Chapter 2

My feet are killing me!

I have been walking for the past 4 days and I need a place to rest. I walked down the deserted road with Alessandro strapped to my chest. I sang to him and myself as we continued our journey. The road was long and pretty wide with woods stretched as far as the eye can see on either side. I should be afraid that someone can come out and harm us but I felt strangely comfortable here.

My feet stopped moving as a big sign appeared in front of my face. It was big and had a picture of the most clear water I have ever seen. There was also a picture of a family, the parents and two children on was a little boy while the other was a little girl. They looked as if this was the greatest place to be. The was some words on the sign.

"C-cr-y C--crys-s." Ah I give up! I allowed myself to keep moving. But there was a strange feeling when I passed the sign, like I was crossing some barrier. I didn't ponder too long as I heard the sound of flowing water. I looked to my right and found through the trees a stream. Even from this far the water shined in the sunlight sparkling the water. I found myself walking towards it.

The trees were healthy and strong here as I grew closer to the water. When I finally reached it my breath was stolen from me.

The water was like crystal. It was so clear and I can see the fish that swam in the stream. I didn't even realize that I was smiling as I stared at the beautiful water. The stream flowed down in a rapid pace which will not allow anyone to cross unless they wanted to get caught in the tide.

I began to walk in the direction from where the water was coming from. The further I walked the slower the pace of the water and I soon came to a dam. It looked as if made by a beaver with the wood and sticks an mud. Water flowed through some of the cracks in the dam and over the top of it was a huge log that looked as if a storm has ripped it's root bringing down the giant tree making a bridge.

I began to climb the steep earth to get a closer look keeping Alessandro close to me. The sight before me was beautiful. On the other side of the log was a beautiful 50ft high waterfall. The mist of the water that came down enchanted this place creating a rainbow .

"Beautiful I found myself saying." I found myself saying

"It is"

I nearly jumped out of my skin as I heard that voice. My wolf. I haven't heard from her since I was raped and decided to run away. I felt myself begin to smile.

"It's nice to here from you Sade"

I felt her smile and I pictured it in my mind.


I smiled and began to walk further near the waterfall. I felt wiggling on my chest and saw Alessandro trying to break free from the holder. I let out a little laugh and pulled him out.

"There you go little guy"

Alessandro stopped squirming and looked at his surroundings. His big light brown eyes showed fascination as he looked. He began to make baby noises and flapping his arms like a mad man.

"Okay okay" I laughed. I placed him on my hip being careful to support his back with my arm and took off my shoes and rolled my pants. I gently touched the water testing the temperature. It was not too cold. I placed both feet in the water and sighed in content.

"You wanna feel baby boy?" I asked. I got a reply of a little baby yell making me laugh. I gently placed th tip of Alessandro's toes into the water earning a small giggle and him picking his legs up then putting them back down.

We played in the water for a while when my wolf began to feel a little bit uneasy. I placed Alessandro fully in my arms as I looked around. My breath began to quicken.

"We have to leave" I heard my wolf say.

I did not argue. I felt as if someone was watching me. I quickly raced out of the water and looked for my shoes. I slipped them on and then began to safely strap Alessandro to me. He was fussing so I began to coo at him. He calmed down and I quickly left the waterfall. I am really going to miss this place, but I have no time to think about this.

I ran deeper into the woods trying to use the trees as shields. I heard the stomping of feet behind me making my already rapid beating turn into over drive.

Have they found me? I God please don't let them find us? I prayed in my head. I picked up my pace as the sounds began to get louder. Growls can be heard from about half a mile away. Tears were stinging my eyes as I tightened my hold on Alessandro who began to cry at this moment.

"Please. Please" I cried silently as I ran. The stomps and growls got closer and closer when out of nowhere a huge wolf jumped out behind me tackling me to the ground. Before I hit the floor I quickly moved to my back do I do not land on my baby.

The wind was knocked out of me as my attackers kept growling and circling me like predators. My heart felt like it was going to jump out of my chest. My wolf was stirring inside me wanting to protect her pup.

"Who are you and why are you on our land?!" A voice yelled at me. I turned my head to a mas standing infront of me. He was very tall and muscular. He looked as if he could rip a tree from its roots and use the tree as a baseball bat. "I asked you a question rogue" He growled.

I swallowed the lump in my throat.

"I-I mean n-no h-harm sir" I stuttered. I clutched Alessandro closer to me as I hid him from the people in front of me.

The giant man looked down at my arms and narrowed his eyes.

"What are you hold?" He asked in a hard voice. I began to shake. He can't take my baby.

"Nothing." I said. His eyes grew darker as he stocked towards me making me shrink back as his followers growled.

"Who are you and why have you entered the Crystal Water territory?" He demanded. I shivered in fear as he looked at me.

"I-I didn't know I was t-trespassing" I stuttered.

"Of course you didn't" He said sarcastically while still holding hardness. My heart was hammering in my chest. "What are you holding?"

"Nothing" I said again as I held my baby closer.

I guess what I said made him snap because the next thing I knew he wrapped his large hands around my neck as he roughly grabbed Alessandro from my arms.

"NO!!!!" I yelled as a wail came from my baby. The quilt unwrapped as the man grabbed him and fell to the floor. My baby was dangling in the blankets screaming. Shock entered the mans face. I felt my wolf trying take over me as she watched her pup get man handled. I grabbed the mans hand and twisted it making him cry out and drop Alessandro. I quickly raced towards him and caught him before he hit the floor. Cradling him to me I looked up at the men and growled so loud I felt the trees shake.

"Don't. Touch. My. Baby" I said through gritted teeth.

Shock was still evident on all of the wolves faces. My stance was in a defensive position in case they attacked again. The man who grabbed my baby was opening and closing his mouth making him look like a fish.

"I am so sorry. I-I thought it was something stolen" He said looking horrified at what he had done. I relaxed my body but still kept my guard. I nodded my head at him. "But I still need answers. Who are you and what are you doing on our territory?"

I sighed and looked at Alessandro. His face was drenched with his tears as he looked up at me, he snuggled in my chest. I felt my wolf growl in my head. I hushed her reminding her that our baby is okay and in our arms. I looked back up to the man.

"My name is Sasha and this is my son Alessandro. We mean harm to anyone. I didn't know this land was taken." I said formally.

The man looked at me and then at my baby. He nodded his head. My name is Jeremiah Abrahms, Alpha of the Crystal Waters pack."

My eyes nearly bulged out of my head when I heard that.

"Alpha?" I squeaked causing the Alpha to smile.


"A-are you going to kill us?" I asked quietly. The alpha looked at me.

"No, but I do have a lot of questions and you are going to answer them." I nodded my head to him keeping my gaze down so not to look him in the eyes.

"My men are no threat to you now child, but if you attack you will leave us no choice but to kill you and your son" He said in a business voice. I gulped and held my son closer to me and nodded my head.

"Okay then. Follow me, we will talk in my office at the pack house."

My heart once again went into overdrive. Is this pack just like the New Moons? I prayed to God that they werent and that they would let me go. A tear escaped my eye but I quickly wiped it away as the alpha escorted me to the pack house. I kept my head down and cradled my son to me.

Please God, please help me.

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