Part Three- Chapter 46

"How could this have happened when everything was normal?"

  • Joan Didion, The Year Of Magical Thinking.


"I want to know how the fuck that bastard is alive" I snarled the moment I entered the farm house in Elegance Pack.

Once the news of Konrad being alive reached us, we called for an immediate meeting in the Elegance Pack farmhouse. It was four in the afternoon and everyone was present here. The children too were here because their parents were too scared to leave them at home.

"Language" Vanessa admonished with a frown and I scowled at her.

"Screw language. I just want to know HOW that monster is alive. I had stabbed a sword right through his heart. RIGHT THROUGH HIS HEART" I stressed through gritted teeth. "I had pierced a hole in his heart. Stopped it from beating! Then HOW the fuck is he still alive?" I growled as my wolf bared her fangs.

"He was dead. I had checked his pulse" Granel pointed out and Cortez nodded.

"Ruben" Sel called loudly and only then I noticed him. He had changed a lot in the two years since I had last seen him. Grown tall and muscular, but he still possessed that remarkable je-ne-sais-quoi that won everyone's heart.

"What did you mean when you said Konrad cannot be killed?" She asked him.

"He cannot. I had heard my dad talking to his friends... something about him being invincible."

"Invincible?" I hissed.

"Why didn't you tell us this before?" Duncan snapped at him.

"I didn't think it was true. How can it be true? I mean invincible was too much to believe.... but now I know it is true because I met him today."

"You went to meet him?" Sel growled.

"He bumped into him" Malory corrected.

"I didn't know what had happened here. No one had told me and Konrad knew that too. He was waiting for me at the airport and asked me to greet Malory on his behalf. I thought he had hurt her or something... but she was fine and so was everyone. When I told Cortez what Konrad had told me, he was shocked and then I came to know he was supposed to be dead for you all!" Ruben said grimly.

"He is enjoying this. He has been attacking my friends too"

"He killed Nancy" Duncan said and I nodded. I saw the CCTV cameras. Nancy was her usual happy self when she came to the farm. She had been making pot-pourri when she had stiffened, turned and lost herself. That monster had hypnotized her and forced her to kill herself.

My wolf whined slowly when she thought of Nancy who was a very dear friend.

"And Katherine. Her falling near my feet the moment I step out of the building was no co-incidence. He was sending me a message" I told quietly. Two innocent people were killed by that heartless monster.

"Is he really invincible?" Malory asked shakily.

"I don't know" Ruben replied truthfully. "But she said she stabbed him with a knife. If he is alive even after that then what else are we supposed to think?"

"That there is another way" It was Quillon who spoke for the first time. He was sitting in a single couch, quietly, listening to all of us.

Every head in the room turned to look at him. "What do you mean?" Tyson asked him.

"There is a way to kill Konrad. But before that we have to figure out what went wrong the first time" Quillon said briskly and I furrowed my brows. "He is not God!" Quillon said flatly and I compressed my lips.

He wasn't. He was a devil's spawn!

"Exactly. We have to find out how he survived the first time!" Duncan agreed.

"How can we find that out?" Piper asked him. My wolf too was curious to know what was going on in Quillon's head.

"Call Vincent and Kasey. I will call Quinn" Quillon said pulling out his phone from his pocket.

I didn't understand why Quinn was needed but I had already called Vincent because I wanted to know how he didn't see this from happening. He was on his way and would be here in an hour.


While we were waiting for them to join us, I went and sat next to Quillon. "Is something bothering you?"

"Two things" he said and I waited for him to continue, but he didn't.

"And they are?"

"Konrad being alive and another... later!"

I wanted to know more but I didn't probe because he seemed really bothered by something. A few seconds passed before Quillon got up and shambled towards Malory.

Sel came and sat next to me at that moment. "Did Konrad do anything to you?"

"He scared me with his unexpected presence but other than that nothing was new" I told her wryly.

"I still don't understand how he is alive!" Tyson mumbled.

"He is no ordinary wolf" Ruben said and I raised my lashes to look at him. "He isn't completely a wolf either and you people already know that he was created. Somewhere amid all these facts lies the answer to this mystery."

"It is a mystery" Granel admitted grudgingly.


An hour later, Quinn, Vincent and Kasey were also present in the farm house. While Kasey and Quinn looked tired because of a hectic day, Vincent looked pale.

I hugged him the moment he climbed out of the car.

"He is really back?" Vincent had asked me with a gulp.

"He is. I saw him with my own eyes. Ruben met him too. How didn't you see this?"

"I have never met Konrad, Darya and hence I cannot see his future. He is just an unidentifiable object to me when I see your future" Vincent reminded me and I bobbed my head.

"You look worried" I said while we walked indoors.

"I am worried. Who isn't?" Vincent let out a grave chuckle. "When we thought things are better, this happens" he shook his head. "You do realize he is going to be worse this time?"

At this, I swallowed audibly. I knew that. Konrad is going to be worse this time. I don't know what else gifts he possesses.


"I knew it! I bloody knew it!" Quinn said loudly, which got everyone's attention. "I always knew there was something fishy about him. That is why I was telling you not to kill him."

"What is he saying?" Cortez asked Quillon with a frown.

"My wolf hasn't figured it out yet but there is more to Konrad than it seems. I am sure he has gifts that he had kept hidden from the rest of the world. Before today, it was just a doubt but now it got confirmed" Quinn said shaking his head.

"What gift?"

"What was your wolf telling you?" Tyson and I asked at the same time.

"I don't know what his gift is but it has obviously helped him survive and my wolf was always suspicious of his gifts. When Konrad came that day to our pack, my wolf had quivered in apprehension. He was scared of Konrad. Warning me not to attack him or get in his way. It is the same way my wolf behaves with Q's or Darya's wolves. Whenever they are angry, my wolf warns me not to get in their way!"

"There is more to Konrad than it looks. He is different from all of us... For fuck's sake he feeds on werewolves. So obviously there is more to him!" Vincent growled out in frustration.

"Even that day my wolf felt agitated and I kept trying to connect with Q. My instinct was telling me something wrong was happening and I wanted to warn Q not to do something hastily. But by the time I reached there... it was too late. Konrad was dead... or so we thought" Quinn finished bleakly.

"Didn't your wolf tell you anything at that time?"

"He was confused. Couldn't believe he was dead even after checking his pulse. But then everyone declared Konrad dead and I convinced myself and forced my wolf to do the same."

"So your wolf never really believed he was dead?" Tyler asked Quinn and he shook his head.

"Why didn't you tell us this before?" Sel asked him with a frown.

"He didn't believe anything was wrong. But now that we know Konrad is alive, let us also find out how he is alive" Quillon declared.


"You, you and you" Quillon pointed at Vincent, Kasey and Ruben respectively. "Along with Quinn try to figure this out. See each other's past, present, future... whatever! I don't care. Just give us an answer" Quillon commanded and my eyes widened.

Yes! That's the way. Kasey can try to see Ruben and Quinn's past and figure what their wolf has been telling them and Vincent... well, he can see what is going on in Kasey's head. The vision of their past will be her future and Vincent can try to decipher it!

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