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Chapter 7

Edzel didn't know how he would react when he heard the situation of Stacey's daughter.

He was shocked to learn what kind of life Stacey had right now. He felt sorry about the girl's condition who was currently inside the emergency room.

He couldn't believe everything that happened to Stacey. She had two kids and by the way, he was seeing it. It seemed that she was having a hard time providing everything that they needed. He could tell by the way how she looked and her kids.

And this pitiful situation of her daughter, he thought, could be the reason why even if she didn't want to work with him, she was left with no choice. She was more afraid to lose her work rather than her pride.

There was something on his head that he was sure Stacey wouldn't say no for the sake of her daughter. He knew how to start everything that was running inside his head.

The doctor already left and they all went inside of the room. Carla was already awake.

The little girl looked weak and her face was pale but she was smiling when she saw them enter the room.

Carlo was smiling from ear to ear as he walked inside the room and looked at her sister.

Happiness and excitement was written all over his face. It seemed that the little boy really believed that he was his father. Poor boy. They were so innocent that they just easily believed his words.

But, Edzel couldn't deny that he also felt glad that he was able to make the kids smile. There was a part of him that was telling him he needed to comfort the kids.

"Carla, look who's here! Our Daddy just came back and you know what? He promised that he would never leave us anymore. Isn't that good news?" The little boy told his sister who was lying down in bed. "Dad is now here so you should get better and promise us that you are not going to faint anymore. And, mom wouldn't need to get worried and leave her work. Or else, she would get terminated again just like before," Carlo added and the hope was in his voice.

Carla didn't say anything to her brother but she stretched her arms as if she was saying that she wanted a hug from Edzel.

Edzel didn't know how he should react. There were a lot of emotions that started to linger in his heart. Emotions that he didn't know where they came from. They just started burning inside him.

"Dad," the girl said with tears in her eyes. He felt like his heart was broken into pieces because of the little girl's condition. Suddenly, anger rose inside his heart towards the father of these children. How could he abandon these little kids? They were innocent with what was happening between him and Stacey. They should have settled their problems and didn't involve the children if they couldn't really fix it.

He couldn't believe that the Stacey he loved before let her kids suffer from the pain that she was supposed to be the one who's suffering.

Edzel couldn't afford to disappoint the girl's request. So, he gave her a hug and then he felt the same feeling that he felt earlier when he also hugged the little boy. It was something that he couldn't explain.

After locking her inside his arms, he heard the little girl sobbing. He felt that his top was already wet because of the tears of the girl.

Her sobs turned into loud cries. He felt his heart was being squeezed and he suddenly felt like couldn't breathe. It was as if a hard object hit his stomach and he felt like he was going to choke.

"Dad, you are going to help me, right? And, you are not going anywhere anymore? You are not leaving us again?" The girl whispered to him in between her tears. "I don't want you to go. I don't want to miss you again," the girl added in her crack voice.

It could be seen in her eyes that she was longing for her father.

Edzel couldn't imagine what kind of father could leave his children behind especially these children who didn't want anything but to be with their father. He couldn't explain why he was affected that much with their situation. It was as if there was a part of him that seemed to be familiar with these children.

Carla threw the same questions that her brother asked him. These kids were traumatized for being left behind. Suddenly, he felt pity for them.

"Yes, sweetie. Daddy is her now. And, I promised that I wouldn't leave you anymore. I would never leave you, your brother and your mommy," he replied and then he looked at Stacey who was just standing in front of him. "I will just be here by your side and take care of you," he added. He felt like those words he uttered came inside his heart.

She was just listening to them and he didn't know what exactly was running inside the woman's head.

But for Edzel, he felt like he wanted to comfort the kids. They were so innocent to be exposed with this kind of hurt that they had inside their heart.

And, instead of getting mad towards their father, they showed longing for him. It was a perfect example of children's love towards their parents.

He felt like the children felt there was a missing piece inside them without their father around.

Stacey's heart melted because of what she was seeing. Her children were very happy. They were happy to know and meet Edzel. She couldn't imagine what would be their reaction if they all found out the truth.

On the other hand, she didn't know what Edzel was planning. She couldn't understand why he didn't correct her children. The man just said yes to them when the kids said that he was their father. Deep inside her, he couldn't help but wonder if Edzel knew the truth that he was the father of her twins.

