Chapter 9
I remember Brenda telling something about Raven and some friends coming. I didn’t pay much attention because of the whole Cortez thing.
After breakfast, I began cleaning the living room. Glass pieces were broken on the carpet and I collected them in the dustpan. Mumbles was pacing in the living room and I locked him inside my bedroom so that he wouldn’t get hurt by those pieces. He was barking and banging the door repeatedly but I didn’t open it until the living room was cleaned.
I was done around eleven-thirty and since I didn’t have to cook lunch, I decided to catch up on some studying. I am going to have my internals next month and so… why not be prepared?
As I was pondering what subject to study, I realized that I needed two new note books. I had written Friday’s notes in paper and I didn’t want to repeat that on Monday, hence I picked up my two-wheeler’s keys but that meant I should leave Mumbles with Brenda, who might be busy. So, I decided to take one of Cortez’s cars.
I smiled as I started driving, I wasn’t allowed to drive this whole week and now when the wind used to fan my air a happy feeling coursed through me. Cortez had banned me from driving two-wheeler but not cars, I thought happily. Mumbles sat in the passenger seat poking his head out of the window. I gently rubbed his back and smiled.
I still didn’t know the streets of this pack well but Sonya had taken me to an ice-cream parlor last Sunday and she showed me some routes. This was a human area and she told me it was safe.
I parked the car in front of a large complex where there was a book shop in the first floor. As soon as I entered it, I realized I need a lot more things than merely two note books.
As I was wondering which color stick note I should pick, I heard someone clearing their throat. Thinking it wasn’t meant for me, I ignored it. Sighing, I decided to pick up the blue stick note. My eyes widened when I felt a hand on my shoulder. I turned around to glare at the person and my breath got caught in my throat as my eyes met the familiar hazel colored ones. All the things I was holding slipped through my fingers and dropped on the floor. It was the rogue, the rogue whom I had saved almost a month ago.
Oh No! Oh No! OH No!
“Hi” the rogue said grinning while I stared in shock. I couldn’t move. I was frozen in my spot. “Remember me?” he asked the grin never leaving his face. He looked perfectly alright, healthy and I was glad that I could save him that day. Since I didn’t to have want any contact with him, I pretended like I did not recognize him.
Yes! I remember you but I am never going to admit that.
“Uh…. No, no” I lied and shook my head.
“You saved my life remember?” he asked me.
“I di-did no such thi-thing” I said.
“It was you, I remember you. I owe you my life” the rogue said and I blinked. Once. Twice.
“No… I don’t know y-you” I managed. The rogue was silent for a minute and he scanned my face. I looked away bothered by his stare.
“It was you” he said again and I gulped.
“No” I said and bent down to pick my stuff.
“Oh! Sorry about that” the rogue said and bent down to help me. He handed me my books and I took it with shaky fingers.
“No… no problem”
“So, you were not the one who helped me?” the rogue asked through narrowed eyes and I shook my head. “Oh Well! I just wanted to tell the girl who actually helped me that her kiss was amazing” the rogue said and I looked at him in disbelief.
“I did not kiss you” I said in outrage and closed my eyes shut as I realized what I just did. Stupid! Stupid Malory.
“I so knew it was you” the rogue said laughing and I scowled. Great! A rogue too can catch me when I lie.
“Whatever” I said and turned around.
“Hi…. I am Ruben” the rogue introduced himself. He was friendly, I knew it and so I felt somewhat comfortable with him even though I shouldn’t, especially with a rogue. “Thanks for your help that day. Most pack wolves wouldn’t have done that” the rogue said, his hazel eyes showing the sincerity in his words. I merely nodded.
“I have been searching for you from the past month to thank you” the rogue, Ruben, said while I was picking up pencils. “At first I thought you belonged to Sinew and then Regal. I was actually hoping I wouldn’t find you here” Ruben said and I narrowed my eyes.
“I… I belong to this pack” I told him and he nodded.
“I figured that out” the rogue said. “May I know your name?” Ruben asked me and I thought about lying however looking at his friendly smile and innocent eyes I told him my name. “Cute. Just like you” he said and I rolled my eyes.
Someone is in line to be the next Cole Parker.
I was looking for the highlighters with Ruben following me. “You do know rogues aren’t allowed here. Don’t you?” I asked him and he was silent. I turned to look at him and found him frozen.
“I know that” Ruben said and swallowed audibly. “Which is why, I didn’t want to enter this pack” he said and I knew he was scared. “Pink?” he asked me when I picked a pink highlighter.
“I like pink” I protested and Ruben rolled his eyes heavenwards. “Then why did you come here?”
“I told you, I had to thank you” Ruben said his smile back in place. “Besides, I wanted to… finish what I couldn’t do that day” he said raising his eyebrows suggestively and I narrowed my eyes.
“Don’t even think about it” I snapped with a growl. “I have a mate. In fact, he is the Alpha of this Pack” I said proudly. There was complete silence for a whole minute with Ruben just staring at me with shock.
“You-You are Cor-Cortez Moreland’s m-mate?” Ruben stammered and I nodded. “Fuck” he muttered staring at the ground. He then looked at me and blinked. “Fuckityfuck” he said and I frowned.
“What’s wrong?” I asked him.
“He killed my father” Ruben said and my eyes widened.
“Cortez ki-killed your father?” I asked him and Ruben nodded. I gulped and closed my eyes shut for a second. I know Cortez had killed wolves but still for me, hearing it was painful. “When?” I whispered.
“Last month. Elegance Territory” he said and I gulped. Elegance Territory. It was Cortez’s pack. “I lost my dad and my brother is missing ever since than” Ruben said.
“He- he has his reasons” I told him dismissively. Even though I said it like that, the information was like dropping a huge rock on my head. I knew why Cortez had attacked that day, but it was only part truth and the other part, he wasn’t willing to share. It still hurt that Cortez kills many family wolves. According to me, no innocent should be killed.
“I know” Ruben said and I looked at him in disbelief. “My father was a bad man and he made sure my brother will be his successor in all his bad deeds” His father was a bad man? Not an innocent? His brother?
“Are you….” I cleared my throat because my voice was croaky. “Are you looking for y-your brother?”
“No” Ruben scorned, “That piece of shit will take care of itself by feeding on others blood”
“Why are you talking about your brother like that?” I asked with a frown.
“Because he is a piece of shit” Ruben said, his smile long gone and hatred in his eyes and tone. “I am done helping him. I don’t want to have any relationship with that insane creature” he said with a growl.
“You shouldn’t talk about your brother like that. He is your family” I scolded Ruben when I was paying money in the counter