Part Three- Chapter 56
"Maybe it's not as clear-cut as that. Maybe it's the very presence of one thing – light or darkness – that necessitates the existence of the other.
Think about it, people couldn't become legendary heroes if they hadn't first done something to combat darkness. Doctors could do no good if there weren't diseases for them to treat."
- Jessica Shirvington.
I have never felt so horrible like I did at the moment, watching Ekon's lifeless body. Knowing that I was the cause of it made me lower my lash in guilt.
"How could I do that?" I whispered against Quillon's chest as he ran his hands through my hair. "How could I?" I repeated unable to believe myself. What had come over me at that moment?
"It was the right thing to do" Quillon said and I shot him a shaken look of reproach. Right thing? Killing Ekon? He was a good guy!
Before I could disagree, I heard Konrad growling. Pulling away from Quillon, I stared at Konrad in apprehension.
Slowly, he placed Ekon's hand on the ground and then growling, he stood up with his back to us.
"You killed my friend" Konrad hissed and I flinched visibly, while I felt Quillon's grip on my arm tighten aggressively. "Now, I will show you how that feels."
Gulping, I lowered my lashes and when I raised them Konrad was gone from my sight.
"Oh! God! What did I do?" I said lowering my head and covering my face with my shaking hands.
I am not a cruel person, yet I did this! How am I going to face Meryl?
"Darya... no!" Quillon said and tugging my wrist, he forced me to drop my hands from my face. "I understand you are upset but you did no wrong" Quillon added and I simply stared at him, wondering how could he say that?
"Ekon made his choice Darya. He was the sacrifice!"
I didn't expect that word to be associated with Ekon and so, I hitched my brows in bewilderment.
"His sacrifice helped me see things clearly" Quillon added and held my hands in his own. That's when I felt it... the grief. The change of emotion in Konrad! I had sensed it earlier, but I thought it was my own... never in the world thought that Konrad would grieve for Ekon!
I always thought of him as emotionless and he...
"That's what!" Quillon said and I looked at him in surprise.
"He was made to be bad" I stated what I understood for the first time ever. Konrad isn't bad. His creators were and their blood is running on his veins. That's what makes him the way he is.... So evil. This evil can spread and I am going to stop it before it pollutes the air around me.
I think, it was at that crucial moment, which actually changed my mind set. I came to finally accept that I am not going to kill Konrad, but I am going to stop him.
Quillon nodded and I took a deep breath as he wiped my tears.
"Your friend Vincent has been rescued" Quillon said after sometime and my eyes widened before I closed my eyes and let out a sigh!
"He found out something" Quillon added and I waited for him to continue, "I have a plan" Quillon said and in two minutes, he explained to me what I had to do and how I had to do it.
"You understood?" Quillon asked softly and I nodded. "Let's go" he said and then extended a hand for me to hold.
I took it and stood up. But then lowered myself and placed a kiss on Ekon's forehead. "I am sorry" I whispered even though I knew the words wouldn't ever bring him back.
I then surrounded his body by fresh flowers and then placed a white rose in his hand. As I closed my eyes, a drop of tear fell on the rose.
"He is going to get a proper funeral" Quillon stated from beside me and I gulped.
"He deserves nothing less."
I ran after Konrad, knowing exactly what to do this time around. This time, I cannot let anger or madness rule me.
He had entered Supreme Pack and he and his clones had already torn almost twenty people apart by the time I saw him.
Standing straight, I growled murderously and watched as Konrad tore a fully grown man into half before snarling murderously at me. The sight scared me, yet I managed to stay composed.
I could already feel Quillon behind me and he was snarling repeatedly at the clones.
They made the first move... the two clones started rushing towards us, their footsteps loud thuds on the ground.
My wolf arched her back, ready to attack but my eyes widened when just a few steps away from me, one of the clone turned itself invisible. The other one went to attack Quillon, while I just looked blankly until I felt sharp claws on my skin.
I twirled but the clone still managed to create a large gash.
I could feel it around me, but I couldn't understand where exactly it was!
Quillon on the other hand was really getting a good upper hand because he was repeatedly bashing the clone.
Gasping, I lowered myself to the ground and clutched my thigh when I got scraped there by the invisible clone. Gritting my teeth, I stared at the ground and that's when I felt it... the clone was pacing around me, testing me.
I clenched my fists and let my own claws pierce my skin. That action brought tears to my eyes and I let the first drop touch the ground. The clone picked me up and threw me, but I didn't open my eyes. Instead, as I lay on the ground, I let another tear drop roll from the corner of my eye and touch the ground.
As more and more drops touched the ground, it rained and that is when I got to my feet and looked up. The clone probably thought it was invisible but I could clearly make out it's gigantic figure through the thick sheets of rain. As it ran towards me, I could also see the creature's footsteps on the muddy ground.
Though I was prepared for it, I pretended to be unaware and then, stood staring sightlessly until the last moment. That is when the clone tried to attack me, I held it's hand and then raised my leg high to kick it in the face.
Knowing that it was caught, the creature turned visible again. But my wolf and I was fuming and so, I repeatedly hit it on the face, on the chest and on the legs.
The evening sky was covered by thick and dull grey clouds, which illuminated occasionally by the sharp lightning bolt, accompanied by the ferocious thunder.
As the fight went continued, I was clearly winning and so was Quillon. The creature he was fighting against, looked almost dead.
Konrad realized it two and on his one command, both the clones sprinted towards him.
"You can take them down when they are alone, but can you take them down when they are with me?" He asked grinning sadistically and I watched as Konrad spread his hands and pulled his clones towards him.
My lips parted and I took in as much oxygen as possible to my lungs when I saw Konrad and his clones, joining to form a single creature. The new monster was almost ten feet in height and it had three heads, two hands and two human legs. The three wolf heads were growling murderously as their fangs were dripping blood.
The new monster bore resemblance to the creature I had read about... Cerberus. The multi-headed hound.
Now, I found out what Isadora was planning to recreate!
"Can you now find out, which one is the real me?" Konrad asked and then my eyes rounded when the heads moved around in a quick, confusing way. I couldn't tell which among the three the real Konrad was anymore.
'Quillon?' I called his name in a whisper.
'The real one is the only one who can talk' Quillon filled in and knowing that bit was a huge relief.
"Doesn't matter. Today, all of you are going to hell" Quillon bellowed and then lunged at the monster!
Quillon jumped high and then twirling, he kicked the creature in the chest and then punched one of the heads. But the creature was too big because it caught Quillon and before it could dig it's claws on his chest, I used my gift of air and pushed it backwards.
Quillon dropped to the ground, but stood up just as quickly.