Chapter 4

I thought about what he said and it is true. I promised Alessandro that I would give him the life that I was never given after I was taken from my pack. I looked down at my baby and saw him snuggling into me more. I smiled and pictured him a few years from now playing around with kids his own age. He has a smile that never goes away and will melt every heart. If I stay rogue what would his life be like. We will always be on the run. He will probably be really sad and hate me because I couldn't give him the life he deserves.

I looked back up at the alpha and gave a small nod. "I accept"

He beamed at me and clapped his hands together. I stared at him slightly amused at his reaction from me accepting to be a part of the pack.

"Welcome to the Crystal Waters Pack princess" I one of the guys said behind me. I knew it was the good looking one because he called me princess. Well they were both good looking but this guy was just a little bit more and younger. The other guy looks like he can be my father.

"Daniel will you show Sasha to her new room. It will be one of the guest rooms on the girls floor" Alpha said. So his name is Daniel, it fits him I guess. Daniel smiled at me and opened the door.

"Follow me princess I will show you the way to your new castle"

I giggled at his choice of words. But I soon stopped in my tracks. I turned to the alpha who gave me a smile.

"What about Alessandro?" I asked. I need a bed for him and some clothes, food, diapers. I have been using a cloth for his diaper and that is a hassle to clean up.

Alpha Jeremiah looked at me and then my baby in my arms. "I will have one of the females in the pack take you shopping as soon as possible. Most likely my wife, she has been going crazy wanting grandchildren but my son hasn't found his mate yet."

I nodded my head. "Okay"

I followed Daniel out of the office. He took me down the steps to the bottom floor, after passing the living room and a ball room that had a door at the far end that I assumed led to the kitchen and into a small circular room that had two hall. Daniel led me down the right one. I noticed not a lot of people were in the house.

"Daniel, where is everybody?" I asked.

"The teenagers are the ones that like to live in the pack house. After they turn sixteen they are allowed to choose to keep living with their parents or come here. Most decide to come here. So right now they are all at school"

Oh. "Arent you suppose to be at school?" I asked. He didn't look no older than eighteen or nineteen.

"Yep, I was actually running late when I heard there was a rogue trespassing on our land. So I went to help out. No point in going now I missed half if the day already"

I blushed as he was talking about me. "sorry"

"Its cool. I didn't want to go anyway i heard there was going to be a pop quiz in pre-cal" He smiled. i gave him a confused stared.

"What is pre-cal?" I asked. He stopped hid stride and looked at me like I was crazy.

"You don't know what pre-cal is?" I Shook my head. He opened and closed his mouth not sure how to explain I guess.

"Its math basically. After you take a few years of basic algebra and geometry you go to algebra" He explained.

I nodded my head but on the inside I had no idea what he was talking about. I felt to ashamed to tell him to explain further. We eventually stopped at a door that was actually pretty close to the hall entrance. about 3 doors down. The walls were a cream color and littered with pictures of random people.

"He we are" Daniel said as he opened the door. I gaped as I looked around. The room was huge. In the middle was a queen size bed that had a a tan comforter with black sheets. The walls were a light moss green reminding me of the woods. The furniture was a light brown. There were two small dressers on either side of the bed with two lamps. I saw two different doors on the right side. I walked over to the closest on and it led to a average sized walk in closet. It had bars on each side with a few hanger and a dresser in the middle with shelves underneath. I walked out and into the next door. It was a bathroom. Again it was average side. Two sinks and a shower/bathtub with tan curtains. All in all this is the best room ever.

"You like" Daniel said making me jump. I gave him a sturn stare then smiled.

"I love it. Is this really all our?" I asked as I felt Alessandro move around in my arms indicating he is waking up. Daniel smiled down at me.

"Of course princess." I scowled at him.

"Why do you keep calling me princess?" He shrugged his shoulders giving me a charming smile.

"Your pretty"

I blinked at him. I have never been call pretty before. I am usually called slut, whore, slave, thing and so much more. I blushed at him then turned to Alessandro as he started to make whimpering noises. I took him out of the quilt and held him up a little so I can get a good look at him.

"Whats wrong baby boy?" I cooed at him. He gave me a pout then began to cry. I looked down and saw that he needed a diaper change. I looked at Daniel so I can ask him if there were any diapers and wipes that I can use. He was staring at Alessandro in curiosity.

"Um is there any way I can get a diper and some wipes so I can change him?" I asked. Daniels looked at me and smiled.

"Yeah, well um, I have to ask, no okay I'll be right back." He quickly left the room and I tried to stop my baby from crying. It was then I realized how filthy we both were. No doubt I was covered in dirt. My hair is greasy and I see some smudges of dirt on Alessandro.

I walked over the the bathroom and turned on the sink water and waited for it to get warm. I grabbed a cloth from the sink and clogged the sink and turned off the water when it was full. I gently took off all of Alessandro's clothes and placed him in the water. He was still pouting and every now and then he would let out a small cry, I would just coo at him and clam him down. I used some of the soap on the sink and washed his till there was no dirt. He was squeaky clean but the time I was finished. I grabbed the big towel that hung from the wrack and wrapped him up trying not to make him cold.

I heard a small knock on the door and quickly opened it to see a very pretty woman. She looked about in her mid-thirties. Her hair was long and flowed down in soft curls. Her eyes were a beautiful moss green. She had pale skin that suit her very well and had a good figure.

"Hello dear, I come bearing gift" She giggled holding up some dipers and baby clothes. I smiled at her and let her in. "Now were is the baby? Oh and my name is Maria, Jeremiahs wife"

I giggle and led her to Alessandro who was lying on the bed still pouting. I tugged his bottom lip gently and giggled at him.

"Here he is. I just gave him a bath and I am Sasha." She pulled me into a tight hug

"Oh I know sweetheart. I know"

I gave her a confused look but didn't dwell on it. I unwrapped the baby and began to put the diaper in him.

"I found some of these clothes in the attic. They were my sons from years ago. He is so grown up right now"

She had a far away look in her eyes.

"Whats his name?" I asked curious now. She looked at me and her eyes showed pride. She was very proud of her son and I know I look the same way every time I think of Alessandro.

"His name is Zephania. I fell in love with that name when I was reading the bible and I had to name my son that so I did and he is the best"

Somehow that name made a shiver go down my spine. I have no idea why but it did and I couldn't tell if it was a good thing of a bad thing. I gave her a smile either way.

Maria and I ended up staying with me and helped out with Alessandro. We ended up talking a lot. Well she did most of the talking as I didn't really want to talk about me.

"Oh dear look at the time. I have to go and make supper for the pack." I nodded my head. She walked out of my room and then turned to me when she was at the door.

"Tomorrow dear you and I are going shopping and I will not take no for and answer. We leave at 10am sharp."

I gulped and nodded. She left after that. Alessandro was laying on his stomach on the bed looking at me.

"What are you looking at?" I asked him. He smiled at me and made some baby noises. I giggled at him and began to play with him. I thought over all the event that have happened today. This morning I was a rogue and now I am part of a pack. I really need some sleep. I grabbed Alessandro and fed him making him fall asleep. I noticed a pair of clothes on the edge of the bed. They were pajamas and a pair of underwear. I sent a mental thank you to Maria and took a shower. I was drained and tomorrow I wont be any better.

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