Part Three- Chapter 51

"Because one believes in oneself, one doesn't try to convince others. Because one is content with oneself, one doesn't need others' approval. Because one accepts oneself, the whole world accepts him or her."

-Lao Tzu


Two fucking seconds.

That's the amount of time it took for me to kick Konrad away from Darya. But those two seconds felt too much!

Looming over him, I repeatedly thrashed his face in anger.

"How dare you touch her?" I snarled as I threw some more punch at the bastard who kis....

She is mine!

My mate!

Blood oozed from his nose as I kept going.

A jolt of electricity ran down my spine and my wolf trembled inside me. I got off him and dropped on the ground beside me with a loud groan. Gritting my teeth, I opened my eyes and looked at Darya, who was coldly staring at me.

Sparks of electricity was still visible from her hands and when she started to take a step towards me, Konrad stopped her.

"Stop" he said and wiped the blood from his face.

He extended his hands and Darya helped him get up. Even that was too fucking painful to see because I was lying, right next to him. Konrad stood up and twisted his neck a few times before turning to look at me.

I was about to get up when he kicked me in the stomach, hard.

"Now" he said and walked away, living me alone with Darya, who nodded and made her way towards me.

The electricity running all over hands were blue and very visible.

"Darya" I said looking at her, hoping she would recognize me. She didn't. She smirked at me and aimed all that current towards me.

It was so painful that I couldn't withhold myself from screaming in pain. My wolf trembled violently and so did I, until he finally collapsed.

"Enough" Konrad commanded and Darya obeyed.

When my wolf fell down, I rolled on to my stomach and lied in the muddy ground, completely drained of energy. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. I didn't burn to death because of my gifts.

"I don't want him to be murdered beautiful" Konrad was saying to Darya. "I want him to commit suicide" he said and one side of my lips curved upwards.

Like that would happen!

True, I was exhausted but nowhere near failure. I was recuperating so that I can kick this creature to hell.

The current Darya gave me... it could have killed a normal werewolf, but not me. It only managed to exhaust me and that definitely tells something.

At that precise moment, I started healing.

I am not like any other werewolf. I am only one of my kind and one, who never gives up. My spirit is undefeated and that is my greatest power.

My wolf growled in agreement and then I opened my eyes. The first thing I saw was a small pool of blood on the ground. It was definitely not my blood!

For a second, my eyes widened and I really thought another Konrad would emerge but then I got thinking. My first thought was obviously to wait to see if that is going to happen or not and so, I decided to wait. I clutched a handful of grass, ripped it from the roots and placed it upon the blood.

Then slamming my fist to the ground, I growled loudly earning Konrad and Darya's attention. Konrad stared at me in incredulity and Darya, with a blank expression. She still was not herself and bringing her back to herself is the first fucking thing I am going to do.

I stood up straight and wiped the mud from my cheek, while also smirking at Konrad.

"Darya had practiced it on me before" I said with a shrug and Konrad's nostrils flared. She did that twice to see how much current I can take. Nevertheless it was not this bad because she was scared of hurting me.

However now I know, that it doesn't hurt enough to kill me.

"I think it wasn't enough for you" Konrad mused.

"You really think that Darya torturing me would make me give up my life?" I asked faking disbelief and Konrad's jaw clenched. "No. I endured far worse than the current once and I survived. This in comparison is nothing" I stated shaking my head. "Make a better offer" I goaded.

Darya bared her fangs at me and I chose to ignore her. If I look at her, then my wolf will be unable to concentrate on the enemy.

Konrad turned to his right and then smirked in satisfaction. I followed his gaze and saw them... wolves. Rogues. A passel of them.

"Seriously?" I queried in disbelief.

"A necessary distraction" Konrad replied and I narrowed my eyes in suspicion. He was planning something else and I had to be prepared for that too.

The rogues surrounded me and bared their fangs which made my wolf crouch and prepare to attack. I shot them a supercilious look. These fucking wolves were nothing for me. I could tear them apart with my eyes closed!

"Is this the one coming in between your goal?" one of the rogues asked Konrad, who nodded. The wolf, who was bulky and bald, growled aggressively at me. His eyes darkened when he realized I didn't even bat an eyelid at his supposed furious growl.

"Kill him" Konrad told the rouge and my eyes flickered to him. Kill? It confirmed these rogues were indeed a distraction because Konrad wanted me to sacrifice myself not have killed. He knew very well that these rogues do not stand a chance, yet he brought them here by lying to them.

However, I am going to kill these rogues because I do not spare anyone who dares to attack me, with a cruel intention.

"You heard him boys" the same rogues bellowed and soon, the group rushed forward to attack me.

My wolf stepped forward and a growl that closely resembled an energetic roar erupted from me. Shocked, the wolves stepped back with fear evident in their eyes.

However the bulky one, who I guess is also the leader of this little gang, desperately wanted whatever Konrad promised him and hence, he growled back at me, which just made my wolf see red. He commanded them to attack me and the others did as told.

Four came forward first and moving in swift celerity, I tore their limbs apart before they could even realize it. The others gasped loudly and one of the rogues puked all his lunch out when he saw it.

The leader however, seemed unfazed and with his head motioned four more to come.

To send a clear message to the rogues I tore their skin apart and pulled out their organs. I knew I was swifter and powerful for them, because no one was prepared for me.

Growling, I dared the others to come. The leader commanded two more but they shook their head in fear. Baring my fangs, I attacked them.

One by one I killed them. When they ran, I chased them and then slaughtered them. My wolf was seething because these distractions were wasting his time and all he wanted to do was get rid of them.

I didn't count. However, I suppose there were almost sixty of them.

I smashed fifty-nine like the flies they were but the sixtieth one, the leader, I kept him for the last so that he could see what was coming for him.

When the fifty-ninth one fell amongst the heap of bodies, with his guts pulled out, I turned to face the leader and was met with his back.

Kornad rolled his eyes when he saw that.

However, I chased the leader who came to a dead halt when I stood in front of him. He had turned pale and his eyes betrayed his fear. He shook his head and pleaded mercy. I was beyond reasoning and without an ounce of guilt, I decapitated him.

Later, I kicked his body and growled sadistically daring anyone else to come. Some cowards might have run... I wouldn't know.

I stopped growling when I heard clapping sounds. My wolf stepped back but didn't waver from his aggressive stance as I looked at Konrad.

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