Part two- Chapter 20

“This is part of what a family is about, not just love. It's knowing that your family will be there watching out for you. Nothing else will give you that. Not money. Not fame. Not work.”

― Mitch Albom, Tuesdays With Morrie


When I reached the large gates of the apartment building Tyson was already there waiting for me holding my clothes. I held the cloth in between my jaws and marched into the woods.

“Where is Darya?” I asked him once I was dressed. I needed water because I was panting.

“My place” he said. “You went to meet him?” Tyson asked me and I didn’t reply. My silence gave Tyson the answer he needed and a low growl escaped from my chest. “Did he hurt you?” Tyson asked after few minutes of silence.

“No” I lied.

“When are we leaving?” he asked me.

“In ten minutes” I told him and he nodded. We were now climbing the stairs to our place.

“Wait a minute, where is your car?” Tyson asked me.

“I left it in his pack” I said without looking him in the eye. Tyson seemed to get the message because he didn’t question me anymore. “Did you find anyone suspicious?” I asked him and he shook his head.

“So far, none but Granel is still in alert. He will inform us if anyone tries to follow us” Tyson said and I bobbed. I really didn’t want anyone following me or Darya when we go back to my pack.

“I will be back in ten” I said and pushed open the door to my apartment. The apartment, I am leaving now. I had stayed in this place for nearly six months now and I had fallen in love with this place but staying here more would only mean harm to Darya and I didn’t want that.

Sitting in the edge of my bed, I drank the water from my bottle. I looked at my arms that had no trace of what Duncan did to me but that didn’t mean what he did hurt less. While running back to the Supreme Pack territory, I tried my best to push his thoughts away but it didn’t work at all. When I felt a drop of tears fall on the back of my left hand wrist, I realized I was crying. I was a crying a lot these days. It’s like I had gallons of tears stored inside me.

I was wiping my tears when I felt someone gazing at me intently. I turned my head and saw Darya standing near the threshold of the door looking at me with worry.

“Hey” I said and waved at her. She didn’t reply but just continued staring at me. I shook my head, stood up with my back to her. “You done packing?” I asked her and again she didn’t reply but continued staring at me. I didn’t dare look at her eyes because it reminded me of the person I didn’t want to think about, at least now.

“Where is he?” she asked me and I turned to face her.

“Where is who?” I asked innocently.

“Duncan” she said and I smiled at her.

“I told you he is out of town for a few days but he-”

“You are lying” she said cutting me off. “He left, didn’t he?” she asked me and I gulped.

“No, Darya. It was vital and that is why he had to leave” I told her but she shook her head.

“I know you are lying, Orseline. You don’t have to do this. You have done a lot for me but please don’t lose your mate for me” she said.

“Darya” I called her but she shook her head and took a step back.

“I may die with guilt if you do that” she added with a gulp. “And I would prefer to die from those rogues hands than dying with guilt” she said and then left the room.

“Darya” I called her again but she was gone.

Shaking my head, I took a deep breath. I needed to get out of this place.

I took a quick shower and changed into a blue jean shorts and an orange and grey striped t-shirt. I paired it up with my favorite orange canvas. Brushing my hair, I tied it into a pony tail and then applied a little mascara and lip gloss. I didn’t want my parents to have a panic attack when they see me. They will be able to sense my gloomy mood but I didn’t want them knowing what had happened between me and Duncan. I will explain to them, in time, but not now.

Picking up my hand bag as well as my duffle bag, I walked towards the parking lot where Tyson and Darya were waiting for me. I had asked Raven, Granel and Cortez to not come say bye because I didn’t want them being doubted just in case anyone was keeping tab on us.

I know Granel would lie to Isadora about me leaving the school in the middle of the year and I was okay with it.

I sat in the backseat alone while Darya sat in the passenger seat at front besides Tyson who was driving the car. “All done?” Tyson asked us and both of us nodded.

Darya was busy hearing music from her iPod while Tyson was focusing on the road. For me, looking at the scenery outside the window didn’t help and so I closed my eyes and drifted into a sleep since I was lacking that.

“Sel wake up” I heard someone saying but I chose to ignore it. “Sel” the same voice said tapping my arms and then with great difficulty I managed to open my eyes. I found Darya staring at me and I furrowed my brows.

