Chapter 5
He is beautiful. He stood higher than six feet, his head was almost touching the door frame. He had dark brown hair almost black with amazing baby blue eyes and his body. Oh his body, he was wearing a black shirt with faded jeans that hugged him making his muscles stand out. His skin was slightly tanned. Hell if I died, I know now what perfection looks like from this man right in front of me.
My mate. Mine.
"What's going on here?" I voice said interrupting me from checking out my mate.
Everyone turned around at the voice and saw the alpha pair by the door holding a wide awake Alessandro.
"Oh my gosh." Maria came walking in holding my baby and looked at the room in fascination. "I have never seen his room so clean. I can see the floor!"
I laughed a little at that and felt shivers down my spine as I felt a pair of baby blue eyes stare at me.
"That's exactly what I said Aunt Maria" Dan chuckled and took Alessandro from her arms. "Hey little guy, your mommy did a really good job in here don't you think. I can't wait until she does my room"
Alessandro made some baby noises as Dan held in up in the air. Drool soon fell on his face making everyone laugh.
"Oh gross. Bad baby Al"
I laughed and took my baby from him.
"Baby Al?"
"Yeah, Alessandro can be a mouth full so Al is the next best option." Dan said smiling.
I turned to my mate, my beautiful mate and found him staring at Alessandro with a blank look. I cleared my throat a little making his eyes snap to me. Tingles ran through my body as we made eye contact. I smiled at him but never got one in return. There was an awkward silence as we stared at each other.
After about 30 seconds I decided to break the ice.
"Hi my name is Sasha" I stretched my arm out to shake his. He just looked at me then at my stretched hand a frown still present on his face.
Then he walked away. I felt my heart break a little as I saw him walk away. I dropped my hand to my side feeling my wolf howl in pain as our mate didn't talk to us or even smile at us. I wanted to cry right there.
"That was weird" Jay said looking in the direction my mate went in.
I quickly composed myself and snuggled Alessandro to me. He laid his head on my shoulder. I heard a few giggles leave his mouth. I turned around and saw Dan making funny faces while playing peek-a-boo. I let out a small laugh trying to forget the small pain in my chest.
Why did he walk away from us? Did I do something wrong?
Was is. . . was it because I have a baby?
So many different thought ran through my head as I thought about the many scenarios in my head.
"Hey princess are you okay?" Dan asked me looking at me with concern in his eyes.
"Yeah I was just thinking."
"Is it about how Zeph just walked out of here? If it is, don't take it personally. He has a lot on his plate lately hence why his room was a disaster. He will warm up to you."
He gave me a reasurring smile as I let out a breath of air.
He will warm up to me. He will accept me.
I have always longed for a mate. Before I would always stare dreamily at my parents as they acted like they were the only two people in the world when they were together. Daddy would dance with mommy even though there was no music. Mom would always giggle and blush while my dad whispered in her ear. And while I was captured, everyday I would pray to God to not only help me, but to help my mate find me and praying that he will accept me and be strong and healthy and that he will be happy. Even if he never did find me. I would always want him to be happy.
"Well then that is enough admiring Sasha's work. Lets go and get supper ready." Maria said guiding me out of the room where the scent of my beautiful mate was still lingering.
I want to see his face again and have him look at me with those gorgeous baby blue eyes that I know I will get lost in every time.
We walked in to the kitchen and I spotted a baby walker in there. I stared at it and smiled. I gently placed Alessandro in the walker and put a baby blanket behind his back so he doesn't hurt himself. His little feet didn't even touch the floor, they were dangling a couple of inches off the floor making me smile as he kicked his feet and make little baby noises.
I kisses his forehead and began to make dinner with Maria.
"I'm sorry about how my son reacted when he saw you. He usually introduces himself kindly even if he doesn't like the person."
I felt my heart clench at the thought that my mate doesn't like me. I knew I wasn't good enough. Who would want me as a mate? Hell I wouldn't. I would want some one who can read and write and do math. Some one who is beautiful and outgoing. Perfect.
I was none of those things. But one thing I am is a mother. I am the best mother I can be for my baby even if it meant that I had to ask for help and money so I can get things for him, I am trying.
"Sweet heart are you okay?" Maria asked.
I nodded my head as I tried to push the tears and the hurt back.
My mate doesn't want me.
"I'm fine Maria, just a little tired that's all"
"Oh go lay down dear, I should have been more considerate since you did take a while to clean Zephania's room."
I smiled at her. "I am going to take Alessandro with me, it's his supper time as well."
"Okay" She sighed.
I picked up my son and made my journey to my room. I couldn't get those beautiful eyes out of my head. They were consuming every thought that I did not see the figure in front of me.
We both landed with a thud. I landed in a sitting position, meaning my butt is going to be sore tomorrow.
"I am so sorry" I heard a voice say. It sounded innocent and sweet. I looked up and saw a very pretty girl who looked about my age. She had dark brown hair and blue eyes. She looked very tall considering I was on the ground. She had a round baby face and an athletic body.
"It's fine I wasn't watching where I was going" I reassured her. I pick myself up with Alessandro in my arms.
"I'm Sarah by the way" She said holding her hand out for me to shake it.
"Sasha and this is Alessandro" I laid looking down at him with a smile.
"Awe he is so adorable." She cooed.
"I know."
"So I am guessing you are knew around here because I have never seen you before and I practically know everyone."
"Yeah I am new. Alpha Jeremiah accepted me into the pack yesterday."
A surprised look came across her face.
"You were the rogue that crossed our borders."
I gave a sheepish smile. "Yep"
"Wow, Dan was wrong, you are more beautiful"
I blushed at the compliment even though I knew if it wasn't true. If I were beautiful, maybe my mate would have accepted me right away.
Mate. I already miss his. My Zephania.
"Well my dad made a wise choice to let you into the pack"
My eyes almost popped out of my head.
"You have alpha blood?"
She laughed at me. I guess I would look comical but still. Then I remembered Maria saying how she loves her children. So Sarah must be one of the twins.
"Sorry. So where is your sister?" I Asked.
"How do you know I have a sister?" She asked.
"You mom said you do. She really likes talking about you guys."
Heck I had a feeling when Alessandro grows up I will be the same way.
Sarah rolled her eyes but smiled. "She is in her room doing who knows what. We are total opposite but she is my best friend. Same goes for Zeph."
I shivered as I heard that name. I think I always will. I then felt the pain in my chest agan as I thought about how he walked away from me.
Was I really that bad.
"Hey. You okay there Sash?"
I looked over at Sarah as she looked at me with concern. I felt something wet roll down my cheek. I was crying.
I quickly rubbed my eyes and gave her a small smile.
"I'm fine thanks. I am just really tired and I have to get this little guy fed and to bed."
My voice was a little shaky but Sarah dismissed it giving me a smile and a nod.
"Okay, maybe we can hang out sometime. You, me and my sister."
I gave her a firm nod and made my way to my room. I shut the door behind me and gasped.
I totally forgot that Dan and Jay said they were going to put a few of the baby thing up. There was the crib we chose already set up with a mattress and blankets with that toy thing on the top that spins and plays a melody. The stroller and the car seat were in the corner of the room and next to the crib was a dresser. I walked over to the dresser and opened the top drawer. It was filled with baby clothes and diapers.
"Well look at that baby boy. You got your own waredrobe" I said looking down at my baby.
He looked up at me and began to fuss indicating he was hungry. I walked over to the bed and fixed up the pillows so I can sit back. I brought my shirt up and began to feed him.
I looked around my room and sighed. I should feel happy. Grateful really. These people saved me from becoming rogue for too long. They gave me a home but I feel sad.
Why did he leave me?