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Chapter 4

Stacey swallowed the lump on her throat. Suddenly, she felt like her throat dried up because of the view in front of her.

She didn't expect that this would be what she was going to see as soon as she opened the door.

She felt a sudden heat in her body. It was a familiar feeling that she never felt for a very long time.

Edzel wore only a white towel wrapped on his waist. His top was exposed in her eyes. His chest looked hard and his stomach where you cannot see any trace of fat.

The man was like one of those Greek Sculptures that came to life. He was beyond perfect.

He was a full-grown man, a very attractive man with an oozing sex appeal. She couldn't help but wonder how many women he already took in bed with him.

With his looks, she could tell that women were the one who was chasing him.

Edzel cleared his throat and Stacey was startled. She didn't notice that she was already frozen like a statue in front of the man.

"Did you enjoy the view? How is it? Did I pass your standards?" The man uttered, which brought her back to her senses.

She felt like her cheeks were getting hot so she bowed her head immediately before the man could even see the embarrassment that she felt. She wished the earth would open and just swallow her alive.

She wanted to pull her hair because of that stupid act she made right in front of Edzel.

"Ahh. Silly, girl," she whispered to herself.

She walked inside of the room as she secretly pinched herself for embarrassment. She couldn't look at Edzel straight because she knew that she looked like a fool staring at his body.

She acted like a teenager who had seen a man's naked body for the first time. She scolded herself in silence.

"Could you please be quick? Prepare breakfast for me before I leave for the meeting," Edzel's voice echoed inside the room.

This was what she had expected. The man shouted at her like how she had imagined inside her mind earlier. She knew this was going to happen because of the man's anger towards her.

Without thinking twice, Stacey went to the mini kitchen of the presidential suite and she prepared breakfast for Edzel like what the man commanded. It was already nine in the morning.

Every action was quick because she didn't know what time his meeting would be. She didn't want the man to complain so she did whatever she knew she was supposed to do.

"So, how's the view earlier? Did you enjoy it? What did you feel?" A hoarse voice was next to her ears as he repeated his questions he threw at her earlier.

She was startled and because of that the egg was dropped on the side of the bowl. She held her breath knowing that it was coming from Edzel.

"Urgh…" she uttered as she cleaned up the mess from the egg. She knew that Edzel intentionally did that because he wanted to tease her.

She was so engrossed in her work that she didn't feel his presence until he whispered.

Stacey wanted to scream because of the sudden shock but she held her emotions when she realized that it was her boss.

Edzel was now standing next to her.

She cleared her throat before she spoke. She collected all her courage and was hoping that she wouldn't stammer.

"Well, there's really nothing to be proud of. It was not captivating at all," she replied to him while she continued what she was doing and then, she shrugged her shoulders. She wanted to make Edzel see that she wasn't

Stacey could feel her eyebrows raised while she said that to Edzel. She couldn't believe that the man would even ask her. How conceited he was!

"Wooo. Is that so? But, your action earlier said different," the man said and then he clicked his tongue. "If I wasn't mistaken, you were standing there like a statue. Didn't you look frozen back there?" he added in a mocking tone. Edzel's lips were still in her ears.

She scoffed.

"Aren't you so full of yourself? I couldn't just believe that a well-known businessman like you would act as if he doesn't have any decency in his body to face his employee in that kind of look," she answered back while still doing her task.

She quickly glanced at him and it didn't escape into her eyes how he gritted his teeth before he opened his mouth.

"You don't deserve to be treated with respect like a noble woman," he said. Edzel turned around and left her in the mini kitchen but before he could go out he spoke again. "So, don't expect to be respected especially if it's from me."

Stacey was frozen. Though she knew that his treatment would be cold towards her, she still felt like she was stabbed in her heart.

Earlier when he saw Stacey downstairs, an idea came inside his mind. He thought of requesting her to be his servant while he was staying at the hotel as a part of his revenge to the woman. He was thinking that he could mock her. He would ask her to do impossible things so that he could have a reason to punish her so she could get hurt and suffer.

And, he was delighted by the reaction that he saw when the woman saw him half-naked as soon as she entered his suite.

He intentionally positioned himself in that kind of look while waiting for her to come in. He wanted to see how she would react. He wanted to see if Stacey would find him attractive just like a couple of years ago.

