Part two- Chapter 13

“ I think that most people would

rather face the light of a real

enemy than the darkness of

their imagined fears.

Max Brooks


I couldn’t stop growling after I came to know the truth about Cortez Moreland. He is either O himself or is associated with O. He was involved in the attack on Sel.

He cocked his head to the side as if he was scanning me and then curved his lips to form an evil grin. I snarled at his behavior.

As soon as I had heard the sound of the whistle, I knew he was allied to O but knowing it was Cortez Moreland made me furious. He is Sel’s friend and he came to see her after she was stabbed, when all this time he knew who stabbed and hurt Sel.

I can’t believe that guy. He was the guy who stole Emma’s uniform. The guy that got into the she-wolf’s back. There was nothing to deny it now. It was him. Cortez Moreland.

Closing my car door forcefully, I glared at him. Cortez stood rooted in his spot and continued flashing that irritating smirk. When I was about to cross the street and beat the shit out of the guy, a huge truck appeared out of nowhere which forced me to step back. The truck took its own sweet time to come to an halt, and by the time I walked past it, it had given Cortez Moreland enough time to disappear from the place where he was standing and smirking. Only his car was present in the parking area.

Crossing the road swiftly, I got into the parking area. Closing my eyes and taking a deep breath, I tried to trace his scent. Since he had just disappeared his scent was detectible.

I opened my eyes and looked at the direction where he had escaped. He had turned and ran towards the backyard of the hotel, where he had jumped and crossed the compound wall. I ran through the same track as his.

I followed his tracks and I had to admit the guy was fast. I was running in the exact track as his which was now in the middle of the woods.

I opened my mind link for my pack and connected with Vernon. ‘Yes Alpha’ I heard him saying.

‘It’s Cortez Moreland. He is involved with O. Go to his room and check every nook and corner.’ It was a good thing that Cortez was in the same building as I was.

‘Alpha Cortez Moreland?’ Vernon asked with disbelief.

‘Yes. But don't spread the news around' I growled.

‘I will do it Alpha’ he said and I blocked him from the link.

Running through Cortez's tracks, I stopped when I reached the road. His scent was faint and I knew someone helped him with a ride. Probably that she-wolf or the guy who stabbed Sel.

I don’t know how but I couldn’t trace which direction the car went too. Taking a deep breath I tried again when some intoxicating floral scent hit me. Scrunching up my nose, I frowned. I frowned because my wolf was finding some serenity in the scent. The bastards had sprayed some perfume and it infuriated me but my wolf was attracted to the scent.

I still found it hard to believe that Cortez Moreland was involved, but there was nothing to deny it. He himself might be O if not one of his minions. He killed my dad also the other Alpha’s, stabbed Sel, and killed Bill. What was he trying to do? What was his goal?

I assumed O is a rogue but this… I don’t know what to make out of this.

Why was he murdering innocent people?

Does anyone else know about him? Does Granel know about him?

Does Aunt Isa know?

The guy was too close for me to notice. “Fuck” I growled running a hand through my blond hair which was now a mess.

He was Sel’s friend, Granel’s business partner, Raven’s brother. He was close to many people I cared about. Fucker was close to Sel and that bothered me more than anything. I took deep breathes for few minutes, to calm myself.

I needed to see Sel. I needed to see her and make sure she is Okay. I will not let her get hurt again.

‘Nick’ I called through the mind link. ‘Is Sel, still in the building?’ I asked him.

‘Yes Alpha. I am near the parking lot and Luna is in the building. I can sense her. She is here since morning’ he said.

‘Stay alert and inform me if you find anyone suspicious coming into the boarding school. Chris and Jackson will join you soon’ I told and ordered Chris and Jackson to go and guard Sel along with Nick in the school until I arrive.

Strange thing, I was expecting O to be called O because I thought his name would start with O.

I lost him. I couldn’t believe I lost him twice. I needed to find and kill Cortez Moreland. That was the only thing going on in my head.

Holding the branch of a tree, I growled loudly before ripping it from the tree and throwing it away.

In a flash, i shifted into my black wolf. I looked at my clothes, that were now in shreds on the ground along with the dried leaves. I needed to hunt. My wolf was pissed about the whole thing and he needed something to vent the anger upon. So, I ran deeper into the woods.

I don’t know which track I was running in but when I was a little far, I noticed a black wolf with green eyes and another brown wolf with golden eyes far away. Whose territory did I enter into?

This wasn’t the Supreme Pack territory and I was sure about that. There was something odd about this place. The brown wolf spotted me and he growled lowly at me.

I knew, it was time to go back and so I snapped my teeth at him once and then turned on my tracks. I ran as fast as I could and knew that I needed to be out of this territory as soon as possible because I had a faint suspicion that I had entered the Elegance Pack territory.

“Stop right there, Alpha” I heard a gruff voice asking me.

Bringing my foot to an abrupt halt, I stood in my tracks and turned to glare at the person. A well-built man in his mid-thirties, stood wearing his trousers and glaring at me, with green eyes and sandy blonde hair. He was holding some clothes in one hand and he held the other in a tight fist. There was a strong aura coming from him and my wolf disliked him instantly because he had an off vibe about himself.

“Shift back” he said and I snapped my teeth at him. “You are in my territory, Alpha” the man said and immediately two guys came and stood behind him. I rolled my eyes and he gritted his teeth.

“Since you are an Alpha, I assume you follow rules of the pack and you must know it is a duty of the wolf to reveal themselves when they are caught by other pack” he said throwing me the shorts he was holding. I held it between my teeth and walked behind a tree.

“That rule applies to pack, not rogues” I said as soon as I shifted back. Wearing the black shorts, that he has given I came front and turned to face the man, who was smirking at me.

“We are a pack now Alpha Duncan Rhoades and I am Alpha Leo of the Rogue Pack. We are a pack now and we follow some rules of a pack, which is why we are not attacking you. We treat our guests well” he said puffing his chest and I gave him a blank look. I didn’t care how he knew my name because he was a rogue and rogues keep tabs of every such thing.

My wolf disliked every one of them and he wanted to kill them all.

“Not to me. To me you are the same bunch of rogues who destroyed the Elegance Pack” I said growling and holding my hands in a tight fist. His green eyes travelled below and stayed at my fists for a while. When he looked up at me he smirked again.

“What if I say one of your kinds, An Alpha, asked me to do that?” Leo asked me cocking an eyebrow and I growled at him. He was lying, he was lying and I knew that. “I am speaking the truth Alpha Rhoades” he said as if sensing what was going on in my head. The two men who were standing behind him smirked after he said that. “We were assigned to do it and then we were rewarded richly” he said spreading his arms.

“So, before you point a finger at me, do remember that I work for an Alpha” Leo said with clenched jaws and I narrowed my gaze at him.

“Like I am going to believe that” I snarled and turned on my tracks. But then I thought maybe he was working for Cortez who may or may not be O however, that hunch proved wrong when Leo opened his mouth to speak again.

“I know you are hunting for O” he said from behind which forced me to stop on my tracks. “That is why your mate was attacked, wasn’t it?” he asked and I turned to glare at him. This rogue keeping tab on Sel, on my mate was not appreciated by me. “I am hunting for him too” Leo said growling. “He has killed many from my pack” he said holding his hands in a tight fist again.

“I was involved in destroying Elegance, but I am not involved in killing your father or any other Alpha” he said and then rubbed his fingers on his beard. “So, what do you say Alpha?” he asked me.

“Piss off” I snarled and walked ahead. I needed to get out of here before I kill any one of these filthy mutts.

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