“We are about to reach soon” I heard Tyson saying and I sat up in my seat.

“Dear goddess” I mumbled when I looked outside. The sky had turned into shades of orange and purple. The sun had already set. I checked the time and it was close to seven in the evening.

“We crossed your pack?” I asked Tyson and he nodded.

“Yep. Tyler and Vanessa are going to come home for dinner” he said.

“Hmm” I said rubbing my eyes. I looked at Darya who was back to hearing music from her iPod.

“My little bear” I heard my ma greeting me as soon as I stepped out of the car.

“Ma” I said and rushed towards her open arms and hugged her tightly. I didn’t realize how much I needed this, how much I needed my ma to hug me and say everything is going to be okay. That Duncan is going to come back.

It was impossible to stop the tears after I hugged her. Ma stiffened all of a sudden but I didn’t dare break the hug. “It’s alright bear” I heard ma whispering to me while running her fingers gently on my hair. I knew she sensed that something was wrong with me.

Sniffing, I slowly pulled away from her and saw her looking at me with confusion. I tried my best to smile at her but I couldn’t. “Little bear” I heard pa calling and I ran to hug him.

“I missed you pa” I told him. They had come to visit me two weeks ago after that fake stabbing incident. I had felt very bad at having them worry about me but Tyson almost panicked after I got stabbed so he had immediately called and informed my parents.

“I missed you too little bear” pa told me. “Why are you crying? Did that mate of yours do anything to you?” he asked me and I shook my head. I just couldn’t tell them. They would be very disappointed with me after they come to know I am O.

“Where is Duncan?” ma asked.

“He is out of town for a few days” Tyson piped in and I was grateful for that.

“Come on let’s go inside” I heard ma saying when I was wiping my tears. I saw Jane who was hugging Darya. Darya was giving in on the details to her about her life in the school and I smiled. The bond between Darya and Jane never weakened.

“Umm… Ma, you go inside. I have to talk to Zach and Tina” I told her. Zach and Cristina and few other members of my pack were also there along with my parents to greet me.

“Little bear” both said in unison and bowed at me.

“Hi” I said and smiled. “I hope everything is going well?” I asked and both nodded. “Any traces of rogues or anything?” I asked Zach, my beta. I had been calling once in every two days to ask about the pack but still I wanted to know if it is really fine.

“None. Everything is going well in the pack since the last time we were attacked” he said.

“Okay, good” I said. “But I need you all to be alert. Ask the team that guards the territory to stay alert. I don’t want any attacks” I said and both nodded. “Where’s Lory?” I asked referring to Zach’s cousin sister, Malory who is my good friend other than Tina in the pack.

“She is in her dance class” he said. Since Lory and I were of the same height, well she is an inch shorter than me but she isn’t ready to accept that, we would always be in the first row while dancing.

“Oh” I said and took a deep breath.

“Little bear, are you okay?” Tina asked me. I looked at Cristina’s green eyes and nodded.

“I am fine” I muttered a reply.

“You don’t look okay” she said concerned etched in her face.

“Just tired from the journey. I will be fine” I said rubbing my temples.

“Well, congratulations on your mate” Zach said grinning and I faked a smile.

“Thanks” I mumbled. “I will see you guys tomorrow” I said and turned to walk into the house.

“Congrats” I heard Cristina saying and I smiled looking over my shoulder. If only they knew.

I had just changed into a t-shirt and a short when someone knocked my room door. “Come in” I said and a smile spread on my face when I saw Vanessa poking her head through the door. “Hi” I said and she walked inside.

“I missed you” she cried and hugged me which I returned.

“I missed you too” I said and then noticed Tyler who was standing behind her. Unlike Vanessa he didn’t have a happy face. He was staring at me with… pity. The look confirmed to me that he knew what happened between me and Duncan.

“You just called me once that you found your mate and after that there was nothing. Tell me everything. I can smell his scent on you” she said grinning.

“Umm… Baby, she has not yet unpacked. Let her do it and then you talk to her” Tyler interjected and I smiled at him.

“I can help” Vanessa said looking at him with a small frown.

“Vanessa” Tyler said a slight warning in his tone and she pouted. He closed his eyes and ran a hand through his face. “I need to talk to little bear” he said with his eyes closed. Vanessa turned to look at me, all the happiness wiped off from her face.

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