lifted her gaze. "Yes, Ms. Lily? How can I help you?"

"Be quick. Go upstairs in the presidential suite," the woman said to her.

"But, is it possible for Maricris to go instead? There are still tasks that are assigned to me and I haven't finished them yet," She said, trying to check if she could escape from Edzel.

Ms. Lily took a deep breath. "Stacey, look. I know that this is not a part of your job but the big boss wanted you to serve him. I was even shocked when she mentioned your name to me. He wants you to be the one to give all what he needs while he's staying at the hotel. Don't worry, it would just be for a whole week. He just needs to evaluate the hospitality of his employees towards the customers. And now, I just realized that maybe since you are the newest employee here, he wanted to test your skills and service. So, here's the only thing that I want to ask from you, Stacey," she said while looking at her directly. "Please, do all your best to satisfy him and just be yourself. Just remember that you are representing our department. So,don't worry, he is a kind person," the woman added and then she smiled at her.

Stacey didn't know what to feel. She was put on a hot spot where she couldn't do anything so just nodded her head even if she still wanted to protest.

Her mouth said yes while her mind and her heart were saying no.

How she wished she could tell Ms. Lily the truth. The truth, that she knew Edzel. The woman was right when she told her that the man was kind. She knew that he was kind and that was before she broke up with him. No, it would be exact to say, before when she rejected his proposal and left him alone at the restaurant.

She left him immediately because she couldn't stand the hurt that he would be seeing in his eyes and she might withdraw her answer. It was hard for both of them.

She knew? that the man hated her or he might have even cursed her after that incident. His anger for her could be seen in his eyes.

She felt it when their eyes locked. She felt like she was burning the way that he was looking into her.

Stacey felt her heart pounding so fast inside her ribcage. The more that she was getting closer to the presidential suite, she could feel her knees were trembling.?

There were a lot of scenes that were flashing in her head. She imagined things that Edzel might do to her as soon as she got inside the suit. She couldn't help it. She had heard a lot of things that people could do when they were angry.

She couldn't deny that she was worried that the man would shout at her or because of his anger at her, he would wreck her neck until she ran out of breath. She thought that Edzel would hurt her the way that she had hurt him before.

She shook her head.? What a morbid thought she had inside her mind!

She knew that a confrontation would happen and she should prepare herself. For sure, Edzel would throw questions to her because of what happened in the past and she should know how to handle that.

Stacey took a deep breath as she was trying to calm herself. She must look like she wasn't affected by the past.

Edzel should see a woman in her who wasn't afraid of him and on top of that, someone who was regretting the rejection she had made a couple of years ago. She should show the man that she had already moved on from what happened between the two of them in the past and she had no intention of igniting it again.

She was standing in front of the door and she could feel her heart still beating like it was racing with horses.

She had to knock on the door before her two minutes was up or else, he would terminate her like what he had said to her over the phone. She knew that he couldn't be serious with that but still, she couldn't take the risk.

She can't lose this job. It's a big help for her and her children.

She exhaled. One deep breath and she lifted her hand to knock on the door. There was no way for her to back up.

Knock. Knock. Knock.

It was as if there were drums rolling inside her chest while she was waiting for the person inside to respond. She almost jumped when she heard someone speak.

"Come in," a voice came from the inside. She closed her eyes and uttered a prayer in silence before she held the door knob.

Stacey pushed the door open and she could hear her heart pounding so fast.

She held her breath when she saw what was in front of her as soon as she entered the presidential suite.

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