He liked the admiration that he saw from her eyes the moment that she had laid her eyes on his body. Her eyes were full of admiration. Well, who wouldn't? He hasn't seen a woman yet who refuses to be with him. They were all swooning over his feet.

But, he must admit that he wanted to see the reaction from Stacey. He wanted to see in her eyes the regret of the woman. He wanted her to realize what she had thrown away.

He wanted the woman to ask herself why did she say no to him when he proposed to her a couple of years ago?

He couldn't help but imagine what would be the woman's response if he would lock her inside his arms. He didn't know where this excitement that he felt came from.

Edzel suddenly felt a pain inside his heart. The pain that had been inside him for a very long time. The pain that was caused by no other than Stacey.

Up to this day, it was a puzzle to him why Stacey said no to his wedding proposal. He didn't expect that Stacey would reject him just like that and she left as if she really didn't care for him at all. She didn't even wait for him to recover from shock.

Was it because he didn't tell her how wealthy he was or it could be Stacey was with another man?

What happened to the promise that she made which he had believed in? What happened to the sweet memories that they had shared?

Were all of those moments they shared meaningless for the woman? Was it just him who loved her and she never loved him back?

He could still remember everything, especially how they promised each other that they would be getting married as soon as they graduated.

He wanted for Stacey to stay at home and just take care of their children in the future. He wanted the woman to always be there when he comes back from work.

He could still remember the countless dreams he imagined for the two of them and that's why he was dumbfounded when Stacey left him alone on the day that he proposed to her.

He thought that it was the beginning of his dreams and it never came in his mind that it would be the same day when everything he had hoped for will be gone.

If Stacey's reason was she had loved someone else who was richer than his family then, why the hell she was working in his hotel? He walked towards the kitchen while he was watching her preparing the breakfast.

The woman hadn't changed at all. Despite the anger that he felt towards her, he could still find her enchanting. Stacey had this effect on him that he never experienced with another woman.

The woman had a slender body and her uniform just perfectly fit her, giving focus to the curves of her body.

Her butt was her asset and he couldn't deny that he couldn't help his ways looking on that part.

Stacey had grown into a lady. He couldn't help but wonder if the woman was in a relationship at the moment. He wondered if she already belonged to another man.

She was so engrossed that she didn't notice his presence.

He was looking at her as she prepared everything that she needed for his breakfast.

This was the exact scene that he usually imagined five years ago. This was part of the dreams he had back then before Stacey broke his heart into a thousand pieces.

Stacey was preparing the food in the kitchen while he and their future children were playing but it never happened. The woman said she couldn't marry him for a reason that was still unknown to him until now.

He knew that she was so engrossed on what she was doing so he decided to tease her.

He teased her and he was surprised that she had responded. It seemed that the woman didn't find him attractive anymore. Everything has changed. Everything was so far from what it used to be five years ago.

Stacey was too clingy to him every time that they were together. She always had her arms wrapped around his forearms and he never complained. He liked the fact that she was proud that he was her boyfriend and that's why he was baffled on what happened between the two of them.

He started to get pissed off because of how Stacey was behaving so he decided to go back to the bedroom. He would just prepare himself for the meeting and retreat for now to the war that he had started silently between the two of them.

Stacey felt relieved when finally Edzel was out of her sight. She heard the bedroom door closed.

She hated herself for not being able to feel his presence earlier. She didn't have any idea that the man was already on her side.

She needed to calm herself because her heart was pounding so fast inside her ribcage.

Finally, after fifteen minutes, she finished cooking his meal though it was just scrambled eggs, fried sausage and bacon. She made a brewed coffee and fresh orange juice since she didn't know what Edzel wanted. Five years ago, as she could still remember it, Edzel wanted to have a fresh orange juice early in the morning and then he would want scrambled eggs with avocado, toast and coffee.

She silently hoped that he hadn't changed.

Stacey knew all of this because Edzel told her when they stayed overnight in the hotel on the day of her birthday.

The day that she surrendered to him her virginity. A night that she couldn't forget in her entire life.

Edzel came out of the bedroom after a couple of minutes being there. He couldn't help but sniff the aroma that welcomed him as soon as he opened the door.

The aroma of brewed coffee and scrambled eggs made his stomach growled.

He saw Stacey next to the table. "Sit down, and join me," he commanded.

But before Stacey could answer her phone rang.

He saw Stacey's face full of worries.

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