Part two- Chapter 9

“If you have good friends,

no matter how much life is sucking,

they can make you laugh.”

― P.C. Cast


Fifteen minutes later, I was still pacing in the living room of Sel’s apartment waiting, for her and her father. It was making me as well as my wolf anxious. Claudia, her mom was flipping pages of a magazine curiously. She had asked every possible question a mother could ask. She openly stated her unhappiness at the thought of my dad not handling me the title when I was 18. Her quote was, “Not what I expect from an Alpha as strong as Abraham” she said disappointed. Believe me; I used to think the same.

“What is taking them so long?” I asked out loudly.

“Uhm… they are talking about the recent episode of some serial in discovery channel” her mom said smiling at me and I frowned. “I have been hearing what they are saying” she said grinning.

It was true. When I tuned in to hear, Sel was happily explaining to her dad about the production of glass. I sighed and slumped on the couch.

“Funny aren’t they?” Claudia asked chuckling and I nodded. “I told you. She can never be angry with her pa”

“Yeah” I said because it was evident from inside. My cell phone started ringing and it was a call from Chris. “What?” I asked picking up the call.

“Sorry for disturbing you, but we wanted to inform you that we are going to visit the hotel where the murder took place” he said.

“Okay, I will be there soon” I said and cut the call.

“You have to leave?” Claudia asked me and I nodded.

Just then the room door opened and the father and daughter came outside. “You are still there?” Frank, her dad asked scrunching his nose.

I ignored him and walked towards Sel. “I have to leave for work” I said and she nodded.

“I will walk you out” she said and walked with me towards the door.

“How did your old man convince you?” I asked in a slow murmur, which was obviously audible to her dad because he growled.

“My pa" she said frowning at the old man part. “Well, he promised to come out with us today” she said grinning.

“Where are you going?”

“Amusement park” she said clapping her hands happily. “I haven’t been to one in a long time” she said and it worried me that she was going without any guards.

“Oh don’t worry. My pa’s guards will be around us” she added noticing my tensed look.

“Okay, just call me if you need anything okay?” I said and she agreed. “Good” I said. I then pulled her towards me and smashed my lips against her soft ones, before she could protest. There was a loud growl from her father but I ignored it. Pulling away, I pecked her lips once more and turned to look at her father.

“She is my mate and you have to get used to it because I will be kissing your daughter again and again Alpha Norwood” I said smirking and walked out of the door after smiling warmly at her mom.

“The nerve of that arrogant son of a bitch” her dad screamed when I shut the door. I laughed loudly when I heard Sel and her mom screaming for him to stop.

I made my way towards the hotel room where the two wolves were murdered yesterday. Chris, who was already there, walked beside me. “I have enquired the woman, Emma. She is a human” he said and I nodded for him to continue.

“She doesn’t remember anything” he said slowly and I stopped in my tracks. “Said that she was cleaning the floor when someone hit the back of her head” he added.

“Nothing?” I asked and he shook his head in disappointment. Damn! I really hoped she could have given us some clue. O is clever and planned it well.

“I tried pressing her but all she did was bawl” Chris said scrunching up his nose in disgust.

“Leave it then” I said and he approved. What’s the use of such witness?

I entered the hotel room where they were murdered yesterday. Jackson was already in the room along with Vernon. They bowed their heads when they saw me. “What did you guys find?” I asked them.

“As usual nothing” Jackson said in a bored tone and I growled at him.

I looked at the room carefully. There was a small single bed in the corner of the room close to the window. There was an attached bathroom. There was also a table and two chairs in the room. The room was cleaned now. The police had taken the dead bodies to investigate the murder, but I knew they will find nothing because it was done by wolves.

“I have taken some photos before the police arrived” Nick said and all of our heads turned in his direction.

“Where is it?” I asked him.

“In the car. I will get it” he said and rushed out.

“Fox told me that, there was no chip in the main plug which meant it was removed after their work was done” Vernon said while I sat on the bed.

I was thinking how the hell those wolves got inside the hotel until it flashed to me the way he jumped out of the window. I still remember him; he was as tall as me and well built. Curse me for not seeing his face. When I tried remembering his face, I could recall he had an old beard which I bet was fake and used to cover his identity because it just looked unusual to him.

I just regret not being able to have a proper look at his face. If only I had, then he would be dead by now.

Pushing aside the curtain, I looked out of the window. “They could have gotten in from the window too” I muttered to myself. This was fucking irritating, not having any clue except that stupid locket.

“Alpha” I heard Nick calling. He walked in and handed the folder with the photos. I opened the envelope and removed the photographs.

The first one was of their bodies which were lying on the floor with their necks twisted. The second one was of the coin, that was found in Bill’s hands. Next was of the table, where there was a stack of playing cards next to the few alcohol bottles which was obviously taken by the police for checking. The cards were distributed equally, which meant that they were in a game.

“Looks like the rogue and Bill were buddies” I murmured handing the photo to Vernon. “Did you collect any information about Bill?” I asked him.

“No Alpha. It’s Sunday today” he said lowering his lashes.

“Fine, I want it by tomorrow night” I said and he nodded.

The fourth one was of the bed where the covers were slightly crumpled and the curtains were open along with the window. Bingo. My guess was right some had escaped through the window.

The fifth was of the rogues face, they not only had their necks twisted but also grazed in the throat with claws.

The last photo was of the guitar in the corner of the room, the strings of which were broken. It was unusual because it looked like someone had pulled those strings off roughly.

I tried mentally making a picture of how this murder took place. The victims sitting and playing cards. The guy who dressed up as cleaner knocking the room door and coming in instead of Emma. The other buddies joining him either entering through the door with him or through window. Some small fight might have occurred or due to anger someone might have ripped those strings before murdering them. That is what made sense now because the motive was still unknown.

“Everything was planned to minute detail” Vernon said. “It’s like they scanned the entire area perfectly. They must have known, how to enter, how to exit, who will be targeted” he said and slumped on the chair.

I couldn’t help but think of Tyson who was here yesterday morning for a drink. I recalled the way he was typing something in his cell occasionally sipping the drink. I faintly remember him looking around the area while typing.

Was he involved in this? He did look scared to death when Sel was stabbed.

I shook my head to wipe out the disturbing thought. No, it couldn’t be possible. He was worried about Sel because she is his sister……. Or may be he was guilty of hurting her.


This cannot be. His father too was killed by O, damnit, and he obviously cannot be involved. No. NO. I convinced myself and tried to remove that suspicion out of my head to the best.

I knew more and more thoughts would pop in my head if I keep thinking about this. I needed a run.

“I want detailed information about everything before tomorrow night” I ordered to my pack members before walking out of the room.

“Duncan?” I heard a familiar voice calling me, when I was about to open the front door of my car.

Turning around, I smiled at Aunt Isadora “Hi”.

“What are you doing here?” she asked me smiling warmly and walking towards me.

“Uh… I just came here with fellow pack members” I lied. “What are you doing here?” I asked her.

“I know you have already heard about the murder but one of them was a teacher in the school” she said and I nodded. “He was a good man” she said softly. I decided to find out more about Bill then.

“Aunt, do you keep a record about all the staffs?” I asked her and she looked at me with confusion.

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