Chapter 5

"I have warned you many times, Natalie. I can't keep letting these incidents slip by unpunished just because your dad is my beta." I looked towards my Alpha who was fuming with anger. I didn't mean to cause trouble, I only started it.

"I'm sorry, Alpha, but my anger got the best of me. I promise you it will not happen again." My Alpha shook his head and snapped his gaze to my parents. They were standing in the doorway behind me with worried looks on their faces.

"No. No." Now I was starting to get worried. All the other times I got in trouble Alpha would give me a warning, but now I have no clue. I looked into his eyes, but quickly looked down. I couldn't keep the intense gaze of the Alpha. My dad took a hesitant step forward.

"Alpha please I'm sorry for my daughter's behaviour. I know she said she won't do it again, but I promise to keep a better eye on her. I am sorry Alpha." My dad bowed his head in submission. I knew that this time was different. Usually, he would give me a long speech about what not to do, but he looked like he was thinking a different punishment. I didn't know what it was, I hope it's only a simple shunning for a week. But by the look on his face, it was going to be worse.

"I have made my decision. I am sorry for your loss." My mother burst into tears while my dad tried to remain strong. I couldn't even process what he said, my mind was completely frozen. I didn't think it would come down to my death. I felt silent tears trickle down my cheeks. I was only 18 years old and going to die. All the things I wanted to do will never be done. I always dreamt of finding my mate and starting a family together. All because of my bad ass ways, I was finally going to pay with my life.

"Alpha you can't do this to our only daughter. Ple-..." My mother didn't even get to finish her sentence before our Alpha cut her off.

"Silence! I have made my decision and I expect no one to question my decision. Now you have one hour to gather any belongings you wish to take with you. If you are not out of my territory then you will be treated as a rogue. And you know what we do to rogues who trespass our borders." The alpha stormed out of our house and it became deathly quiet. I would rather die than become a rogue. I would have to fend for myself and stay away from pack borders at all cost. Even the rogues out there scare me to death. I have never actually met a rogue before, but what I've heard about their attacks is gruesome. I haven't even been out of the packs borders before let alone for the rest of my life. However long that might be.

"Start packing Natalie you heard the Alpha orders. You have disrespected this pack and family, I expect you to be gone after you have finished packing." I was stunned at my dad's words. He had always been the type of man to be calm and gentle towards his family. I know the Alpha' s orders were to send me away, but why did he have to be so harsh. I was his only daughter for Christ sakes! Couldn't he at least be saddened by the thought of never seeing me again.

"Dad. Mom." Now the tears were flowing freely and there was nothing I could do to stop them.

"No, you have no right to call us that anymore. Now get your things before I change my mind." My dad started walking out of the house, but my mom was clutching her chest. I was in utter shock at the moment and couldn't do anything but stare.

"We cannot just leave her, Tom. She won't be able to survive out there. Please we have to help her." My mom pleaded with my father to at least try and help me out of this situation. He only shook his head and started dragging my mom by her elbow or of the house.

"There is nothing we will do for her, she brought this upon herself. Leave her to pack." My mom tried to walk my way, but my dad forcefully restrained her. I took a few steps towards her, but my dad gave off a threatening growl. I was stunned that my own dad actually growled at me. He has never ever growled at me, but I guess I wasn't his daughter anymore.

I felt like I was in a horrible nightmare, one that I couldn't escape. My wolf body felt numb and it was hard for me to process what was happening. I had to force my feet to begin walk to my room and grab out a small bookbag. I put 3 different outfits in there and some other grooming necessities. I went to my nightstand and grabbed my stash of cash I kept for emergencies. Thank you me for actually doing something responsible for once in my life.

Why couldn't I of behaved instead of been reckless? If I would have know that I would be disowned from my pack, I would of been an angel child. I wouldn't have been sneaking out to parties or get drunk all the time. I would've been more active in pack life and helped out with the cooking and cleaning. Too late for any of that.

I grabbed my pack and slowly looked around my room. It was hard to say goodbye to the only life I ever knew. I would never see my parents or friends again. My room will be vacant and lifeless until they tear it down or remodel it. I took one last look before going out to the living room. There was no one in the house except for me. I decided for my mother's sake, to write a note and leave it with them. I grabbed a sticky note and a pen and begin to write.

Dear Mom and Dad,

I am truly sorry for everything I have done. You guys have been the best parents a child could ever dream of. I'm sorry for disrespecting the pack and having to leave under these circumstances. I am not angry at you dad for making me leave. I wanted to tell you that before I leave forever. Mom. Dad, I love you and please never forget that.

Love, Natalie

I kissed the paper once before setting it down on the kitchen counter. The note was covered in tears, but it was better than nothing. This was the hardest thing I have ever done in my life. I meant everything I said in that letter, I was not one to share my emotions. I kept up walls to make sure nobody knew how I was feeling. I closed my mind link to make sure nobody could hear my thoughts.

I walked out of my house and went behind a tree to shift. I didn't see my parents anywhere so I guessed my dad dragged my mom out of the house. I thought of my wolf and felt my bones begin to shift. The next second I was shifted into my grey wolf. I picked up my pack by my mouth and started to run. It didn't matter which way I went since I was on my own. I ran as fast as I could possibly go to get away from my pack. I loved my life here and it was hard to say goodbye to my life. This place will always be my home no matter what. As I neared the pack border, my mind link was beginning to fade. I couldn't hear anybody's thoughts anymore or let then hear mine. The scents around me began to change until I was completely out of the border. I didn't smell a packs scent so I figured I was on free land. This was the beginning of my new life: A Rogues Life.

~2 years later~

"James, when do we attack." 3 months after I left my pack, a group of rogues found me. There was 10 of them altogether. I was slowly dying on my own and if it weren't for them I would have died within the week. It was hard to find any animals to hunt and the cold weather wasn't in my favour either. They accepted me and I've been with them since. They are more like family than a group of rogues in my opinion. James is the leader of the whole group and more like a protective brother over me. All of the guys were. James said and I quote, "I'm too adorable for my own good and need to be protected at all costs." That's a load of BS.

We were attacking the Blood Moon Pack. They are one of the strongest packs in the U.S. and we heard about the upcoming war with another pack I am quite familiar with. The Imperial Pack which was the pack my family and friends are in. I missed them still, but I had my new family to love and keep me safe.

These 2 years have changed me immensely. Before I was a partier and a carefree teenager, but now I'm a bad ass rogue. I don't have to listen to anybody or follow the rules. Don't get me wrong I still go to the club's and have a good time, it's just that I don't have a curfew or get in trouble for coming back drunk.

My dark brown hair is naturally curly that goes almost to my waist. I am a lot skinnier than I was before I left. My blue eyes popped more with my smoky eye makeup. I thought that when I became a rogue, I had to look the part so I began to wear makeup.

"Everybody shift!" James commanded us. We did as told and started following after James. I was excited to be going on my first attack. James wouldn't let me go the first few times, because he said I was too inexperienced with fighting. I've trained for this moment for 2 years and I couldn't be happier. I should probably be nervous or scared since I could possibly die, but I knew they had my back.

We ran together and bumped into as many trees as possible to leave our scent behind in their territory. We hadn't come across any wolves yet and I was glad. I wanted to fight, but for my first time I would rather not . They must of just finished rounds since their scents were fresh. It made me miss my old pack. I missed having the safety of my pack at home and never having to move around. I had my parents and friends to talk to...

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