Maid and Alpha

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Chapter 1

I ran as fast as my feet would take me. I ran past the trees making them look like blurs. The rain pelted against my skin stinging it and making it turn red from the cold. My breath is ragid but I cannot stop now I have to keep moving. My legs feel like led and but I force them to go on a I hold the most precious and valuable thing in my arms. My son, Alessandro. Wrapped in two blankets and a thick quilt I know he is warm and shielded from the harmful rain but not for long. The rain is being relentless and soon all the blankets will be wet chilling my precious baby.

I run further into the trees using them as shields running left and right with the rain hiding my scent from them. Finally up ahead I see a tree. It is very large with is roots looking like the are as high as three feet. There is a hole in the tree. Big enough to fit a full grown man. Problem was is was pretty high off the ground. I hugged Alessandro closer to my chest as I look back behind me. My hair and clothes are drenched and I am shivering and breathing hard. I look back to my baby and kiss his forehead and quickly wrap the quilt around my shoulder and side making a holder. Once I know for sure he wont fall I begin to climb the tree. It is extremely difficult because of the rain and my constant shivering. I can feel my hands getting splinters but that doesn't slow me down. I climbed a few more branches and finally reach the hole.

Carefully climbing in I place Alessandro inside then myself. I take one more look behing me and get in the tree.

My body is still shivering but slightly warming up. The tree is dry and warm which was a plus for me and my baby. I look over to Alessandro only to freeze when I heard the pounding of feet. My heart begins to race in my chest and as I try to control my breather. I can hear their howls and them sniffing around. It felt like hours before they left. I let out a breath of air and closed my eyes.

I did it. I escaped. After all those years I am finally away.

My name is Sasha Stone and for the past 10 years I have been a prisoner for the New Moon Pack. A vicious pack that has no heart. I use to have a wonderful life full of love, happiness and friends. My father, Randolf Stone, was the Alpha of the Yosemite pack in California. I was 6 going on 7 when the New Moon attacked our pack.

I remember my mother running into my pink princess room picking me up from my bed and ran out of the house as fast as she could. As soon as she opened the front door what I saw is something that I will never forget. Dead wolves lie everywhere some in human form. I recognized a lot of them from my pack. I saw men women and children soaked in blood as more screamed piercing the night sky that turned orange from the flames that were consuming the pack house. I was about to scream in terror but my mother hushed me. Then I saw him. My father. He was fighting 3 wolves and he looked tired. One lunged at him biting his leg and the other went for the throat.

I saw my father get murdered in front of me. My mother cried and ran. I looked over at my father one last time to see him smile at me as the life slipped from his eyes. He disappeared as my mother entered the woods. But we were soon stopped by the enemy surrounding us. I don't really remember much more about that night but I do remember getting ripped away from my mother and hearing her call out my name as they took me away. Everything else is blur.

I was taken to the New Moon territory and made a slave. I was abused mentally, physically and on my 16th birthday sextually. My innocence was taken from me by none other than the Alpha himself. Alpha Lorenzo Martini.

That was exactly one year ago. Today is my 17th birthday and Alessandro is 3 months old.

A small whimper brought me out of my daze and my eyes landed on my precious bundle, my son. Although Alessandro was conceived by rape and his father is a monster, he is innocent. My baby did nothing wrong. He didn't ask to come into this world. But I brought him in and he is mine.

I carefully unwrap Alessandro from the thick quilt and look down to his handsom face. I thank the Lord that he looks more like me than that monster.

He inherited my mothers eyes. They were light honey brown with a black rim. His skin is soft and pale with a head full of blackish red curls. He got that from me. Though my eyes are a dark brown like my fathers. Alessandro's were big and adorable with cupids bow lips and a little button nose. My baby.

I unbuttoned the blouse I was wearing and brought Alessandro to my breast. He sucked hungrily on it making me smile. But that smile soon faded. I need to find a place to stay. I cannot live on the streets with a new born baby. I need to find a job and food. If I do not eat then my body will not produce breast milk and that is not good for my baby. This is going to be challenging. Since I was taken at such a young age, I never learned my basic education. I can barely do math. Most embarrassing, I can't read or write other than my name.

How I got by in my prison is symbols. I looked at pictures. Pathetic I know. I will never be able to find a job. All I am good at is cooking, cleaning and drawing.

Yes drawing. When I was 11 I stole a piece of paper and a pencil from the betas office and began to draw. I wanted to make everything life like so I taught myself how to do that. For two years I would sneak paper to draw on. I was finally caught by the beta. But once he saw my work he had me draw more and I was forced to draw and paint many thing and most of them was the Alpha. I was drawing the Alpha the day he raped me.

A sigh slipped my mouth as I thought about these things. I looked down at Alessandro and saw him staring up at me still sucking away. I caressed his face with my rght hand and felt his soft hair.

"I promise baby, I will be the best mom. I will make things better and soon I will be able to by you some clothes and toys. Things will get better" I said the last part more to myself.

I kissed his forehead and rocked him as he finished up. Its not just me anymore. I will make a life for the two of us. It wont be easy, but life never is. I want my son to live without fear and I will give that to him.

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