Chapter 7


I still couldn’t believe what had just happened in the closet. I had barely been here an hour and already one had found me and done unspeakable things to me. I wanted to scream and run far away already. I thought maybe I could be safe from them for a little bit. I thought I was doing really well, but it all came crashing down.

I walked out of the office with a fake smile plastered on my face. I didn’t know how I could even do that. Like I didn’t have my own cum drying between my legs. I had to do it though. I couldn’t show that I was weak. I had to pretend it didn’t affect me. That he didn’t make me weak in the knees. I still could his word echoing in my head. Even after being gone for a few years, he still claimed me. That was one of the first words I heard him say.

I walked back down the stairs and out of the admissions building. I could hear my stomach grumbling a bit. I hadn’t eaten breakfast, I had been so nervous. I was scared of how today was going to go. So far, I had every right to be. I needed something to eat though. I decided to make my way to the cafe in the library that wasn’t too far away from the admissions building. It was closer than the cafeteria and I could really use a coffee as well. I didn’t sleep either much last night. I had been having a lot of trouble sleeping lately. Nightmares of them have been creeping back into my mind. I had done a great job of mostly forgetting them even if I couldn’t form a normal relationship afterward. Maybe if I could have had a couple more years without them, I could have settled for some boring guy who I could settle down with and have kids. I had had enough excitement for the rest of my life, but I had a feeling it was far from over.

I walked into the cafe and ordered myself a caramel iced latte with a blueberry bagel and some cream cheese to go on top. I swiped my card to use the points I get through the school before grabbing my food and sitting down to eat. There weren’t very many places to sit, so I sat down in the corner of the back. I didn’t want to draw attention anyway. I would hate for someone to remember me. To remember those photos that had surfaced and everyone had seen. The photos I know only four people had them because they were the ones who took them. I still to this day couldn’t believe they had actually sent them to the whole school just because I had pissed them off. I never thought they would stoop so low, but I was wrong.

“Hey Sissy,” a voice came causing me to freeze before my bagel could reach my mouth. I felt a body move next to me in the booth. “Long time no see.” I didn’t have to look at him to know a smile was plastered on his face. He got to see me again. I had come back just like he had told me I would.

“Zander,” was all I could get out as I tried to move away from him. He moved just as close. I looked around to see if anyone could see this, but of course, no one was paying attention and even if they were it would have been hard to see over the rows of booths. “What do you want?”

“To see my favorite step-sister. Theresa said you were coming back to town.”

I rolled my eyes. I should have known my mother’s big mouth would tell him I was coming back. It would only have been a matter of time before he knew. Everlasting was a small town compared to some. The campus was even smaller, but I didn’t think my own mother would be the one to tell.

I nodded as I finally took a bite though my appetite had disappeared. “That’s great. You saw me. Now go away.”

“Sissy, didn’t you miss me? I know you did.” He said as he pushed the hair away from my face. “I am so glad that you went back to your natural hair color. I never liked that silver shit.”

I shook my head. I didn’t think I would ever miss that silver hair. I didn’t really care for it either looking back, but if Zander didn’t like it that was even better.

“Yeah, it was easier to keep up with,” I said trying to ignore the shockwaves moving through me when he touched me. I shouldn’t have felt like this for him. He was my step-brother. He has been nothing but horrible to me. I could stand how my stomach always did flip-flops whenever he was around and how my heart would beat faster. I shouldn’t feel this way about him, but I couldn’t stop it.

“It looks so much better too. You were always so naturally beautiful,” he was still running his finger through my hair.

“I thought you had a girlfriend. That’s what my mom said,” I mentioned. I wasn’t jealous he had a girlfriend. Maybe I could get away from him and these feelings then if he did.

“And? Are you jealous? Trust me, she means nothing to me. Not like you do, sissy.”

His words hit my heart and cause it to skip a beat. What does he mean by not liking me? What do I mean to him besides someone he can torment?

“I should get going,” I said as I tried to push past him. He latched onto my hips and pulled me onto his lap.

“Where are you going, kitten?” He asked in my ear. His voice was dark as it deepened. He always used kitten to let me know something else was the meaning behind his words. I was moving against him to get out of his grip, but it only tighten around me. “You know I missed you so much, kitten. Why don’t you be my good girl again?” He asked.

“No,” was all I could muster out causing him to tsk softly.

“You will be. You will be all of our good girl again. Whether you like it or not, kitten.” He said his grip starting to hurt me. I tried harder to break free. He finally let go after a bit, letting me run free. I ran as fast as I could out of the cafe. I kept running not looking where I was going. All I knew was I wanted to get away. I looked back to see if he had followed me, only to run into a hard body. It caused me to fall to the ground with an oof. I looked up to see Cyrus smiling down at me. Saint and Royal coming at his sides. Shit.

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