Well, if not, what was his purpose for why he was not correcting the kids? Why didn't he say to them that they had made a mistake and he was not their father?

And, what made her even more shocked was he even promised them that he was not going to leave them anymore and he was going to help her daughter.

What was he really up to if he didn't know yet that he was the father of the twins? Just thinking about it already made her feel uneasy. It seemed that Edzel was planning for something in exchange for what he just said to her children.

She had a strong feeling that the man would give a condition that she couldn't resist for the sake of her children. She didn't believe that Edzel was doing this out of kindness. She was sure that there was something behind everything that he was doing.

Stacey could feel that Edzel would get back at her because of what she did five years ago. She could feel that the man wasn't able to move on yet from the rejection he received during that time and Edzel was planning to use her children against her.

It was as if the man was planning something that would make her get hurt. How she wished that he could tell him the truth but would he stop from what he was doing?

"Mom, did you hear that?" Carla's voice dragged her out from deep thoughts. She just smiled in response to her daughter. "Mom?" The little girl called her attention again.

The truth was, she didn't know what she would be saying after that she looked at Edzel. However, she just saw a blank expression on his face and he was hard to read.

She couldn't figure out what was inside his mind and then after that she looked at her best friend. She had been there since earlier but she was just quietly looking at them. And her eyes met Ariana's eyes. Ariana knew Edzel and based on the way that the woman was looking at her, she had a lot of questions that she needed to answer and explain.

But the truth was she really didn't know that was going to happen. And, she couldn't tell what would happen next because Edzel was trying to play a dirty game with her.

"Carla, you need to take a rest now. You need to save your energy so you can feel better and you can get out of the hospital, okay?" She said and then she patted her daughter's shoulder. "Good night, sweetie," she added and smiled at her.

"Yes, Mommy and Dad? You are not going anywhere, right? You are going to stay here until I wake up, right Dad?" Carl said while she was looking at Edzel.

Stacey didn't know what she should do. Her kids really believed that Edzel was their father and she didn't know what to say to correct the information, especially that Edzel didn't do or say anything.

"Yes, sweetie. Don't worry, Daddy will just stay here until you wake up," Edzel replied and then he kissed Carla's forehead. "I wouldn't be gone."

Edzel's gestures were like he was the father of the twins. If Stacey would just think about it, it was as if the man was not pretending at all or what. But, how could it be possible that he knew the truth? This was the first encounter they had after a couple of years.

She saw the sparkle in her daughter's eyes. She must admit that she never saw that kind of happiness in her children until today.

Stacey looked at Ariana who looked so confused on what's happening. How she wished she could pull her in the corner and tell her about everything.

"I love you, Daddy. I love you, Mommy and I love you, bro," Carla said to all of them before she laid back down in the bed.

Though still looking pale, the happiness was written all over the little girl's face. She was also lively compared when they first entered the room.

The little girl closed her eyes and the smile on her lips was still there. She couldn't buy the happiness that the twins felt that day.

"I love you too, Sweetie," Edzel replied to her and then he nodded for her to go to sleep.

"I love you, sis," Carlo said as well to his twin sister.

Stacey kissed her daughter's forehead when she finally lay down in the bed. And, before she could even notice, she saw Edzel in the corner of the room and he was like dialing in his phone.

She felt her heart pounding so fast inside her ribcage. She couldn't help but be nervous because of what could happen next. She had this thought that Edzel was planning something to find out if her children were his and that was the last thing that she wanted to happen.

"Hey, tell me. What's happening? Why is he here? And why are the two of you together?" Ariana whispered to her while they were both looking at Carla.

She wasn't mistaken. Her best friend had a lot of questions and even she didn't know how to answer.

She let out a deep sigh.

"Well, maybe you wouldn't believe it but he is my boss. He is the owner of the hotel where I am working now," she replied while looking at her best friend. She wanted to see what her reaction was.

She saw how Ariana's face changed expression. Disbelief was written all over it.

"What? What do you mean?" She asked her after hearing what she said. Her eyebrows were knitted together while meeting her eyes.

She wasn't mistaken with the surprise that she saw on her best friend's face.

"Who is your boss, Mommy?"

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